CUCM 12.5 Data Dictionary

Table NameColumn NameDescription
aardialprefixmatrixDefines the assigned digits to prepend to dialed digits to specified from and to AAR neighborhoods.
dialprefixThe prefix digits to use for automated alternate routing within this AAR group.
fkaarneighborhood_fromSpecifies the AAR Neighborhood from which a call is being made. Inserted by trigger.
fkaarneighborhood_toSpecifies the AAR Neighborhood to which a call is being made. Inserted by trigger.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
aarneighborhoodAutomated alternate routing (AAR) provides a mechanism to reroute calls through the PSTN or other network by using an alternate number when Cisco CallManager blocks a call due to insufficient location bandwidth.
nameLogical name of the AAR group
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
activationcodeActivation codes for endpoints
codelowerSpecifies encrypted second part of the activation code)
codeupperSpecifies encrypted first part of the activation code)
expiretimeDenotes the expiration datetime of the activation code.
fkdevicePkid of the Device
fromgdstrue indicates activation code came from GDS.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
activationcodetbrActivation codes for endpoints - codes are inactive and ready to be released (TBR). Activation codes are inserted to this table when deleted from activationCode table
codelowerSpecifies encrypted second part of the activation code)
codeupperSpecifies encrypted first part of the activation code)
expiretimeDenotes the expiration datetime of the activation code.
fromgdstrue indicates activation code came from GDS.
gctimeDenotes the gabage collection time.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
advanceddeviceconfigparamsDefines the product specific configuration for devices in key-value format
fkdevicePkid of the Device
paramnameSpecifies the parameter key name (corresponding to flatten XML tag name)
paramvalueSpecifies the parameter key value (corresponding to flatten XML tag value)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
alarmconfigRecords alarm settings per node (server) per service per monitor. These records are inserted at install time.
enablealternativelogEnable Alternative Logging for the Alarm Settings from Syslog Server.
fkprocessnodeserviceSpecifies the node/service combination for this alarm configuration.
monitorstatusTrue if this monitor is on.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
serverApplication managed container for remote syslog destination server information. No DB format support, validation, or special migration.
tkalarmseverityThe alarm severity.
tkmonitorThe type of monitor (event log, sys log, etc.) being configured.
alarmmonitorcapabilitiesUsed to determine which monitors are allowed with each service. These records are inserted at install time.
enumA number to identify the record
alarmusertextUser defined text for alarms
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
alternatenumberStores the Enterprise and E164 numbers linked to a directory number (from Numplan table).
dnderivedDerived value of directory number
dnormaskSIP alternate number, may be a mask.
doroutebyroutestringIndicates whether other clusters may route to this URI or number using route string.
doroutelocalIndicates whether the alternate number may be used for routing on the cluster on which it is defined.
fknumplanThe directory number to which the alternate number belongs.
fkroutepartitionThe partition to which the URI belongs.
isaarIndicates whether this number is valid for dialing on the PSTN.
istemplateDistinguish the Universal Line Template with the real alternate number.
isurgentIndicates whether the alternate number is urgent.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkglobalnumberFunctional classification, applies only to TEL URI.
analogaccessThis subclasses the device table for analog access information not in the Device table.
fkdevicePoints to the device record being "subclassed." Device.tkModel must be analog access.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tktrunkselectionorderIE. Bottom up or top down.
analogaccessportAnalog access ports associtated with an analog access Device.
attendantdnFor Ground Start and Loop Start ports, enter the number to which you want incoming calls routed; for example, zero or a directory number for an attendant.
calleriddnIf specified, use this for the CallerID.
e164dnE164 Directory Number
expecteddigitsEnter the number of digits that are expected on the inbound side of the trunk. For this rarely used field, leave zero as the default value if you are unsure.
fkdevicedevice::tModel must be analog access
inboundcalleridenableIf true, CallerID is enabled.
numdigitsEnter the number of significant digits to collect. Cisco CallManager counts significant digits from the right (last digit) of the number called. Use this field for the processing of incoming calls and to indicate the number of digits starting from the last digit of the called number that is used to route calls coming into the PRI span. See Prefix DN.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
portnum1-8 For Vega; 1 for MGCP_STATION; 1 for MGCP_TRUNK and tkDeviceProtocol=AnalogAccess
prefixdnThe prefix digits that are appended to the digits that this trunk receives on incoming calls. The Cisco CallManager adds prefix digits after it truncates the number in accordance with the Num Digits setting.
sigdigitsObsolete - NumDigits is always used. Flag to allow only certain amount of digits.
smdiportnumberUse this field for analog access ports that connect to a voice-mail system. Set the SMDI Port Number equal to the actual port number on the voice-mail system to which the analog access port connects.
timer1In Milliseconds
timer2In Milliseconds
timer3In Milliseconds
timer4In Milliseconds
timer5In Milliseconds
timer6In Milliseconds
tkcallingpartyselectionSource of the calling party number: originator = 1, first redirect = 2, last redirect = 3
tkdigitsendingDTFM, MF, etc.
tkpresentationbitCLID presentationBit: allowed = 1, restricted = 2
tksilencesuppressionthresholdin dbm0
tkstartdialprotocolImmediate, Wink Start, etc.
tktrunkThe type of trunk. (Ground Start, Loop Start, DID, POTS, E&M)
tktrunkdirectionInbound, outbound and both are valid Directions. Outbound equates to DOD. Both only allowed on Ground Start (GS)
xmlProduct specific configuration XML not used by CCM
apdiscoveryscheduleTable to store the sync schedule information of Wireless LAN Controller or Cisco Prime Infrastructure
fkapdiscoveryserverAP Discovery Server with which the Schedule is associated.
intervalvalueIntervalValue combined with Schedule Unit determins how often to sync (e.g., every 2 Days or every 12 Hours).
nextsynctimeTimestamp when next synchronization should happen for related WLC.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkscheduleunitSchedule Unit combined with IntervalValue determines how often to sync (e.g., every 2 Days or every 12 Hours).
apdiscoveryserverTable to store the information of Wireless LAN Controller or Cisco Prime Infrastructure
descriptionDescription for Wireless Controller name.
lastsynctimeTimestamp when last synchronization started.
nameHost name of Wireless LAN Controller. Could also be FQDN or IP Address
passwordUser Id password in v3 mode are stored in an encrypted format.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
snmpprivacypasswordThe SNMP privacy password in v3 mode are stored in an encrypted format.
syncnowSyncNow field is used to trigger a synchronization request for the related WLC.
tksnmpauthenticationprotocolThe authentication protocol in v3 mode
tksnmpprivacyprotocolThe privacy protocol in v3 mode
tksnmpversionDefault value is 2c. In this mode we rely on community string setting.
tksyncstatusStatus of synchronization for the related WLC.
useridorcommunitystringHolds either SNMP Community string in v2c or UserId in v3 mode.
applicationdialruleHolds Dial Rule Info.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkapplicationdialruleThe type of Dial Rule. (Basic, Directory)
applicationuserSpecial Application users of CCM system. These users will not show up in a list of users shown to a customer
aclallowreplaceWhether SIP header replacement allowed
fkmatrix_presencePkid for Presence Group Matrix record. This is required for extension mobility. Appuser table does not need this because appuser cannot do extension mobility.
isstandardCreated during installation.
nameRecords inserted by install.
passwordreverseUsed for digest authentication
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
userrankRank of application user. Access control groups assigned to the application user should be either of equal or lower rank. Required reference to enum column of parent record in table UserRank
applicationusercapfmap1-N relation between App User to CAPF
instanceidTo distinguish multiplicity for a single user.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
subjectnameSubject name of the certificate
tkcertificateoperationCertificate Operation
tkeckeysizeEC Key Size(bits) for ApplicationUserCapfMap table
tkkeyorderKey Order for ApplicationUserCapfMap table
applicationusercapfmapdynamicFrequently updated settings for Application User CAPF settings
fkprocessnodeThe server to which this user, with this certificate, has opened a CTI provider.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
applicationuserdevicemapMaps controllability between App Users & Devices.
descriptionApplicationUser-entered description of a controlled device (allows Unicode).
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
applicationuserdirgroupmapSimilar to UserGroupMap to group ApplicationUser into a DirGroup
isstandardIf standard set true during installation. Standard groups are only modifiable by installations.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
applicationusernumplanmapTo keep M-N relation between App User & NumPlan
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
appserverDenotes the various Application servers that a CCM communicates with
administrationurlUsed to create a link to the Administrative application for the AppServer
enduserurlUsed to create a link to the EndUser application for the AppServer
fkprocessnodeAllows an application server's settings to be associated with a specific server in the cluster
ipaddrIP Address of the App server.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
appserverapplicationusermapThis table will hold the relationship on the CCM side between application server and application user used to log into application server
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
appserverinfoContains info pertaining to App servers
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
availdialplanAvailable DialPlan table
availableversionVersion number of the Dial Plan installer
descriptionDescription of the Dial Plan (e.g., North American Numbering Plan)
dialplanName of the Dial Plan (e.g., NANP)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
systemdialplanUnique ID of the Dial Plan as it appears in the DialPlan table (DialPlan.pkid)
axlchangenotifyclientLists all applications that can subscribe for AXL Change Notification.
bitmapTo store the unique value for each client.
clientnameName of the application that can subscribe for Change Notification.
networkidNetworkID of Client.
pkidUnique ID for the table.
pollingstarttimeTime from which Notification will be monitored.
subscriberidSubscription Unique Id whose value would be between 1 and 10.
axlchangenotifysubscribeMaps each AXL Change Notify Client to the subscription type.
fkaxlchangenotifyclientUnique ID of the AXLChangeNotifyClient.
pkidUnique ID for the table.
tkchangenotifysubscribeDetermines the class of Change Notification subscription : 0=User,1=Line,2=Phone.
batfileinfoInformation of BAT Files
datecreatedDate when the file is uploaded
enduserUser who created this job
isfilefoundDate when the file is uploaded
nameBAT File Name
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkbatfunctionFile Transaction
batfileinfojobmapMapping of Fileinfo and job
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
batinputdataInput data other than csv files
dataInput Data for BAT Jobs
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkbatfunctionType of Input Data
tkbatusageType of Input Data
batinputdatajobmapMapping pf BATInputData and Job
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
batjobJob submitted via BAT
descriptionDescription of the Job
enduserUser who created this job
fkdeviceTemplate Information is provided from this device
fkenduserTemplate Information is provided for this User
fkmgcpTemplate Information is provided from this MGCP
fknumplanTemplate Information is provided from this DNorPattern
frequencyjobendDenotes when a recurring job ends
jobidunique ID to track Jobs.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
scheduleddatetimeDenotes the job schedule time.
sequenceA number to resolve job execution order when they are scheduled together.
submitdatetimeDenotes when the job is submitted
tkbatjobstatusHolds the Status of the Job
batjobresultsResults of BAT Jobs
fkbatjobJob for which the results are displayed
isfilefoundStatus of the Job
launchdatetimeData time when job is started
logfilenameName of the log file
numrecordsfailedNumber of Records Failed
numrecordsprocessedTotal Number of Records processed
numrecordstotalTotal Number of Records processed
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkbatresultstatusStatus of the Job
billingserverOff cluster billing server
enablecdroffloadingIf set to false, CDRs are not offloaded to that particular billing server
hostnameFQDN or IP
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resendonfailureTells CDRM whether or not to send CDR/CMR fiiles after FTP connection is restored.
selorderorder of server
tkbillingserverprotocolconf Bridge location
blfdirectedcallparkBusy lamp monitor entries for Directed Call Park feature
blfindexThis field identifies the Directed Call Park Monitor button on the phone (for example, 1, 2, 3, or 4).
labelThe text that appears for the BLF Directed Call Park button (allows Unicode).
labelasciiA safe version of the BLF Directed Call Park Button Label using only English letters (a to Z) and punctuation.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
blfspeeddialKeeps line status of internal DNs
blfdestinationThis is the number or url that the system dials when the user presses the speed-dial button.
blfindexThis field identifies the speed-dial button on the phone (for example, 1, 2, 3, or 4).
blfsdoptionbitmaskA Bitmask comprised of valid combinations of values from TypeBLFSpeedDialOption (0 or 1 in this release)
fknumplanpointer to dn and partionion if null use destination
labelThe text that appears for the BLF Speed Dial button (allows Unicode).
labelasciiA safe version of the BLF Speed Dial Button Label using only English letters (a to Z) and punctuation.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
blockingcsslookupCUBA: To store a mapping between allowed calls and blocking CSS detailsS
allowcallparkcheck for callpark
allowcallpickupcheck for callpickup
allowemergencycallscheck for emergency calls
fkcallingsearchspaceReference to CallingSearchSpace
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tkcosroutingreference to cosrouting
callerfilterlistList of allowed or blocked callers for Mobility
fkenduserOwner of CallerFilterList
isallowedtypeFalse = Blocked; True = Allowed
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
callerfilterlistmemberMembers of CallerFilterLists
dnmaskDN mask (allows 0-9, *, #, mask character X and +). Pattern can start and end with wildcard character (!)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
callforwardalloverrideFor DNs where forwarding is ignored allowing calls to ring through while a DN is forwarded (CFwdAll)
callingpartynumberCalling Party Number for which calls should not be forwarded
fknumplanNumPlan record for DN to which Override is applied (the forwarded line)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
callforwarddynamicFrequently updated settings for Call Forward All
cfadestinationCall Forward All (not a pattern)
fkcallingsearchspace_cfaCall Forward All
fkcallingsearchspace_scfaSecondary Call Forward All
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
callforwardhistorydynamicTo store the last 5 Call Forward destination DN updates done on a line
datetimestampUniform Integer representation of the most recent time that the corresponding DNOrPattern was used as a forward destination for the associated line
dnorpatternIndicates the CallForward DN associated with a line for a given timestamp
fknumplanRepresents the line on which Call Forward was updated. This field is intentionally marked as NOT cascade delete since its a CUBA table
pkidUnique identifier for the record
callingsearchspaceFor Dial Plan - devices call to a calling search space made up of route partitions.
clauseOrdered list of colon separated RoutePartition Names via CallingSearchSpaceMember
descriptionDescription for CallingSerachSpace.
dialplanwizardgenidThis record created by DialPlanWizard
nameUnique name
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkpartitionusageDefines use of CSS (Intercom or other)
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
callingsearchspacememberLists the RoutePartitions in a Calling Search Space.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sortorderGaps in SortOrder are allowed - not rebuilt on delete
callmanagerLists every CallManager in the system.
ctiidTrigger set on insert. Try to keep number as small so reuse missing numbers. This value is used by CCM to identify itself to other CCM applications on other servers in the cluster.
descriptionDescription of the Cisco CallManager.
ethernetphoneportCisco CallManager uses this TCP port to communicate with the Cisco IP Phones on the network. Accept the default port of 2000 unless this port is already in use on your system. Ensure all port entries are unique. Valid port numbers range from 1024 to 49151.
fklbmgroupLBMGroup associated to a node. LBMGroup assigment is optional as long as LBM service is running locally on UCM node
fkprocessnodeSelect the server where this Cisco CallManager is installed.
mgcpkeepaliveportCisco CallManager uses this TCP port to exchange keepalive messages with its associated MGCP gateway. Accept the default port of 2428 unless this port is already in use on your system. Ensure all port entries are unique. Valid port numbers range from 1024 to 49151.
mgcplistenportCisco CallManager uses this TCP port to detect messages from its associated MGCP gateway. Accept the default port of 2427 unless this port is already in use on your system. Ensure all port entries are unique. Valid port numbers range from 1024 to 49151.
nameName of this CallManager.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
sipoauthmraportCisco CallManager uses this port for secure SIP communication with MRA devices registered over Expressway. Ensure all port entries are unique. Default port value is 5091. Valid port numbers range from 1024 to 49151. Port 999999 is reserved for scenario when no port is available to be opened as SIPOAuthMRAPort.
sipoauthportCisco CallManager uses this port for authenticated communication with end points (Jabber) connecting over SIP protocol. Ensure all port entries are unique. Default port value is 5090. Valid port numbers range from 1024 to 49151. Port 999998 is reserved for scenario when no port is available to be opened as SIPOAuthPort.
sipportCisco CallManager uses this port to communicate with the Cisco IP Phones on the network for SIP protocol. Accept the default port of 5060 unless this port is already in use on your system. Ensure all port entries are unique. Valid port numbers range from 1024 to 49151.
sipsecuredportCisco CallManager uses this port for secured communication with the Cisco IP Phones on the network for SIP protocol. Accept the default port of 5061 unless this port is already in use on your system. Ensure all port entries are unique. Valid port numbers range from 1024 to 49151.
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
callmanagergroupUsed for redundancy and rehoming of devices
nameName of the CallManager group.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tftpdefaultWhether this Cisco CallManager group is the default Cisco CallManager group when auto-registration is enabled. Note : Each Cisco CallManager cluster can have only one default auto-registration group.
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
callmanagergroupmemberOrdered membership of CallManagers in CallManagerGroups
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
priorityCallManager Groups are made up of an ordered list of from one to three CallManagers. This field orders the members of the group. There is no requirment for a member in a group to be at priority 0. Nor is there a requirment that the priorities be sequential within a CallManager Group.
callparkTable for storing CTI ID for ParkDNs
ctiidSerial Unique ID for CTI
fknumplanCallPark number in NumPlan
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
carrierselectcodedetailsCUBA: Code details for particular carrier
fkcarrierselectprofileReference to Carrier Select Profile entry
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tkcarrierselectcodeReference to TypeCarrierSelectCode
valueReference to TypeCarrierSelectCode
carrierselectprofileCUBA: Profiles for different carriers
descriptionDescription for CS Profile.
nameUnique name
pkidUnique identifier for the record
carrierselectprofiletrunkmapCUBA: Mapping between Profile and Trunks
fkcarrierselectprofileReference to Carrier Select Profile entry
fkdeviceindirect from DeviceName
pkidUnique identifier for the record
ccaprofileThis profile contains CCA-ID, Softswitch ID, Object Class field, Subscriber Type field, SIP Alias suffix, Sip User Name field suffix made configurable.
ccaidThe LDAP server that stores the Directory Number Alias records uses this field to appropriately authorize subsequent updates of the records in the LDAP Database. The Directory Number Alias server will only allow update operations on a record originating from the CUCM cluster that originally added the record by identifying the CUCM Cluster Identifier set in this field.
ccaprofile_idUnique id to CCAProfile which would be use in numplan table
objectclassThis field when configured specifies the object class in the LDAP Routing database to which the Directory Number record will belong to when the Directory Number is pushed by the DN Alias Sync server
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
primaryccasoftswitchidThe LDAP server that stores the Directory Number Alias records uses this field to appropriately authorize subsequent updates of the records in the LDAP Database. The Directory Number Alias server will only allow update operations on a record originating from the CUCM Primary Soft Switch that originally added the record by identifying the CUCM Primary Soft Switch Identifier set in this field.
secondaryccasoftswitchidThe LDAP server that stores the Directory Number Alias records uses this field to appropriately authorize subsequent updates of the records in the LDAP Database. The Directory Number Alias server will only allow update operations on a record originating from the CUCM Secondary Soft Switch that originally added the record by identifying the CUCM Secondary Soft Switch Identifier set in this field.
sipaliassuffixThis field when configured specifies the prefix that is added to the full Commericial number before it is stored in the SIP Alias field in the LDAP Routing database.
sipusernamesuffixThis field when configured specifies the prefix that is added to the User ID field before it is stored in the SIPuserName field in the LDAP Routing database.
subscribertypeThis field when configured specifies the Subscriber Type in the LDAP Routing database of the Directory Number when the Directory Number is pushed by the DN Alias Sync server
ccdadvertisingserviceprofileCall Control Discovery Advertising Profile for Call Manager
fkccdhosteddngrouppkid of Hosted DN Group
fkdevice_ictpkid of ICT Trunk
fkdevice_sippkid of SIP Trunk
fksafservicespkid of the row in the SAFServices Table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleReset toggle CCD service
ccdhosteddnCCD Hosted DN Pattern
descriptionDescription of the Time Period, up to 128 characters including Unicode
hostedpatternThis is the Dn to be advertized
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pstnfailoverprependdigitsThis is a PSTN Failback Prepend Digites
pstnfailoverstripdigitsPSTN Failover Strip Digits
usedforpstnfailoverUsed existing hosted DN for PSTN failover
ccdhosteddngroupCCD Hosted DN Group
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
namename of the Hosted DN group
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pstnfailoverprependdigitsThis is a PSTN Failback Prepend Digites
pstnfailoverstripdigitsPSTN Failover Strip Digits
usedforpstnfailoverUsed existing hosted DN for PSTN failover
ccdrequestingserviceprofileCall Control Discovery Receiving Profile for Call Manager
fkroutepartitionpkid of Route Partition
fksafservicespkid of the row in the SAFServices Table
learnedpatternprefixThis is a Prefix
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pstnprefixThis is a Prefix
resettoggleReset toggle CCD service
cdrmconfigSimilar to process config for CDR
cdrrepmgrhostaddressCDR Repository Manager host IP address string in textual presentation
cdrrepmgrhostnameCDR Repository Manager host name
diskallocationin Megabytes
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
windowsizenumber of days of CDR files to preserve
certificateCertificate Information
issuernameName of issuer
pkidUnique ID to identify Certificate record
serialnumberhex representation of serial number
servernameName of the server
subjectnameName of subject
tkcertificatedistributionType of certificate.
certificatehashmapCertificate Hash Map
fkcertificateReference to Certificate record
pkidUnique ID to identify certificatehashmapdynamic record
certificateprocessnodemapCertifiacte Process Node Mapping
fkcertificateReferences Certificate Record
fkprocessnodeassociated processnode
pkidUnique ID to identify CertificateProcessNodeMap record
servernameName of the server
certificateservicecertificatemapMaps each certificate service to its respective certificate
fkcertificatePkid of the Certificate for the corresponding Certificate Service
pkidUnique ID to identify a CertificateServiceCertificateMap record
tkcertificateserviceThe enum value of Certificate service defined in the TypeCertificateService table
certificatetrustrolemapCertifiacte Trust Role
fkcertificateReference to certificate
pkidUnique ID to identify CertificateRoleMapDynamic record
tktrustroleReference to typetrunstrole
cloudheartbeatdetailsTable to store the heart beat details for cloud operations.
clusteridThe cluster id is to unqiuely identify this cluster on Cisco Cloud.
heartbeaturlURL for Cisco Management Agent Service to send heartbeat to Cisco Cloud services.
miscellaneousThis field stores all the micellaneous urls that are needed to access Cisco Cloud.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
cmcinfoContains the authorization information for Client Meta Code
codeAll Digits
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
codeclistThis table documents the existence of a named, ordered list of the codecs supported by the system. Records marked as IsStandard are not eligible for user modification nor are their associated member lists eligible for user change.
descriptionLocalizable description of the Codec List.
isstandardIndicates whether the Codec List is Standard or not. A Standard Codec List is not eligible for user modification nor its associated member lists eligible for a user change. Created during installation. 2 Standard Codec Lists - Lossy,Low-Loss.
nameName of the Codec List supported by the system. Records marked as isStandard are not eligible for user modification nor are their associated member lists eligible for a user change.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
codeclistmemberThis table records the ordered set of codecs for each defined CodecList. Records associated with a CodecList which is NOT IsStandard may be re-ordered.
fkcodeclistUnique ID of the Codec List. Identifies the Codec to be a Lossy or Low-Loss Codec.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
preferenceorderDetermines the preference of Codec within a single Codec List. The same Codec in two different lists (Lossy and Low-Loss) can have different preference order in both the lists. The preference order can be changed by the user.
tkcodecDetermines the type of Codec. Refers to the Codec supported by the system.
commondeviceconfigUsed for DeviceMobility. Have user oriented fields.
calreferenceuser can assign confidential access level value to the group of devices
fkmlppdomainThis is the MLPP domain associated with this profile. If this field is blank, this devices using this profile inherit the MLPP domain from the value set for the MLPP Domain Identifier enterprise parameter.
fksoftkeytemplateThis is the softkey template that is associated with the devices using the profile.
holdpartynetworkholdmohaudiosourceidThis is the audio source to use for music on hold (MOH) when the network initiates a hold action.
holdpartyuserholdmohaudiosourceidThis is the audio source to use for music on hold (MOH) when a user initiates a hold action.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkcalmodeuser can assign confidential access level mode to the group of devices
tkipaddressingmodeIndicates the IPaddressingMode of device, ipv4, ipv6 or both type of IP addresses
tkipaddressingmodeprefcontrolIndicates what IP type device should connect to UCM if device has both IP's availab
tkpreemptionThis setting specifies whether devices using the profile and capable of preempting calls in progress will use the capability when the devices place an MLPP precedence call. Note : Do not configure a profile with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful.
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tkstatus_allowipv6duplicateaddressdetectionAllow Duplicate Address Detection for CommonDeviceConfig.This parameter determines whether the duplicate address detection should be performed on each of the addresses in any identity associations(IAs) it receives in the Reply message before using that address for traffic.
tkstatus_ipv6acceptredirectmessagesAccept Redirect Messages for CommonDeviceConfig.This parameter provides an ability to accept or ignore the redirect messages.
tkstatus_ipv6replymulticastechorequestReply Multicast Echo Request for CommonDeviceConfig.This parameter allows the phone to enable or disable the ability to send an Echo Reply message in response to an Echo Request message sent to an IPv6 multicast or anycast address.
tkstatus_mlppindicationstatusThis setting specifies whether devices using the profile and capable of playing precedence tones will use the capability when the devices place an MLPP precedence call. Null means uses enteprise value. Note : Do not configure a profile with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful.
tkstatus_viprenabledIs ViPR enabled on this device common config
tkuserlocaleThis is the locale that is associated with the phones and gateways using the profile. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users, including language and font. Note : If this is null, the locale that is specified in the Cisco Unified CallManager clusterwide parameters as Default User Locale applies.
usetrustedrelaypointIndicates whether Trusted Relay Point should be used if available
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
commonphoneconfigCommon Profile Information (only applies to SIP intially)
fkfeaturecontrolpolicyFeature Control Policy Record
fkvpngroupReferences VPNGroup Record Null allowed, null by default
fkvpnprofileReferences VPNProfile Record Null allowed, null by default
fkwifihotspotprofileReference to WiFi HotspotProfile.
isstandardWhether it is standard
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
sshpasswordSSH Password
tkdndoptionType of call handling while DND is enabled (0=Ringer Off, 1=Call Reject); depends on product support
tkphoneservicedisplayIdentifies which services are displayed for a button (services, directories, messages): Internal, External, Both, or Default (use Enterprise Parameter value)
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tkstatus_alwaysuseprimelineDetermines off-hook behavior of phones with active calls present
tkstatus_alwaysuseprimelineforvmDetermines Voice Message retreival behavior of phones
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
zzbackgroundimageaccessis background Image Access Enabled
zzunlockpasswordunlock password
commonphoneconfigxmlXML configuration for Common Phone Config
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
xmlProduct configuration XML not used by CCM
componentversionRPM versions of components
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
confidentialaccesslevelAccess level and Text selection
enumunique identifier for ConfidentialaccessLevel
nameUnique name given to this specific Confidential Access Level
confidentialaccesslevelmatrixSelection Resultant based upon incoming and outgoing CAL level
confidentialaccesslevel_inIncoming confidential access level which would be assigned to device or trunk or line
confidentialaccesslevel_outOutgoing confidential access level which would be assigned to device or trunk or line
confidentialaccesslevel_resultResolved confidential access level from the incoming and outgoing confidential access level
enumunique identifier for Records of the confidential access level matrix
corsdomainCross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
descriptionDescription of the CORS Domain.
isfullaccessIf true then is full access, else read only
nameSpecifies the Domain for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
credentialAuthentication information and policies for App and End Users
cantchangeA flag indicating whether the user can set this credential.
credentialsThe PIN or password, for a user. The credentials are stored in an encrypted format.
credmustchangeA flag indicating whether the user must change their credentials (PIN or password) at the next login.
doesntexpireA flag indicating whether this user credential will expire, and therefore the user must change the credential periodically. However, if the credential does not expire (value = "1"), the user still may change the credential (if allowed by CantChange).
fkapplicationuserThe unique identifier of the Application User to which this credential belongs.
fkcredentialpolicyThe unique identifier of the CredentialPolicy that is associated with this credential.
fkenduserThe unique identifier of the End User to which this credential belongs.
imsinfoInformation used by IMS to encrypt data
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
timeadminlockoutThe date and time that the credential was locked by an administrator.
timechangedThe date and time when the credentials were last changed. The date and time is recorded in this column whenever a user credential is created or changed.
tkcredentialThe type of credential such as password, PIN, Windows or Domino credential.
credentialdynamicFrequently updated settings for Credentials
datetimestampTime value for last change (for replication conflict resolution)
fkcredentialParent record for which this record holds the dynamic settings
hackcountThe number of logons attempted that failed due to invalid credentials. The Unity system or external authentication provider determined that the credentials supplied as part of a user logon attempt were invalid.
lastsuccessfulloginipLast successful login IP address
lastsuccessfullogintimeTime value for the last successful login reported by IMS
lastunsuccessfulloginipLast un-successful login IP address
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
previoushackcountThe number of logons attempted that failed due to invalid credentials
prevlastsuccessfullogintimeTime value for the previous last successful login reported by IMS
timehackedlockoutThe date and time that the credential was locked due to too many hacks. The date and time is recorded in this column whenever a user credential is locked due to too many hacks based on the credential policy.
timelastaccessedTime value for the last access of the credential (create, read or update)
timelasthackedThe date and time of the last logon attempt with an invalid user credential.
credentialhistoryStores past credentials for enforcement of password history restrictions (non-reuse)
changeidA historical index of credential changes. Allows the fetching of the last 'n' credentials, if desired.
credentialsThe credential, e.g., PIN or password created by this change. Credentials can be an encoded PIN or password.
fkapplicationuserThe unique identifier of the ApplicationUser object for which this credential change occurred.
fkenduserThe unique identifier of the EndUser object for which this credential change occurred.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
timechangedThe date and time the credential was created or changed.
tkcredentialThe type of credential such as a password or PIN.
credentialpolicySettings for enforcement of credential policy (password strength, expiration, etc.)
displaynameThe unique text name (e.g., "Administrator Password Policy") of the credential policy to be used when displaying entries in the administrative console, e.g. Cisco Unified CallManager Administration
expirywarningdaysNumber of days prior to Credential Expiring that warning message should be presented to the user. A value of 0 means no warning is given.
hackresettimeThe length of time (in minutes) after which if no failed logon attempts occur, the count of failed logon attempts is cleared
isstandardIndicates installed standard Credential Policy - cannot be modified or deleted
lockoutdurationThe length of time (in minutes) that a user who is locked out must wait until they can attempt to access the system again with this credential. A value of "0" means the user is locked out until the credential/account is unlocked by an administrator.
maxdaysThe maximum number of days before the credential must be changed. A value of "0" means the credential will never expire.
maxhacksThe maximum number of failed logon attempts (hacks) before action is taken. A value of "0" means an unlimited number of logon attempts (i.e., no lockout) are allowed.
maxinactivedaysThe number of days after which a credential is disabled if not used. A value of 0 means the credential is never disabled because of inactivity
mincharstochangeThe minimum number of characters change between old and new password.
mindurationThe minimum number of minutes that must pass from the time of the last change before the credential can be changed. A value of "0" means that there are no restrictions on how often the user can change the credential.
minlengthThe minimum number of characters or digits (PIN) required for the credential.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
prevcredcountThe number of credentials to store. A value of "0" means that a new credential is not compared with previous credentials; thus a user can reuse a credential.
trivialcredcheckingA flag indicating whether to check against trivial credentials for extra security; True = check to make sure credentials are not trivial; False = do not check for trivial credentials (check length and valid characters only)
credentialpolicydefaultSpecifies the default CredentialPolicy for each combination of user and credential type
cantchangeA flag indicating whether the user can set this credential.
credentialsThe default PIN or password for new credentials. The credentials are stored in an encrypted format.
credmustchangeA flag indicating whether the user must change their credentials (PIN or password) at the next login.
doesntexpireA flag indicating whether this user credential will expire, and therefore the user must change the credential periodically. However, if the credential does not expire (value = "1"), the user still may change the credential (if allowed by CantChange).
fkcredentialpolicyThe default Credential Policy for new credentials of the specificed type (credential and user)
imsinfoDefault Information used by IMS to encrypt data
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkcredentialUsed in combination with type of Credential User to establish a default
tkcredentialuserUsed in combination with type of Credential to establish a default
crsapplicationApplication specific data for CRS
aakeypadmappingThe mapping of aapromptname to numbers only
aapromptnameThe letter representation of the search name using IVR
fnamealtpronunFirst Name Alternate Pronunciations delimited by a seperator
lnamealtpronunLast Name Alternate Pronunciations delimited by a seperator
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
crsuserclusterspecificStores user information for the CRS Application
administratorlevelWhether an Administrator
issupervisorWhether a Supervisor
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
cubacountryregionalinfoCUBA: Table to store Country Regional Packs on Cuba platform.
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tkcountryCountry id from typecountry table.
xmlRing Tones and Other Region Specific Product configuration XML not used by CCM
cubaproductsupportCUBA:CubaProductSupport table to store the models that are supported in Pajaro system
enumA number to identify the record
tkcubaproductdisplaygroupA number to identify the record
tkdeviceprotocolEnum of Device Protocol record
customannouncementsubset of TypeAnnouncement with rows having AllowCustom = 1
descriptionDescription of the custom announcements
issystemisSystem is an internal control for ipvms install to pre-configure some CustomAnnouncement entries with UI restriction (user cannot edit some fields). Records which have initial contents may be altered by the administrator, but may not be removed.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkannouncementfileA number to identify the record
tkannouncementsA number to identify the record
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkuserlocalereference to TypeUserLocale
customerUsed for HCS-SA to differenciate the customers in the DB
createtimeUTC time of creation
lastaudittimeUTC time of last Audit
nameA unique name for Customer
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
customuserattributedataStores data to be syncronized to respective Custom Field Attribute. Each Record is associated to an End User and mapped to each supported TypeCustomUserAttributes
fkenduserKey Reference to the User to whom the data in the Value column applies.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkcustomuserattributeThis field is to map one of the 5 available custom field to the Data in CustomUserAttributeName table.
valueData retrieved from LDAP for the specified Custom Attribute for the user associated with this record.
customuserattributenameRecords in this table contain Configurable friendly names to all the Custom Field attributes defined in TypeCustomUserAttributes
customfieldattributenameCustomFieldAttributeName field stores the name of the attribute during LDAP syncronization of EndUsers.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkcustomuserattributeThis field is to map one of the 5 available custom field to the Name in CustomUserAttributeName table.
datetimesettingCommon/shared date time zone and format settings
datetemplateTemplate to be used to display date on an IP Phone. If the last character is 'A' then it is 24 hour time. Otherwise, it is 12 hour time.
nameA descriptive name for the Date/Time group.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tktimezoneTime zone for the CallManager group. The option "local time zone of CallManager" copies the time zone information from the operating system of the server where Cisco CallManager is installed.
defaultsCallManager specific default attributes for devices
fkdevicepoolDevice pool that is associated with each type of device. The device pool defines common characteristics for all devices in the pool.
fkphonetemplateThis is the phone template to assign to a device that auto-registers. It must be usable on the specified model.
inactiveloadinformationThe filename of the inactive firmware load that is used with phone models that support dual-bank firmware (background download). The file is fed to the phones via TFTP but is not active. This can be overridden at the device level. If not overridden, then all devices of this model will download this firmware load file as the inactive load.
loadinformationThe filename of the firmware load that is used with a particular type of hardware device model. The file is fed to the phones via TFTP. This can be overridden at the device level. If not overridden, then all devices of this model will use this firmware load file.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
preferactcodeoverautoregDoes this phone model support and prefer using activation codes over auto registration
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkdeviceprotocolDefault value for Device Protocol
tkmodelA defaults record must exist for every IP Phone.
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
defaultucuserprofileIndicates which UCUserProfile record is the System Default if left unspecified where needed.
fkucuserprofileDefines which UCUserProfile should be used when one is required but left unspecified.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
destinationcodecontrolAllows configuration of outbound traffic throttling for a specific dialing plan destination, (Route Pattern), in accordance with DOD UCR 2008 specifications related to Destination Code Control, (DCC).
blockedcallpercentageThis value specifies the percentage of lower precedence calls made to this destination that get blocked by the route pattern. This percentage limits the lower precedence calls only, the flash and higher precedence calls made to this destination are allowed at all times.
enabledccenforcementAllows the application and enforcement of the restrictions specified in this DCC record to be enabled or disabled so that the specifications may be left intact without being active.
fknumplanIndicates the associated DN or Pattern, (RoutePattern), to which this record's DCC specifications apply
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
deviceLists every device in system from the CallManager perspective
allowcfbcontrolofcallsecurityiconAllow Conference Bridge control of the call security icon
allowcticontrolflagIf true, this device allows CTI Control.
allowhotelingflagIf true, this device allows extension mobility.
allowmramodeThe administrator may set this to TRUE to permit a user to Onboard and Register a Mobile / Remote Access, (MRA), device via the Activation Code Based Onboarding feature. Neither this setting, nor any change to it, has any current effect on devices already registered, irrespective of their means of onboarding, or on those being onboarded manually. By intent, this setting would affect the scope of issued OAuth tokens, granted during Activation Code Based Onboarding, to avoid automatically enabling all such phones for MRA use.
calledinternationalprefixCalled International Prefix
calledinternationalstripdigitsCalled International Strip Digits
callednationalprefixCalled National Prefix
callednationalstripdigitsCalledNational Strip Digits
calledsubscriberprefixCalled Subscriber Prefix
calledsubscriberstripdigitsCalled Subscriber Strip Digits
calledunknownprefixCalled Unknown Prefix
calledunknownstripdigitsCalled Unknown Strip Digits
calreferenceuser can assign confidential access level value to the device
ctiidTrigger set on insert. (one greater than highest). 32 bit value for Computer Telephony Interface
datetimeinsertedDate and Time when Phone was inserted. Will be provided by an active B-Rule on device insert. Format is YYMMDD:HrMinSec
defaultdtmfcapabilityIs this a dead field?
dialplanwizardgenidThis record created by DialPlanWizard
dndtimeoutPeriod in minutes to remind the user that DND is active
earlyoffersupportforvoicecallTrue-AS-SIP endpoints supports early offer for voice calls; False-AS-SIP endpoints supports delayed offer for voice calls. The default value is False.
ecpublickeycurveEC key size(bits) for device table
enableactivationidtrue indicates activation is enabled
enablebfcpBoolean flag to control whether or not Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) is enabled for this device.
enablecallroutingtordwhennoneisactiveThis flag is used to determine if Call has to be forwarded to all Remote destinations or not.
enablegatewayrecordingqsigAllow sending recording control adpu on qsig link.
enableixchannelBoolean flag to control whether or not iX Channel is enabled for this device.
fkaarneighborhoodUsed by both gateway and Phone
fkcallingsearchspace_calledintlCalled Party International Number
fkcallingsearchspace_callednationalCalled Party National Number
fkcallingsearchspace_calledsubscriberCalled Party Subscriber Number
fkcallingsearchspace_calledunknownCalled Party Unknown Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cdpntransformIf useDevicePoolCdpnTransformCSS is set to False this transformation will be applied on the called party
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpningressdnCalling search space applied to calling party number on ingress from the calling device
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpnintlCalling Party International Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpnnationalCalling Party National Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpnsubscriberCalling Party Subscriber Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpntransformCalling Search Space for Calling Party Name Transformation Pattern
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpnunknownCalling Party Unknown Number
fkcallingsearchspace_rdntransformIf useDevicePoolRdnTransformCSS is set to False this transformation will be applied on the Redirecting Number
fkcallingsearchspace_referPkid of CallingSearchSpace record for refer called Rerouting Calling Search Space in Admin
fkcallingsearchspace_reroutePkid of CallingSearchSpace record for rerouting called Out-of-dialog Refer Calling Search Space in Admin
fkcallingsearchspace_restrictPkid of CallingSearchSpace record for restriction
fkcallmanagergroupUsed only by some Gateways.
fkdialrulesPkid of DialRules record
fkelingroupELINGroup record used by this Device
fkenduserThis is the id of currently logged on user if EM is being used, or the owner of the device if EM is not being used.
fkenduser_mobilityEnd User that owns Dual-Mode, SNR Device, or deskphone with Mobility button (for Cell Pickup)
fkfeaturecontrolpolicyFeature Control Policy Record
fkmatrix_presencedelete likely, use securityprofile
fkmlppdomainnull means uses device pool value
fkmobilesmartclientprofileType of Smart Client for smart client devices and dual-mode phones
fkmraservicedomainPkid of the MRA service domain
fkphonetemplateIf tModel.tClass is not phone, then this is NULL
fkprocessnodeThis is the node this device is running on if the device is a process.
fksecurityprofileForeign Key to Security Profile
fksoftkeytemplateassociation between device and softkey template
fkwifihotspotprofileReference to WiFi HotspotProfile.
fkwirelesslanprofilegroupReference to Wireless LAN Profile Group.
hotlinedeviceTRUE if this is a Hotline device
ikdevice_defaultprofilePoints to the profile to log in when "logout" is called. If an insert or update is performed, and this field is NULL, then generate an auto-generated profile based on this device's current settings. If this value was pointing to a AGP, then delete the old AGP. If the AllowHotellingFlag is true.
ikdevice_primaryphonePrimary Phone associated with this device
internationalprefixInternational Prefix
internationalstripdigitsInternational Strip Digits
isactiveDetermines whether a phone consumes licenses and can register with CUCM. Intended to allow BAT dummy phones to be provisioned for use with TAPS without consuming additional licenses.
isdualmodeIndicates a remote destination is a dual-mode phone; set based on device type
isprotectedDevice is used for secure calls with supplementary services disabled
isstandardif set to true, then this device cannot be inserted or deleted, except by another business rule or the install
istrustedrelaypointApplies to MTP or transcoder that acts as Trusted Relay Point for virtual networks
lscissuernameThis is LSC issuer name of device.
lscissuervaliduntilThis field is expiry date of LSC Issuer(CAPF) for a device. Format of the date is time_t saved as long
lscvaliduntilThis field is expiry date of LSC for a device. Format of the date is time_t saved as long.
msisdnMobile Device MSISDN.
nameURL friendly characters; 15 char for non MGCP devices else XXX@MGCPDomainName
nationalprefixNational Prefix
nationalstripdigitsNational Strip Digits
ndescriptionCopy of Description used for collating
packetcapturedurationDuration in minutes
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
requirecerlocationEnables CER tracking of the device
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
runonallnodesThe Run On All Nodes flag allows logical device definitions, (such as a SIP Trunk Handler Process), to be defined once and then marked to execute on each node. This reduces admin effort and inter-node handoff processing
sendgeolocationIf true the GeoLocation is sent for the device else not
specialloadinformationUsed only by devices with firmware loads
srtpfallbackallowedAllow fallback to Local SRTP
sshpasswordSSH password for phone
sshuseridSSH userid for phone
subscriberprefixSubscriber Prefix
subscriberstripdigitsSubscriber Strip Digits
tkcalmodeuser can assign confidential access level mode to the device
tkcertificateoperationCertificate Operation
tkclassRedundant. Use tkModel to look up Class in TypeModel table.
tkdeviceprofileIs this record a profile or real device
tkdevicetrustmodeAllows for administrative control of the display of secure icon for specified device types. Options are Trusted and Not Trusted.
tkdndoptionType of call handling while DND is enabled (0=Ringer Off, 1=Call Reject); depends on product support; overrides CommonPhoneConfig setting
tkmodelRedundant. Use tkProduct to look up tkModel in TypeProduct table.
tknetworklocationStores OffNet/OnNet info
tkoutboundcallrolloverDetermines rollover behavior of phones when MaxNumCalls is exceeded on a line and a new call is started
tkphoneservicedisplayIdentifies which services are displayed for a button (services, directories, messages): Internal, External, Both, or Default (use CommonPhoneConfig value)
tkproductProduct type does not support Control of Call Security Icon Aggregation
tkproduct_baseIs this a dead field? Used by GW?
tkprotocolsideNetwork side or User Side
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tksipassertedtypeSIP Asserted Type only applies to SIP Trunk. Other Device should set to default (0)
tksipcodec_mtppreferredorigcodecPreferred Originating Codec (G711u, G711a, G729a, G729ab, G729b)
tksipprivacySIP Privacy only applies to SIP Trunk. Other Device should set to default (0)
tkstatus_alwaysuseprimelineDetermines off-hook behavior of phones with active calls present
tkstatus_alwaysuseprimelineforvmDetermines Voice Message retreival behavior of phones
tkstatus_audiblealertingbusyIndicates whether Audible Alert tone is played when phone is busy (call active); Default means use the Service Parameter setting
tkstatus_audiblealertingidleIndicates whether Audible Alert tone is played when phone is idle (no call active); Default means use the Service Parameter setting
tkstatus_joinacrosslinesProtected phone cannot have Join Across Line Features active
tkstatus_usetrustedrelaypointIndicates whether Trusted Relay Point should be used if available
tkuserlocaleUser local of device, see device pool if null
transmitutf8If true, transmit utf8 calling party id
unknownprefixUnknown Prefix
unknownstripdigitsUnknown Strip Digits
usedevicepoolcalledcssintlIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CalledIntl setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolcalledcssnatlIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CalledNational setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolcalledcsssubsIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CalledSubscriber setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolcalledcssunknIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CalledUnknown setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolcdpntransformcssIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CdPNTransform setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolcgpningressdnIndicates whether to use fkCallingSearchSpace_CgpnIngressDN on this Device (this table) or from the Device Pool.
usedevicepoolcgpntransformcssIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CgPNTransform setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolcgpntransformcssintlIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CgpnTransform setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolcgpntransformcssnatlIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CgpnTransform setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolcgpntransformcsssubsIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CgpnTransform setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolcgpntransformcssunknIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CgpnTransform setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
usedevicepoolrdntransformcssIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_RdNTransform setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
deviceaddonmodulemapMap device to phone template for add-on-modules
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
specialloadinformationused only by addon with firmware
deviceautoregStores device auto registration configuration, existence of record implies auto registration is enabled.
autoregistrationenddnThis is the last directory number to use for auto-registration of devices. Specifying a valid range of directory numbers in the Starting Directory Number and Ending Directory Number fields automatically enables auto-registration. Setting the starting and ending directory numbers to the same value disables auto-registration.
autoregistrationnextdnThis field is incremented by Cisco CallManager after a device has autoregistered.
autoregistrationstartdnThis is the first directory number to use for auto-registration of devices.
enableIndicates wheather auto-registration is enabled..
fkcallmanagerReference to CallManager.
fkdeviceReference to Universal device template for auto-registration
fknumplanReference to Universal line template for auto-registration
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
devicecerdynamicTable for tracking off-premise capable devices for CER
allowoutboundcallsFlag to allow OutboundCall
datetimestampTime value for last change (for replication conflict resolution).
fkdeviceForeign key to Device table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
sendxsiIndication to CUCM for sending XSI to device
tke911locationstateReference to TypeE911LocationState
urlURL to CER user page
devicefeaturememberGeneric table for associating a list of features with a device
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
devicehlogdynamicFrequently updated settings for Hunt Group Log In/Out
hlogBy default a Hunt List to which a device belongs will extend calls to the device (logged in when hlog = true). When hlog is set to false, Hunt List will not extend calls to this device (logged out swhen hlog = false)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
devicemanagementdynamicStores the timestamp for remote wipe/lock state change request or acknowlegement for mobile devices
datetimestampTime stamp for the last remote/wipe state change.
fkdeviceForeign key to Device table
latestlockacknowledgeTime stamp for last lock acknowledge.
latestlockrequestTime stamp for last lock request.
latestwipeacknowledgeTime stamp for last wipe acknowledge.
latestwiperequestTime stamp for last wipe request.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
devicemanagementinfoThis table is used to store the http information for MCU Conference Bridge.
conferencebridgeprefixConference Bridge Prefix
fkdeviceRefers to the device record for MCU Conference bridge.
managementportHttp Port No
overridesiptrunkaddressOverride SIP Trunk address as HTTP address
passwordUsed for Authentication
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
usehttpsFlag to use HTTPS port, this would ensure that all the message interactions are through Secure port
devicemobilitydynamicFrequently updated settings for Mobility
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
versionstampNew guid is generated every time this device is updated
devicemobilitygroupUsed for Device Mobility
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
devicemobilityinfoDevice Mobility Mapping
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
subnetipv6IPv6 address in presentation format and may be in shortened form.
subnetipv6expandedIPV6 full-length address and not modifiable (generated from short form address)
subnetmaskszipv6It is the prefix size or 0 if IPv6 subnet is not used.
devicenumplanmapOrdered association of NumPlan records with a device (line appearance)
ctiidTrigger set on insert. 32 bit value for Computer Telephony Interface
dialplanwizardgenidThis record created by DialPlanWizard
displayThe localized name to display for internal Caller ID
displayasciiA safe version of the Caller ID Display text using only English letters (a to Z) and punctuation, used when endpoints are using different language groups.
e164maskmasked against NumPlan.DnOrPattern to get full number to display on Telecaster
fkcallingsearchspace_monitoringCallingSearchSpace used for monitoring if supported by associated device
fkrecordingprofileProfile used for Call Recording if supported by associated device
labelThe text that appears for the line button (allows Unicode).
labelasciiA safe version of the Line Button Label using only English letters (a to Z) and punctuation.
logmissedcallsDetermines whether missed calls on this line appearance are shown in the call history for the phone.
maxnumcallsMaxNumCalls for an Intercom line must be set to 1
numplanindexWhile this is unique per device, there is no requirement for the index to be sequential nor to begin with a particular value per device.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
speeddialThis is the number that the system dials when the user presses the feature (Intercom) button.
tkmwlpolicyMWL Policy cannot be set for an Intercom line
tkpartitionusageIdentifies entries belonging to Line or Intercom features
tkpreferredmediasourcewhere is recording controlled from.
tkringsettingRing Setting (Idle) cannot be set for an Intercom line
tkringsetting_activepickupalertPickup Audio Alert Settings
tkringsetting_consecutiveRing Setting (Active) cannot be set for an Intercom line
tkringsetting_idlepickupalertPickup Audio Alert Settings
tkstatus_audiblemwiOn/Off/Default setting for Audible Message Waiting Indication on a line appearance
devicenumplanmapendusermapSettings for SIP Publication of line status for presence
fkdevicenumplanmapLine appearance being monitored for status
fkenduserEndUser to whom status information is be published
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
devicenumplanmapremdestmapMaps Remote Destinations to the template or dual mode phone lines with which they are used
fkdevicenumplanmapLine from template or Dual Mode phone that is used for Remote Destination
fkremotedestinationRemote Destination using the line for Single Number Reach (SNR)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
devicepoolCommon collections of device attributes
calledinternationalprefixCalled International Prefix
calledinternationalstripdigitsCalled International Strip Digits
callednationalprefixCalled National Prefix
callednationalstripdigitsCalled National Strip Digits
calledsubscriberprefixCalled Subscriber Prefix
calledsubscriberstripdigitsCalled Subscriber Strip Digits
calledunknownprefixCalled Unknown Prefix
calledunknownstripdigitsCalled Unknown Strip Digits
fkcallingsearchspace_adjunctFor emergency call during cross cluster EM login
fkcallingsearchspace_autoregistrationThis is the calling search space to assign to devices in this device pool that auto-registers with Cisco CallManager. The calling search space specifies partitions that devices can search when attempting to complete a call.
fkcallingsearchspace_calledintlCalled Party International Number
fkcallingsearchspace_callednationalCalled Party National Number
fkcallingsearchspace_calledsubscriberCalled Party Subscriber Number
fkcallingsearchspace_calledunknownCalled Party Unknown Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cdpntransformIf useDevicePoolCdpnTransformCSS is set to True this transformation will be applied on the called party
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpningressdnCalling search space applied to calling party number on ingress from the calling device
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpnintlCalling Party International Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpnnationalCalling Party National Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpnsubscriberCalling Party Subscriber Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpntransformCalling Party Transformation Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cgpnunknownCalling Party Unknown Number
fkcallingsearchspace_cntdpntransformCalling Search Space for Connected Party Name Transformation Pattern
fkcallingsearchspace_rdntransformIf useDevicePoolRdnTransformCSS is set to True this transformation will be applied on the Redirecting Number
fkcallmanagergroupThis is the Cisco CallManager group to assign to devices in this device pool. A Cisco CallManager group specifies a prioritized list of up to three Cisco CallManagers. The first Cisco CallManager in the list serves as the primary Cisco CallManager for that group, and the other members of the group serve as backup Cisco CallManagers for redundancy.
fkdatetimesettingThis is the date/time group to assign to devices in this device pool. The date/time group specifies the time zone and the display formats for date and time.
fkelingroupELINGroup record used by this DevicePool
fkmediaresourcelistThis is the media resource group list associated with the device pool. A media resource group list specifies a prioritized list of media resource groups. An application selects the required media resource (for example, a music on hold server, transcoder, or conference bridge) from the available media resource groups according to the priority order that is defined in a media resource group list.
fkmraservicedomainPkid of the MRA service domain
fkregionThis is the Cisco CallManager region to assign to devices in this device pool. The Cisco CallManager region settings specify voice codec that can be used for calls within a region and between other regions.
fksrstThis is the survivable remote site telephony (SRST) reference to assign to devices in this device pool.
fkwirelesslanprofilegroupReference to Wireless LAN Profile Group.
internationalprefixInternational Prefix
internationalstripdigitsInternational Strip Digits
nameA unique name.
nationalprefixNational Prefix
nationalstripdigitsNational Strip Digits
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
subscriberprefixSubscriber Prefix
subscriberstripdigitsSubscriber Strip Digits
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
unknownprefixUnknown Prefix
unknownstripdigitsUnknown Strip Digits
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
devicepooldevicemobilityinfomapUsed for DeviceMobility.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
devicepoolroutegroupmapUsed for mapping multiple Route Groups to a Device Pool. According to the Multiple Local Route Group feature, we can assign more than one Route Groups to a Device Pool. So this table is used for mapping between the two.
fkdevicepoolreference to device pool
fkroutegroupfkRouteGroup should contain the fk to route group only if isLocalRouteGroup is set to false. This field is mandatory as it will point to the actual Route Group that will be used for handling all the Route related activities.
fkroutegroup_localfkRouteGroup_local should contain the fk to route group only if isLocalRouteGroup is set to true. The value in this field will just be used to give a name to the actual route group that is being used.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
deviceprivacydynamicFrequently updated settings for Privacy
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkstatus_callinfoprivatedisplay call info to caller?
deviceprovidermapCUBA: This table will contains information about device configuration to provider mapping, so admin will know using which provider device is configured
fkdeviceDevice for providerdevicemap record
fkproviderProvider for providerdevicemap record
pkidUnique identifier for providerdevicemap record
tkcubadeviceCubaDevice type for providerdevicemap record
versionnumberThis will store the version number of the provider in providerdevicemap
devicerelatedversionstampList of Devices that requires versionstamp update
fkdevicePkid of the Device
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated and is generated every time this device is updated
deviceresetFor device reset functionality. Records inserted into this table will inform CCM to reset the device.
devicepkidSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
fkcallmanagerSet by DeviceReset stored procedures.
nameSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resetgroupingUnique ID to identify a record. will be same for all reset requests
tkmodelSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tkresethandshakeSet the reset to ensure tftp reacts to it before actual device reset.
devicesipdevicemapKeep multi function device records for mapping between Device and SIPDeivce record.
fkdeviceReference to a specific Device
fksipdevicePoints to the corresponding SIP Device record.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
devicetftpdynamicVersionStamp Mismatch Recovery
fkdevicePoints to the device record being "subclassed." Device.tkModel must be tkclass=1.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
rebuildtoggleShould this device be rebuilt
devicetokendynamicFrequently updated settings for CUCM Push Notifications Call Support
algorithmThis is the algorithm to be used during encryption.
fkdevicepkid from Device. The Device must be Dual-mode for iPhone or Jabber for Tablet.
fkenduserSet to the current logged in user of the device.
keyThis is the key for payload encryption. It can contain letters, numbers, hyphen and underscore. Regular expression used to validate: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{0,128}$
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pushchanneltypeThis specifies the channel type by which the push token is sent.It can have a-z,A-Z and a colon.
pushnotifytokenToken to communicate with apple cloud for sending push notification.
devicexml16kDefines the product specific configuration for devices:16K
fkdevicePkid of the Device corresponding to the XML column of DeviceXML16L table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
xmlProduct configuration XML for DeviceXML16K
devicexml4kDefines the product specific configuration for devices:4K
fkdevicePkid of the Device corresponding to the XML column of DeviceXML4K table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
xmlProduct configuration XML for DeviceXML4K
devicexml8kDefines the product specific configuration for devices:8K
fkdevicePkid of the Device corresponding to the XML column of DeviceXML8K table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
xmlProduct configuration XML for DeviceXML8K
dhcpserver(not supported yet)DHCP server configuration
domainnamedomain name
domainnameserver1IP Address for primary dns
domainnameserver2IP Address for secondary dsn
fkprocessnodeAssociated server
nextserverIP Address for the next server cisco tftp
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tftpserver1IP Address for the primary cisco tftp
tftpserver2IP Address for secondary cisco tftp
tftpservernametftp server name (option 150)
dhcpsubnet(not supported yet)DHCP subnet configuration
domainnameserver1IP Address for primary dns
domainnameserver2IP Address for secondary dsn
fkdhcpserverAssociated server
nextserverIP Address for the next server cisco tftp
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tftpserver1IP Address for the primary cisco tftp (option 66)
tftpserver2IP Address for secondary cisco tftp (option 66)
tftpservernametftp server name (option 150)
dialplanList of known dial plans
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
versionVersion number of the installed Dial Plan
dialplandetailsCUBA: This table will be used to store different parameters for dial plan e.g. Extension no length, FeaturePrefix etc.
defaultvalueDefault value for parameters in dialplandetail table
paramnameParamName for dialplandetails
paramvalueParamValue for dialplandetails
pkidUnique id for dialplandetails table
dialplantagTag name for a portion of a directory number used by digit analysis
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
suppressfromroutefilterDon't show this tag in RouteFilterMember.
tkoperator_maxMaximum value for operator in RouteFilterMember for this tag
dialrulesDial Rules
descriptionDescription of the dial rule
isstandardWhether standard dial rule
nameName of dial rule
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkdialpatternPkid of Dial Pattern record
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
dialrulespatternmapDialRules Pattern Map
descriptionDescription of pattern on dial rule
fkdialrulesPkid of DialRules record
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
selectionorderSelection order
tkpatternEnum of TypePattern record
digitalaccessbriDigital access BRI information not in Device table
conncallbeforeplayingannTrue, if inbound call should be connected before playing queuing announcement.
fkdevicedevice::tModel must be digital access
gclearenableEnables G.Clear support for a BRI trunk (using values specified in G.Clear related Service Parameters)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sigdigitsMust be 1 if (NumDigits >= 0) AND (NumDigits <= 32), or 0 if (NumDigits = 99)
tkcallingpartyselectionSource of the calling party number: originator = 1, first redirect = 2, last redirect = 3
tkclockreferenceIndicates if the device sync up with the Network clock or use it's own clock for timing
tkcsuparamTX-level CSU parameter for PRI interface
tkpresentationbitCLID presentationBit: allowed = 1, restricted = 2
digitalaccesspriDigital access PRI information not in Device table
conncallbeforeplayingannTrue, if inbound call should be connected before playing queuing announcement.
enableprotectedfacilityieAllows use of secure calls (on PRI E1 trunks only)
fkcallingsearchspace_cntdpntransformCalling Search Space for Connected Party Number Transformation Pattern
fkdevicedevice::tModel must be digital access
gclearenableEnables G.Clear support for a PRI trunk (using values specified in G.Clear related Service Parameters)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sigdigitsMust be 1 if (NumDigits >= 0) AND (NumDigits <= 32), or 0 if (NumDigits = 99)
tkcallingpartyselectionSource of the calling party number: originator = 1, first redirect = 2, last redirect = 3
tkclockreferenceIndicates if the device sync up with the Network clock or use it's own clock for timing
tkcsuparamTX-level CSU parameter for PRI interface
tkpresentationbit_callinglineCLID presentationBit: allowed = 1, restricted = 2
tkpresentationbit_connectedlineCLID presentationBit: allowed = 1, restricted = 2
tkstatus_routeclasssignalingenabledIndicates whether Route Class Signaling is enabled on a PRI trunk
usedpconnectedpartytransformationcssIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CntdPNTransform setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on DigitalAccessPri including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space. The Default value is TRUE
digitalaccesst1Digital access T1 information not in Device table
conncallbeforeplayingannTrue, if inbound call should be connected before playing queuing announcement.
encodevoicerouteclassTRUE if this T1 (CAS) i/f should signal the voice route class digit
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
releaseguardtimerThis timer is used by gateway to release the channel back to idle state on receiving clear-forward from the far end,This timer is used to protect gateway from any race conditions that could occur when we receive Release from both sides
seizureacktimeThis is the delay (in milliseconds) between the gateway that receives seizure and sends seizure acknowledgment (ACK)
tkdigitsendingDTMF or MF
tkstatus_routeclasssignalingenabledIndicates whether Route Class Signaling is enabled on a CAS trunk
digitalaccesst1portPorts on a Digital Access T1
attendantdnIf Inbound type call and Loop Start are Ground Start Attendant Number is needed
endpointidUser may only change the PhysicalLocation and not @domain part. Default is PhysicalLocation from MGCPDeviceTable + portNum + @domain
numdigitsMaximum number of digits to collect. Collects least significant to NumDigits selected
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
portnumfkDevice+PortNum are unique; 1-24; 1-8 For Vega
prefixPrefix digits to apply in inbound call only.
sigdigitsObsolete - NumDigits is always used. Flag to allow only certain amount of digits.
timer1In Milliseconds
timer2In Milliseconds
timer3In Milliseconds
timer4In Milliseconds
timer5In Milliseconds
timer6In Milliseconds
tkcallingpartyselectionSource of the calling party number: originator = 1, first redirect = 2, last redirect = 3
tkdigitsendingDTMF or MF
tkpresentationbitCLID presentationBit:allowed = 1, restricted = 2
tksilencesuppressionthresholdin dbm0
tktrunkdirectionInbound Outbound and Both are valid Directions. Outbound equates to DOD. Both only allowed on Ground Start (GS)
tktrunklevelused to set PAD level
tktrunkpad_rx+/- 32db
tktrunkpad_tx+/- 32db
versionstampNew Guid is generated when the port XML change
xmlProduct configuration XML not used by CCM
digitdiscardinstructionDigit Discard Instruction clauses
nameRemoved Unique key constraint on name field
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
digitdiscardinstructionmemberList of tags per Digit Discard Instruction
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
directorypluginattributeattributes to be synced from LDAP server
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
directorypluginconfigConfiguration data for the corporate Directory connector
applymaskWhen true, the Mask field will be applied on the telephone number
applypoollistWhen true, the extension number will selected from the pool
fkfeaturegrouptemplateReference to Featuregrouptempate for common enduser fields
fkldapfilterEmpty means use the default filter for the directory host type associated with the agreement. Otherwise use the specified filter for which the host type should match the associated host type for the agreement.
fkldapfilter_groupEmpty means use the default group filter for the directory host type associated with the agreement. Otherwise use the specified Group filter for which the host type should match the associated host type for the agreement.
maskMask to be applied on the telephone number
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
syncgroupsThis field is set to TRUE when Group sync is also required along with usersync from Ad server.
tkldapdirectoryfunctionReference to TypeLDAPDirectoryFunction
userrankRank assigned to new users imported based on this directory sync config. Access control groups assigned to the directory sync config should be either of equal or lower rank. Required reference to enum column of parent record in table UserRank
directorypluginconfigdirgroupmapStores a preprovisioned list of DirGoups to be associated with endusers inserted from ldap
fkdirectorypluginconfigReference to sync agreement
fkdirgroupReference to groups that are applied to end users added by this sync agreement
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
directorypluginhostHost names of LDAP servers
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
directorypluginpoollistPool List for a particular Directory Plugin Config
dnprefixDN prefix for the poolrange.
enddnEnding DN in the pool.
fkdirectorypluginconfigReference to DirectoryPluginConfig for this pool list.
nextdnNext DN in the pool.
pkidunique ID to identify a record.
priorityPriority of the pool list.
startdnStarting DN in the pool.
directorypluginroutingdatabaseThis table holds the Data specific to DN Alias Sync and Lookup LDAP servers
cacheageIt represents the age of the records present in the Cache
cacheenableBoolean field to user records caching state for the DN Alias Sync. If true, the user records are cached before syncing to DN Alias Sync otherwise no caching happens.
cachesizeUser can spefiy the number of records to be cache before the sync to the DN Alias Sync
fkdirectorypluginconfigReference to DirectoryPluginConfig
ldapkeepalivesearchdnIt serches the specified user Distinguished Name in DN Alias Sync and Lookup LDAP servers
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sipaliassuffixThis field when configured specifies the prefix that is added to the full Commericial number before it is stored in the SIP Alias field in the LDAP Routing database.
tkkeepalivetimeintervalReference to TypeKeepAliveTimeInterval
directorypluginscheduleSchedule for directory plugin task
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
dirgroupCategorizes users and Application users
isstandardCreated during installation.
minimumuserrankRank of access control group. Minimum rank that end user, application user, bat user template, directory sync configuration must have to be associated with this access control group. Required reference to enum column of parent record in table UserRank
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
dmmsdeviceCellular Subscriber data not in Device Table
cnumberSubscriber cellular number
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
dnaliassynckeymapThis table holds the mapping between the Key used by the CUCM database to identify a Number and the Key used by the DNAlias Sync LDAP server
ccaidThe LDAP server that stores the Directory Number Alias records uses this field to appropriately authorize subsequent updates of the records in the LDAP Database. The Directory Number Alias server will only allow update operations on a record originating from the CUCM cluster that originally added the record by identifying the CUCM Cluster Identifier set in this field.
dnaliassynckeythis field holds the User Id that was pushed to the DNAlias Sync Server which will be used as a key by the DNAlias Sync Server
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
dnddynamicFrequently updated settings for Do Not Disturb (DND)
datetimestampfor replication and conflict resolution
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
dntraceloggingAllows configuration of Called Party DN to trace a call back to the original party, this is in accordance with DOD UCR 2008 specifications related to Dynamic / Destination Call Tracing
descriptionDescribes the Traced called party DN, documenting the owner / destination and / or a reason / reference for the trace.
directorynumberIndicates the Called Party DN on which tracing is enabled
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
dpcallrecordserverDiagnostic Portal Call Record Server
clusteridThis is only for UCM ,UCMBE
ikdpcallrecordserver_primaryThis is the PKID for Primary (peer) call record server
nameDiagnostic Portal CallRecord Server Name or ip address
tkdpverificationstatusTypeVerificationStatus - One of the following: 0 (notdone), 1 (Failed) or 2(Success)
verificationtimestampUTC time of Verification
dpcertificateDiagnostic Portal Certificate
certificateDiagnostic Portal Certificate
serialnumberhex representation of serial number
validfromdateUTC time
validtodateUTC time
dpdeviceDiagnostic Portal Device
isseeddeviceIs seed device
nameDiagnostic Portal Device - This is groupHost name or IP v4 address
tkdpproductThe enum value of the corresponding device type defined in the TypeDPProduct table
dpdeviceaccessDiagnostic Portal Device Access Method definition
fkdpdeviceDP Device can be there in many groups
tkdpverificationstatusTypeVerificationStatus - One of the following: 0 (notdone), 1 (Failed) or 2(Success)
verificationtimestampUTC time of Verification
dpdevicecallrecordservermapDiagnostic Portal Device to Call Record Server mapping
dpdevicegroupmapDiagnostic Portal Devices mapping into Groups
fkdpdeviceDP Device can be there in many groups
fkdpgroupDP Group can have many devices
dpdevicejobcomponentDiagnostic Portal Jobs for device and component
componentpath"/" separated list of component nodes from root to leaf node. Derived from ListTraceComponent and ListLogComponent command results.
customcookiestringCustom Cookie String
fkdpdeviceDP Device can be there in many groups
fkdpjobDP Device can be there in many groups
istracecollectionselectedTrue - collect traces associated with the job; False - do not collect traces.
istracecomponentTrue(default) - Trace Component and False - Log Component
tkdpwebprotocolTypeDPWebProtocol - One of the following: 0 (REST) default, 1 (SOAP) or 2 (Not Applicable)
dpdeviceproductcomponentDiagnostic Portal Device Product Component
fkdpdeviceProduct Component Relation to Device
nameName of the Product component
dpdevicetraceservermapDiagnostic Portal Device to Trace Server mapping
dpemailDiagnostic Portal Email addresses
nameEmail address for notifications
dpemaillistDiagnostic Portal List of Email addresses
nameList of Email addresses for notifications
dpemaillistmapMaps Diagnostic Portal Email address to the List of Email addresses
fkdpemailReference to an Email Address
fkdpemaillistReference to a list of Diagnostic Portal Email Addresses
dpftpserverDefines the FTP Server for the Diagnostic Portal
nameDiagnostic Portal TFTP Server Name
tkdpverificationstatusTypeVerificationStatus - One of the following: 0 (notdone), 1 (Failed) or 2(Success)
dpgroupDiagnostic Portal Group
nameName of Diagnostic Portal Group
dpjobDiagnostic PortalJob definition
endtimeUTC format (32 bit integer)
failurereasonReason For Failure
frequencyFrequency of the Diagnostic Portal Job
macaddressMAC Address of subject
nameUser Defined job name
starttimeUTC format (32 bit integer)
tkdpjobfeatureTypeDPJobFeature - One of the following: 0 (Scheduled Collection) or 1 (Scheduled Trace Modification and Collection)
tkdpjobstatusThe enum value defined in the TypeDPJobStatus table
dpjobemaillistmapMaps Diagnotistic Portal Jobs to list of email addresses for notifications
fkdpemaillistReference to a list of Diagnostic Portal Email Addresses
fkdpjobDP Device can be there in many groups
dpmailserverDefines the Mail Server for the Diagnostic Portal
nameDiagnostic Portal Mail Server Name
portPort used for SMTP protocol
tkdpverificationstatusTypeVerificationStatus - One of the following: 0 (notdone), 1 (Failed) or 2(Success)
dpntpserverDiagnostic Portal NTP Server
dptemplateDefines the template for the Diagnostic Portal
isstandardCreated during installation.
nameName of Diagnostic Portal Template
dptemplatecomponentdataDefines the template Component Data for the Diagnostic Portal
isstandardCreated during installation.
tkdptracelevelThis is trace level
dptemplatemetacomponentlistDefines the TemplateMetaComponentList for Diagnostic Portal
componentpath"/" separated list of component nodes from root to leaf node. Derived from ListTraceComponent and ListLogComponent command results.
isstandardCreated during installation.
tkdpproductThe enum value of the corresponding device type defined in the TypeDPProduct table
dptraceserverDiagnostic Portal Trace Server
homedirectoryHome Directory.
nameDiagnostic Portal Trace Server Name or ip address
tkdpverificationstatusTypeVerificationStatus - One of the following: 0 (notdone), 1 (Failed) or 2(Success)
drfcomponentDisater recovery framework status and dependacy
fkprocessnodeserviceAssociated server
idID from registration
ikdrfcomponentservice that must be started first
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkdrfregisteredRegistration status
drfscriptDisater recovery framework configured scripts
fkdrfcomponentRegistered drf component associated with script
namescript name
orderidorder of scripts to be run per component during backup or restore
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkdrfscripttype backup or restore
e911messagesTable used for storing legal disclaimer messages sent to phone for off premise e911.
messageMessage text that will be sent to phone (allows Unicode).
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tke911messageThis is the message type for e911.
tkuserlocaleThis is the locale associated with the e911 message.
elingroupTable to store the ELIN Groups. Typically, each ELIN Group represents an ERL
descriptionDescription for Emergency Location Identification Number Group.
nameName of the ELIN Group, usually corresponds to the Emergency Response Location.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
elingroupmemberTable to store the ELIN Groups to ELIN mapping
datetimestampUpdates when the record is inserted or updated.
fkelingroupThe pkid of the ELINGroup
fknumplan_elinThe pkid of the ELIN
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
elinmappingdynamicDynamic mapping table between Cgpn and used ELIN for emergency call. This table does not allow user (Admin, AXL, BAT) to insert or delete.
datetimestampUpdated when the record is inserted or updated.
fkdeviceThe foreign key of the device that originate the emergency call
fknumplan_cgpnThe foreign key to the Calling Party Number of the emergency call.
fknumplan_elinThe foreign key to the ELIN which is used for the emergency call from this Cgpn.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
emccdynamicDynamic data for the EMCC base phone when a user remotely logs in.
addonmoduleinfoAddOn Module Info
datetimestampTime stamp
devicenameDevice name for the remote login device
fkdeviceEMCC base phone record
fksecurityprofileForeign Key to Security Profile Set by EMDB by matching Product, Protocol, non-secure, isStatnard
geolocationinfogeolocationInfo from the remote cluster for the remote login device
locationnameReference to remote location name for EMCC device
locationpkidReference to remote location pkid for EMCC device
locationremoteclusterpkidReference to EMCC remote cluster pub's pkid
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remotesipsrstipSip address for SRST GW
remotesipsrstipv6SIP IPv6 Address for GW.
remotesipsrstportSip port for SRST GW
remotesrstipIP address for the SRST GW in visiting cluster for the remote login device
remotesrstportThe port number for the SRST in visiting cluster for the remote login device
tftpencryptedflagTFTP Encrypted Flag
tkclassRemote login device class type
tkdeviceprotocolRemote login device protocol type
tkipaddressingmodePorting form visiting cluster realDevice.commonDeviceConfig.ipAddressingMode
tkmodelRemote login device model
tkproductRemote login device product type
tkstatus_allowipv6autoconfigforphonesPorting form visiting cluster realDevice.commonDeviceConfig.tkstatus_allowipv6autoconfigforphones
tkstatus_allowipv6duplicateaddressdetectionAllow Duplicate Address Detection for EMCCDynamic.This parameter determines whether the duplicate address detection should be performed on each of the addresses in any identity associations(IAs) it receives in the Reply message before using that address for traffic.
tkstatus_ipv6acceptredirectmessagesAccept Redirect Messages for EMCCDynamic.This parameter provides an ability to accept or ignore the redirect messages.
tkstatus_ipv6replymulticastechorequestReply Multicast Echo Request for EMCCDynamic.This parameter allows the phone to enable or disable the ability to send an Echo Reply message in response to an Echo Request message sent to an IPv6 multicast or anycast address.
emergencylocidnumberStores the static portion of the Emergency Location Id Numbers for devicepools. The information to be stored includes fkdevicepool, LocIdNumber
fkdeviceDevice (SIP Trunk for FXO Port) associated with the Emergency Location ID Number (ELIN)
fkdevicepoolreference to device pool
locidnumberTo identify the location of the emergency calls
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
trunkprefixPrefix used to route emergency calls to a specific analog trunk for an ELIN. If no prefix use any available trunk or gateway.
emergencylocidnumberdynamicStores the dynamic portion of the Emergency Location Id Numbers. The information to be stored includes origCallingExtension, Datetimestamp, fkEmergencyLocIdNumber
datetimestampTime stamp
fkemergencylocidnumberIndicates the ELIN which is used for an emergency call
origcallingdnoriginal calling DN
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
emremotedynamicCommon dynamic data for both visiting cluster and home cluster.
datetimestampTime stamp
emuriThe URI for the visiting EM service. This is always the visiting EM URI.
fkdeviceLink back to the EMCC base phone in home cluster. Link back to the real phone in visiting cluster
lastremoteuseridThe userid string for the last remote login user. Should be set to Null for the home cluster
logintimeWhen the user logged in. This is a time_t value stored as a long. Set by the Login stored procedure.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remoteclusteridThe cluster ID for the remote login user in visiting cluster. The cluster ID for the remote login device in home cluster
remoteuseridThe userid string for the remote login user. This is mainly for administrative report purpose on remote cluster. Should be set to Null for the home cluster
temptftp1v4The TFTP IP address for the home TFTP. It is set during remote login procedure in both remote and home cluster
temptftp1v6The TFTP IP address for the home TFTP. It is set during remote login procedure in both remote and home cluster
temptftp2v4The TFTP IP address for the home TFTP. It is set during remote login procedure in both remote and home cluster
temptftp2v6The TFTP IP address for the home TFTP. It is set during remote login procedure in both remote and home cluster
enduserLists the end users for the system
allowcticontrolflagIf true, when a user logins to device, the device allows CTI Control.
assocpcpingable DNS name (not dotted IP address)
departmentUser's department number.
directoryuriURI for Cisco Unified Communications
discoveryuseridentityA unique ID (similar to UserPrincipalName in Active Directory) used to determine if a user exists and is local to this UCM cluster.
displaynamePreferred display of user's name.
emmaxlogintimeExtension Mobility Max Login Time.
enablecalendarpresenceDetermines whether others are allowed to see the meeting information for the user in Presence status
enablecupsIf true user can be assigned to a UCM IM & Presence Server
enableemccTo indicate whether user has capability to access EMCC feature
enablemobilevoiceEnable IVR/Two-stage Dialing access
enablemobilityIndicates whether a user has been licensed to use Mobility (SNR) features
enableusertohostconferencenowThis will give user privilege to start a meeting in Conference Now with their PIN. User may set up optional attendee access code on the Self-care portal.
firstnameUser's first name.
fkcallingsearchspace_restrictPkid of CallingSearchSpace record for restriction
fkmatrix_presencePkid for Presence Group Matrix record. This is required for extension mobility. Appuser table does not need this because appuser cannot do extension mobility.
fkucserviceprofileA reference to the UC Service Profile record that defines UC Services for the end user.
fkucuserprofileOptional reference to profile record containing shared user attributes.
islocaluserIndicate whether the user is local to the UCM cluster
keypadenteredalternateidentifierIf Provided, a distinct identifier for the user which may be entered from their telephone keypad and which can be used to distinguish the user from others when performing IVR based interactions such as Self-Provisioning.
lastnameUser's last name.
managerName of the user manager ID.
maxdeskpickupwaittimeMax wait time for desk phone pickup in milliseconds
middlenameUser's middle name.
ocsprimaryuseraddressCorresponds to the msRTCSIP-primaryuseraddress field in Active Directory schema
passwordreverseUsed for digest authentication
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
primarynodeidEnterpriseNode (Presence Server) to which the user is assigned
remotedestinationlimitMax number of remote desintations associated with the EndUser (Mobility must also be enabled)
statusActive or Inactive
telephonenumberThis is the telephone number as synchronized from a corporate directory. It typically is the outbound directory number. It is used for reporting purposes and if blank, applications should rely on the directory numbers assigned to phones associated with this user.
tkuserlocaleThis is the Locale that is associated with the user. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users, including language and font.
tkuserprofileID to identify whether a real user or a template user
uniqueidentifierIt will be ObjectGUID from ActiveDirectory or ciscoatUniqueIdentifier for ND/iPLanet
useridUser identification name.
userrankRank of end user. Access control groups assigned to the end user should be either of equal or lower rank. Required reference to enum column of parent record in table UserRank
enduserappservermapWhich App servers service which end user(s)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
endusercapfmap1-N relation between End User to CAPF
instanceidTo distinguish multiplicity for a single user.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
subjectnameSubject name of the certificate
tkcertificateoperationCertificate Operation
tkeckeysizeEC Key Size(bits) for EndUserCapfMap table
tkkeyorderKey Order for EndUserCapfMap table
endusercapfmapdynamicFrequently updated settings for End User CAPF settings
fkprocessnodeThe server to which this user, with this certificate, has opened a CTI provider.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
endusercustomermapmapping table for HCS-SA for customers to users
fkcustomerReference to parent record in table Customer
fkenduserReference to parent record in table EndUser
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
timestampUTC time of creation/modification
enduserdevicemapControl association between users and devices (many to many)
defaultprofileThis device is the default EM profile for this user.
descriptionUser-entered description of a controlled device (allows Unicode).
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
enduserdirgroupmapMany to many relationship between EndUser and DirGroup
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
enduserlicenseLicensable feature for end users
enablecupcObsolete. Separate licenses (DLUs) are no longer needed for CUP Clients. This table to be removed in future releases.
enablecupsObsolete. See EndUser.EnableCUPS instead to check if presence is enabled. CUPS no longer requires separate license (DLUs). This table to be removed in future releases.
fkenduserForeign key back to end user identifying the end user association
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
endusermlppauthenticationSettings for Enduser MLPP authentication.
fkenduserThe end user can be associated with zero or one numeric id.
mlpppasswordThe MLPPPassword is used to authenticate the End User requesting MLPP escalated call when they dial their ID when placing an Assured Services call
numericuseridThe Numeric User Identifier is used to determine which End User is requesting an MLPP escalated call when they dial their ID when placing an Assured Services call.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkpatternprecedenceMLPP Precedence Levels.
endusernotificationStorage of notification messages that are unread by a user who logins to the application
clauseClause shows the messages and status of each message for the user. For each message, the clause contains message id (tkUserNotificationMessage) followed by its enabled and read status. Multiple messages are separated by commas (e.g., 3:1:1,6:1:0).
enablenotifyEnable or Disable User notification message store
fkenduserUnique ID of enduser who would receive the notification messages
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
endusernumplanmapMany to many relationship between EndUsers and DNs.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sortorderThe SortOrder column allows a User's associated Extensions in the EndUserNumPlanMap table to have a logical EXTENSION NUMBER defined. This may be used in automated template based device setup.
enterprisenodeAll of the IM & Presence nodes in the enterprise
fkprocessnodeThe owning processnode for local nodes. This helps with management of local entries
idUnique ID to identify a record.
islocalTrue if the entry is from a local user
isprimaryTrue if this is the primary node of a subcluster
jsmidId of home Jsm component for node 1
nameName of the Node
peeridWhich cluster did this entry originate. local is the local node, pkid is a value from cupsinterclusterpeers.pkid
pkidUnique ID to identify a record (UCM standard).
remotefkprocessnodeThe remote cluster pkid for the node, used for tracking by ICSA
remoteidThe remote cluster id for the 8.5.x and greater node, used for tracking by ICSA
subclusteridSubcluster ID
tkhaserverstateFor HA server status
enterprisephoneconfigxmlXML configuration for Common Phone Config
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
xmlProduct configuration XML not used by CCM
enterprisesubclusterAll of the IM & Presence subclusters in the enterprise
descriptionAdmin entered description for the subcluster
haenabledIdentifies if HA has been enabled for the subcluster
idUnique ID to identify a record.
islocalTrue if the entry is from a local user
peeridWhich cluster did this entry originate. local is the local node, pkid is a value from cupsinterclusterpeers.pkid
pkidUnique ID to identify a record (UCM standard).
remoteidRemote id for 8.5.x subclusters and later
remotepkidRemote pkid for 8.0.x subclusters and earlier
sipportPort to use for SIP communications
siptransportTransport to use for SIP communications, default is TCP
supportsxcpIs this subcluster from an 8.0.x and later cluster
expresswaycconfigurationTable to store Expressway-C details like IP Address/hostname and X509SubjectName
hostnameoripIPv4 address or IPv6 address or Hostname of the Expressway-C.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
x509subjectnameoraltnameSpecifies X509SubjectName or SubjectAlternateName of Expressway-C
extensionmobilitydynamicSettings updated for EM login/logout; record inserted by trigger when EM is enabled for a device, and deleted by trigger when EM is disabled.
ctiidbaseUsed by CTI to uniquely identify lines and pick up changes
fkcallingsearchspace_emccNeed to be copied over from deviceprofile during EMCC login. Device Profile stores the value in Device.fkCallingSearchSpace column. This field is used by EMCC only.
fkdevice_currentloginprofileGUID for current login device profile. Set by the Login stored procedure if AllowHotellingFlag is true.
fkenduser_lastloginThis is the id of the last logged on EM user
fkfeaturecontrolpolicyFeature Control Policy Record
logintimeWhen the user logged in. This is a time_t value stored as a long. Set by the Login stored procedure.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkdndoptionType of call handling while DND is enabled (0=Ringer Off, 1=Call Reject); depends on product support; overrides Device setting while logged in
tkstatus_alwaysuseprimelineDetermines off-hook behavior of phones with active calls present
tkstatus_alwaysuseprimelineforvmDetermines Voice Message retreival behavior of phones
externalcallcontrolprofileFor External Call Control Profiles
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
routingrequesttimerThis timer specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, that Cisco Unified Communications Manager will wait for the response from the web service for a call routing request before taking the default call routing action
facinfoContains the authorization information for For
codeAll digits
nameUsed in CDR
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
fallbackprofileFallBack Profile
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
fallbackdidFall Back DID of the IME Published DID Pattern Group
fallbackdnFall Back Directory Number of the IME Published DID Pattern Group
nameName of the FallBack Profile
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
featureconfigFeature specific parameters
keynamename of the Feature Configuration Parameter
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
clauseString indicating the feature by enum and the policy setting for that feature which overrides its default. Formatted as feature:setting;feature:setting
nameUnique name
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
featuregrouptemplateStores the provisioning data needed to a template of settings used when creating new end users
allowcticontrolflagWhen AllowCTIControlFlag is enabled, all users created based on this template will when a user logins to device, the device allows CTI Control
cupsenabledWhen CUPSEnabled is enabled, all users created based on this template will have CUPS client enabled
descriptionA localizable administrative description of the Feature Group Template
enablecalendarpresenceDetermines whether others are allowed to see the meeting information for the user in Presence status
enableemccWhen enableEMCC is enabled, all users created based on this template will have capability to access EMCC feature
enablemobilevoiceWhen EnableMobileVoice is enabled, all users created based on this template Enable IVR/Two-stage Dialing access
enablemobilityWhen EnableMobility is enabled, all users created based on this template Indicates whether a user has been licensed to use Mobility (SNR) features
enableusertohostconferencenowThis will give user privilege to start a meeting in Conference Now with their PIN. User may set up optional attendee access code on the Self-care portal.
fkcallingsearchspace_restrictReference CallingSearchSpace record that defines restriction.
fkmatrix_presenceReference to Presence Group Matrix record. This is required for extension mobility. Appuser table does not need this because appuser cannot do extension mobility
fkucserviceprofileReference to UC Service Profile record that defines UC Services for the end user.
fkucuserprofileUsed to define for users created via this FGT the optional UCUserProfile with which, if present, they should be associated.
islocaluserWhen IsLocalUser is enabled, all users created based on this template Indicate whether the user is local to the UCM cluster
maxdeskpickupwaittimeAll users created based on this template will have Max wait time for desk phone pickup in milliseconds
nameUnique name to Identify the Feature Group Template
pkidUnique identifier for the record
remotedestinationlimitAll users created based on this template will have this Max number of remote destinations associated with the EndUser (Mobility must also be enabled)
tkuserlocaleall users created based on this template will have this Locale associated with the user. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users, including language and font.
functionroleA role comprises a function which is a set of permissions on resource-action tuples.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
functionroledirgroupmapMany to many relationship between FunctionRole and DirGroup
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
functionroleresourcemapCaptures what roles have what permissions.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
gatekeeperGatekeeper information in not in Device table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
gatewaylayoutStatic table for MGCP gateway layout.
enumA number to identify the record
gatewaynetworkdetailCUBA: GatewayNetworkDetail table to store the network details for the Gateway.
defaultgatewayDefaultGateWay for the gateway table
fkmgcpReference to MGCP
ipaddressipAddress for the gateway table
isdhcpcheck for DHCP
pkidUnique identifier for the record
primarydnsPrimaryDNS for the gateway table
secondarydnsSecondaryDNS for the gateway table
subnetmaskSubNetMask for the gateway table
geolocationUsed to store the GeoLocation for devices
a1National Subdivision
a3Community Name
a4City Division
countryCountry name identified by two letter ISO
hnoHouse Number
hnsHouse Number Suffix
namOccupant Name
nameUnique Name to identify a record
pcPostal Code
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
podTrailing Street Suffix
prdLeading Street Direction
stsStreet Suffix
geolocationfilterUsed to store GeoLocation filters
nameUnique Name to identify a record
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
usea1If true A1 column is part of the filter string else not
usea2If true A2 column is part of the filter string else not
usea3If true A3 column is part of the filter string else not
usea4If true A4 column is part of the filter string else not
usea5If true A5 column is part of the filter string else not
usea6If true A6 column is part of the filter string else not
usecountryIf true Country column is part of the filter string else not
useflrIf true FLR column is part of the filter string else not
usehnoIf true HNO column is part of the filter string else not
usehnsIf true HNS column is part of the filter string else not
uselmkIf true LMK column is part of the filter string else not
uselocIf true LOC column is part of the filter string else not
usenamIf true NAM column is part of the filter string else not
usepcIf true PC column is part of the filter string else not
usepodIf true POD column is part of the filter string else not
useprdIf true PRD column is part of the filter string else not
usestsIf true STS column is part of the filter string else not
geolocationpolicyUsed to store Logical Partition policy records
a1National Subdivision
a3Community Name
a4City Division
countryCountry name identified by two letter ISO
hnoHouse Number
hnsHouse Number Suffix
namOccupant Name
nameUnique Name to identify a record
pcPostal Code
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
podTrailing Street Suffix
prdLeading Street Direction
stsStreet Suffix
geolocationpolicymatrixUsed to store Logical Partition Policies
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
tkgeolocationdevice_aRefers to the Logical Partition Device type
tkgeolocationdevice_bRefers to the Logical Partition Device type
tklogicalpartitionpolicyRefers to the Logical Partition Policy
globalsettingDefinition records for use by various applications as persistent global settings. Useful in pointing to a record in another table as a default setting or where referential or control rules are needed.
pkidGUID based surrogate primary key for unique application reference to the GlobalSetting type definition record
settingvalueContains the actual Setting Value for the Global Setting as defined by the referenced TypeGlobalSetting foreign key in this record
tkglobalsettingForeign key indentifying the associated type definition which describes the purpose, use, and rules associated with this setting
grtreportA report
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
grtreportsourcemapA mapping table to map GRTSource and GRTReport
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
grtsourceData sources for Reporting tool
beforegenpromptPrompt to display before generating this report.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remedypossilbe remedy to resolve data under test
symptompossible symptoms if errors exist in data under test
h323deviceH.323 information not in Device table
allowh235passthroughPass through of the H.235 ClearToken encryption key through an Cisco Unifed CM H.323 ICT, H.323 Trunk or H.323 Gateway is Allowed
conncallbeforeplayingannTrue, if inbound call should be connected before playing queuing announcement. It is applicable only for H.323 Gateways and H.225 Trunk (Gatekeeper and Non-gatekeeper Controlled Intercluster Trunks). It is not applicable to H.323 clients
fkcallingsearchspace_cntdpntransformCalling Search Space for Connected Party Name Transformation Pattern
ictpassingprecedencelevelthroughuuieValid for Non-Gatekeeper Controlled Inter-cluster Trunks only
ictsecurityaccesslevelSAL is ignored when PassingPrecedenceLevelThroughUUIE is FALSE
issafenabledIndicates as to whether the trunk is enabled for SAF
numdigits99 is used for all digits instead of SigDigits = false
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sigdigitsMust be 1 if (NumDigits >= 0) AND (NumDigits <= 32), or 0 if (NumDigits = 99)
tkcallingpartyselectionSource of the calling party number: originator = 1, first redirect = 2, last redirect = 3
tkpresentationbitCLID presentationBit: allowed = 1, restricted = 2
usedpconnectedpartytransformationcssIf set to true fkCallingSearchSpace_CntdPNTransform setting from Device Pool will be used and if false use setting on H323Device including NULL to mean no Calling Search Space. The Default value is TRUE
h323trunkdestinationTo store the details of H323 Trunk destination
addressIP address or host name for this EndPoint instance of the corresponding H323 Device
fkh323devicePoints to the corresponding H323 Device record to which the EndPoint Address relates.
pkidUnique ID to identify a H323 Trunk Destination record.
sortorderNumeric value used to control selection logic associated with choosing the next H323TrunkEndPoint address for a given logical H323 Trunk Endpoint. This value should be unique among the set of all endpoint addresses associated with a given H323 Trunk record.
hostedroutepatternNumeric route patterns that should be replicated to other clusters
patternNumeric route pattern
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pstnfailoverprependdigitsDigits to prepend to called party number when re-routing to the PSTN.
pstnfailoverstripdigitsNumber of leading digits to remove from the called party number when re-routing to the PSTN.
tkglobalnumberCategorizes the pattern as specific type of global number.
tkhostedroutepatternpstnruleSpecifies the method for deriving the PSTN Failover Number.
hosteduriURI member of HostedURICatalog
hosteduricatalogkey_idHosted Catalog Key ID
patternILS Learned Pattern for Hosted URI.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkpatternusagePattern usage for ILS Learned Pattern Hosted URI
usnUpdate sequence number for intercluster replication.
hosteduricatalogSet of URIs homed on external systems for which this cluster acts as a publisher to other clusters in the ILS network.
descriptionDescription of the catalog.
loadedfilenameName of the administrator-specified URI file most recently loaded.
nameUnique name for this catalog.
peeridUnique identifier on the ILS network. This value cannot be modified after the collection has been created.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
replicationsetCatalog's replication set
resultfilenameName of file generated for ILS.
routestringAdministrator-defined character string to which SIP Route Pattern is compared.
timestamploadedutcDate/time the catalog was loaded.
hosteduricatalogkeyNon Reference Index constrained map between HostedURI and HostedURICatalog
fkhosteduricatalogPkid reference from HostedURICatalog.
hosteduricatalogkey_idA reasonable sized key. Generated for use from HostedURI to reference associated Hosted URI Catalog.
isdeletedWhen true, the associated Hosted URI Catalog has been deleted but all dependent Hosted URIs are not yet scrubbed.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
httpinterfaceaddressContain HTTP Interface info which is used for TelePresence conference bridge management
addressIPV4/IPv6address/hostname for HTTP desitination address for TelePresence Conference Bridge
fkdevicemanagementinfoReference to a specific DeviceManagementInfo
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
httpprofileHttp Profile Information, stores URI information relating to various Http services such as Video Quality of Service
passwordHTTP Service login password
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
profilenameUnique identifcation of the HTTPProfile.
requesttimeoutThis timer specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, that Cisco Unified Communications Manager will wait for the response from the web service.
retrycountRetryCount specifies the number of times that Cisco CallManager will re-send the request. Default should be 4
tkhttpprofileSpecifies the HTTP Profile Usage
usernameHTTP Service login user name
webservicerooturiBase URI which is joined with the associated connection type and extension to form a full URI.
httpprofileuriextensionHttp Profile URI Extension Information which specifies the URI extensions and profile type for a Http Profile.
fkhttpprofileReference to the Http Profile. Obsolete - not used
pkidUnique ID to identify a record. Obsolete - not used
tkhttpprofileuriSpecifies the type of HTTP Profile URI. Obsolete - not used
uriextensionSpecifies the URI extension which is appended to the associated profile's webServiceRootURI. Obsolete - not used
httpproxyexceptionStores Exception details for Wireless LAN HTTP Proxy.
fknetworkaccessprofileReference to Wireless LAN Network Access Setting.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
uriHTTP Proxy Exception URI
huntpilotqueueTo store settings used by Queue calls in hunt pilot
fkcallingsearchspace_maxwaittimeWait Time Reached Route Call to CSS
fkcallingsearchspace_noagentRoute Call to CSS if no agent logged in or registered
fkcallingsearchspace_pilotqueuefullQueue Full Route Call to CSS
fknumplan_pilotHunt Pilot using the Queue
maxcallersinqueueMax Number of Callers Allowed in Queue
maxwaittimedestinationWait Time Reached Route Call to DN
maxwaittimeinqueueMax Queue Wait Time
networkholdmohaudiosourceidNetwork Hold Audio Source ID
noagentdestinationRoute Call to DN if no agent logged in or registered
pkidUnique identifier for native queue call record
queuefulldestinationQueue Full Route Call to DN
imsintegratedmobileSettings specific to IMS Integrated Mobile devices (IMS Clients)
blockincomingcallswhenroamingBlock incoming calls on the IMS Client when it is outside its home network
fkdeviceReference to an IMS Integrated Mobile Device
homenetworkidNetwork name or identifier of the IMS Client home network. Required for blocking incoming calls when roaming
pkidUnique identifier for the record
requirethirdpartyregistrationRequire client registration (with an application server) prior to allowing any incoming or outgoing calls
inactiveusersTable for storing inactive endusers
fkenduserForeign key to EndUser table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
incomingtransformationprofileIncoming Transformation Profile
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
fkcallingsearchspace_intlInternational Number
fkcallingsearchspace_nationalNational Number
fkcallingsearchspace_subscriberSubscriber Number
fkcallingsearchspace_unknownUnknown Number
internationalprefixInternational Prefix
internationalstripdigitsInternational Strip Digits
nameName of the IncomingTransformationProfile
nationalprefixNational Prefix
nationalstripdigitsNational Strip Digits
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
subscriberprefixSubscriber Prefix
subscriberstripdigitsSubscriber Strip Digits
unknownprefixUnknown Prefix
unknownstripdigitsUnknown Strip Digits
infrastructuredeviceThe table is used to store the information of upstream neighbour infrastructure device
bssidwithmaskBasic Service Set Identifier:A unique address that identifies the access point/router that creates the wireless network.
datetimestampDenotes last time the fields were updated.
ipv4addressIPv4 address of the Ethernet switch or the Access point.
ipv6addressIPv6 address of the Ethernet switch or the AP.
isactiveIf true, then device (i.e Switch,or Wireless Access Point) is active, otherwise it is not communicable and inactive.
nameName of Ethernet switch or Access point.
pkidUnique identifier for the record.
waplocationLocation of Wireless application protocol.
installmonitorUsed to send change notification of subscriber install
datetimestampTime stamp
idUnique orderable id.
nodenameName of Subscriber pulling subscription
pkidUsed only to trigger MakeDB to generate Change Notification triggers
interclusterserviceprofileLocally configured intercluster services information
fkdevice_sipPkid that points to dynamic SIP trunk device.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
intercomdynamicReserved for future use; Current device association for Intercom line when used with EM.
datetimestampTime value for last change (for replication conflict resolution)
fkdeviceReserved for future use; References the current active device associated with an intercom for EM
fknumplanReferences Intercom pattern in NumPlan table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
ipmalineinfoIPMA relationship between two lines for two users
ikipmalineinfoManager's line
lineindexOrdering of lines.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
ipmamanagerassistantRelationship for IPMA between a manager and an assistant
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
ipmastaticdataIPMA data that used to be in a BLOB
filterexclusivedigit strings (0-9*+X) separated by delimiter "~&^"
filterinclusivedigit strings (0-9*+X) separated by delimiter "~&^"
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
ipmauserAdditional IPMA information not in EndUser
callplaneoverwriteenabledTrue to allow screen refresh while on call, false to prevent screen refresh while attending a call
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
poolIPMA Pool from Service Parameters (ID 1 to 10)
smartsortenabledTrue to sort display by call state, false to sort in defined order
stopupdateIndicates the status of update of manager calls on assistant phone is on/off (false/true)
ivruserlocaleOrder of prompts for IVR menus
orderindexSort order for locales offered for IVR prompts
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkuserlocaleLocale used for IVR prompts (Mobility features)
lbmgroupLocation Bandwidth Manager Group refers to the group of nodes that have LBM service activated
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
fkprocessnode_activeActive node/server that has LBM service activated
fkprocessnode_standbyStandby node/server that has LBM service activated
nameName of the Location Bandwidth Manager Group
pkidUnique ID to identify a Location Bandwidth Manager Group
lbmhubgroupDefines a group of LBM nodes that serve as the hub contact list for the associated spoke LBM nodes. The hub group member could be a local or remote LBM hub node
descriptionDescription is up to 100 characters in any language
hostorip_primaryPrimary member of LBM Hub Group. If your network uses DNS services, you can enter the host name of the Cisco CallManager server. Otherwise, you must enter the full IP address of the server.
hostorip_secondarySecondary member of LBM Hub Group. If your network uses DNS services, you can enter the host name of the Cisco CallManager server. Otherwise, you must enter the full IP address of the server.
hostorip_tertiaryTertiary member of LBM Hub Group. If your network uses DNS services, you can enter the host name of the Cisco CallManager server. Otherwise, you must enter the full IP address of the server.
nameName of the Location Bandwidth Manager Hub Group
pkidUnique ID to identify LBM Hub Group configured
ldapauthenticationUsed for authentication with Corp. Dir.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
ldapauthenticationhostLDAP Server host name for authentication
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
ldapfilterLDAP Filter
filterThe Filter string to be passed to the LDAP Host in a sync request used to restrict results to a subset of the possible result records.
nameThe filter name should help the administrator identify and select the appropriate customized filter for reference by a sync agreement.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
ldapsearchagreementDirectory Search LDAP for Edge Clients
distinguishednameDistinguished Name of LdapSearchAgreement
enabledirectorysearchFlag indicating whether user search is enabled
enablerecursivesearchFlag indicating whether recursive search is enabled
fkldapfilter_groupAssociation between LDAPFilter and LdapSearchAgreement. This filter is used to search only groups
fkldapfilter_userAssociation between LDAPFilter and LdapSearchAgreement. This filter is used to search only users
fkucservice_primaryAssociation between UCService directory and LdapSearchAgreement. Primary service will have the information about the hostname/ipaddress and protocol to make the necessary primary LDAP connection
fkucservice_secondaryAssociation between UCService directory and LdapSearchAgreement. Secondary service will have the information about the hostname/ipaddress and protocol to make the necessary secondary LDAP connection
fkucservice_tertiaryAssociation between UCService directory and LdapSearchAgreement. Tertiary service will have the information about the hostname/ipaddress and protocol to make the necessary Tertiary LDAP connection
passwordLDAP password of LdapSearchAgreement
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
usersearchbase1Primary UserSearchBase for LDAP. This will be used by Cisco Jabber client to search the User through UDS from the Enterprise Directory
usersearchbase2Secondary UserSearchBase for LDAP. This will be used by Cisco Jabber client to search the User through UDS from the Enterprise Directory
usersearchbase3Third UserSearchBase for LDAP. This will be used by Cisco jabber client to search the User through UDS from the Enterprise Directory
ldapsearchattributeTable which will store UDS tag and LDAP attribute mapping
dirobjectclassattrnameLDAP attribute name
fkldapsearchagreementAssociation with the ldapsearchagreement table.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkldapserverattrLDAP attribute type mapping.
ldapserverattributePrepopulated ldap attribute names for each server type
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
ldapsystemconfigLDAP System Config
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
syncenabledIndicates whether plugin is enabled
useridattributenameAttribute name to be used for Userid
licensedistributionusedContains information about license units distributed and license units checked out to each license server for each feature
distributedlicenseunitsNumber of license units available on each license server for each feature.
isavailableIndicates License Unit availability including substitution via borrowing from Parent license(s).
pendinglicenseunitsNumber of DLUs required to convert BAT dummy phones (or other inactive device) to a real licenses phone
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
usedlicenseunitsCumulative license units checked out from each license server.
licenseinfoLicenseing acccounting for a server for a partincular fearture
isdemoLicense is for demonstration (trial) only
licenseunitsNumber of license units available on each license server for each feature.
licfileididentifer of license file. example 20050826140539162
licfileversionversion of license file. example 1.0
macaddressThis is the media access control (MAC) address of the network interface card (NIC) of server where intial license was isuesed
origmacidThis is a second media access control (MAC) address of the network interface card (NIC) of server where intial license was isuesed. example 000BCD4EE59D
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
upgradefromwindowsThe default for UpgradeFromWindows is false
licenseserverThe prioritized list of license servers is specified in this table
elmlastcontacttsThis is the time of last contact of the product with the ELM that it is registered to
elmnameCould be hostname or ip address
fkprocessnodeassociated processnode to license server
lastresourceusagecalculationtsThis is the time stamp for the latest calculation of Licensed Resource Utilization on the product.
nameCould be hostname or ip address
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
prioritySpecifies which license server has greater priority for the cluster.
tklicensingmodeThis is the Licensing Mode on the product.
tklicensingstateThis is the State on the product with reference to Licensing.
licensingresourceusageContains the resource device tier usage count per user
emTrue if EM is configured for user.
fkenduserUnique ID of enduser whose device usage is counted, null for devices not associated with a user.
pkidUnique identifier for the record
presenceTRUE if user has IM And Presence.
snrTrue if SNR is configured for user.
linegroupUsed by Route/Hunt Lists
autologoffhuntmembersThis field indicates that the Hunt members associated to the Line Group will be logged off automatically from the Hunt List when a member does not answer the call. The member will be auto logged off when the value is set to true.
nameUnique name
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
rnareversiontimeoutTime, in seconds, after which call distribution will distribute a call to the next available or idle member of this line group if the call is not answered.
tkdistributealgorithmDistribution algorithm. It could be Top Down, Circular, Longest Idle Time (default) or Broadcast.
linegroupnumplanmapMaps Line Groups to NumPlans to be used by Route/Hunt Lists
lineselectionorderThere is no requirment for this index to be sequential per LineGroup nor to begin with a particular value per Line Group.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
localestringformatrulemapMapping of string formats to user locales.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkstringformatruleRule that the locale is associated with.
tkuserlocaleLocale that the rule is associated with.
locationLocation to specify the number/combined size of calls within a zone
fkmatrixPkid of Matrix record for RSVP Policy
hiresversionstampHi Rez VersionStamp combination of DateTimeStamp and counter
isstandardWhether it is standard
nameUnique name.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resynctoggleShould this location be resyced
withinlocation_immersivekbitsMaximum amount of video bandwidth (in kbps) that is available for all video calls on the link between specified locations A and B. For Immersive video calls, the video bandwidth does not include overhead.
withinlocation_kbitsMaximum amount of audio bandwidth (in kbps) that is available for all audio calls on the link between this location and other locations. For audio calls, the audio bandwidth includes overhead.
withinlocation_videokbitsMaximum amount of video bandwidth (in kbps) that is available for all video calls on the link between this location and other locations. For video calls, the video bandwidth does not include overhead.
locationmatrixEdge bandwidth available between locations
fklocation_aSide A of edge, that forms the link between locations A and B. Edges are non directional, so A->B is same as B->A
fklocation_bSide B of edge, that forms the link between locations A and B. Edges are non directional, so A->B is same as B->A
hiresversionstampHi Rez VersionStamp combination of DateTimeStamp and counter
immersivekbitsMaximum amount of video bandwidth (in kbps) that is available for all video calls on the link between specified locations A and B. For Immersive video calls, the video bandwidth does not include overhead.
kbitsMaximum amount of audio bandwidth (in kbps) that is available for all audio calls on the link between specified locations A and B. For audio calls, the audio bandwidth includes overhead.
pkidUnique ID to identify Location Edge
videokbitsMaximum amount of video bandwidth (in kbps) that is available for all video calls on the link between specified locations A and B. For video calls, the video bandwidth does not include overhead.
weightWeight of a location edge refers to the cost incurred in using the edge for routing. Shortest call path consumes least weight. Weight defaults to 50
machineaccountdetailsTable to store the refresh and access token details when UCM or IMP is obtaining a token from an external Authorization Server.
accesstokenurlThe Auth MicroService URL that UCM/CIMP must use to obtain new access token (using refresh token).
alarmurlURL for Cisco Management Agent Service to register alarms associated with Cisco Cloud services.
cacerturlGet CA api URL which is used to get CA certificates.
expiresinThe lifetime in seconds of the refresh token. UCM/CIMP does not need to replicate or use this value. ExpiresIn will be typically 60 days.
metricsurlURL for Cisco Unified Presence to track metrics associated with Cisco Cloud services.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pushmsurlURL that CIMP must use to send a jabber push notification.
refreshtokenThe refresh token can be used by UCM/CIMP to obtain new access token from Cisco Cloud using AccessTokenUrl.
refreshtokenurlThe Auth MicroService URL that UCM/CIMP must use to delete a refresh token
refreshuuidThe refresh UUID can be used by UCM to call the DeleteRefreshToken API and GetCA API on Cisco Cloud using the respective URLs.
machineaccounturlMachine account URLs
fkmachineaccountdetailsforeign key to machine account detail
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkcloudserviceThe type of cloud service
matrixGeneric Matrix Table
descriptionDescription of the matrix record
ikmatrixPkid of Matrix record for chaining.
isstandardWhether it is a standard security policy
nameA name to identify the record
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkmatrixType of Matrix record
matrixmemberMember records for Matrix
fkmatrix_1Pkid of Matrix record
fkmatrix_2Pkid of Matrix related record
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkmatrixvalueRefers to the various types but for a particular Matrix type
mediamixerSoftware conference bridge device settings
maxstreamsNumber of ports supported.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
mediaresourcegroupA group of media resources to be used by a device
descriptionDescription for the Media Resource Group.
multicastWhether to use multicast for Music On Hold Audio.
nameUnique name to identify the Media Resource Group.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
mediaresourcegroupmemberTies devices to Media Resource Groups
fkdevice1-20 per group
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
mediaresourcelistA list of MediaResourceGroups to be used by a device
clauseTrigger updated. Colon separated list.
nameUnique name to identify the Media Resource Group List.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
mediaresourcelistmemberTies Media Resource Groups to Media Resource Lists
fkmediaresourcegroupMedia resource group that belongs to this Media Resource Group List.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sortorderThere is no requirement for this index to be sequential nor to start with any particular value for a Media Resource Group.
mgcpMGCP device information sometimes refered to as box level information
descriptionDescription of the MGCP gateway that clarifies the purpose of the device.
domainnameName that identifies the Cisco MGCP gateway.
fkcallmanagergroupCisco CallManager redundancy group.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
scratchUsed to store temporary info for GUI
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
versionstampNew guid is generated every time this gateway is updated
xmlProduct configuration XML not used by CCM
mgcpdevicememberRelationships between MGCP and Devices.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
mgcpslotconfigUsed by the GUI to show slots and VIC configurations for MGCP devices.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
mlaparameterConfiguration parameters for MultiLevelAdmin
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
mlppdomainDomains for Mlpp
idhex identity of domain
namename of domain
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
mobilesmartclientprofileSettings for Smart Client devices used with Mobility
enablecfauriURI to enable call forward all
enablesnruriURI to enable mobile connect
handoffuriURI for handoff
isstandardStandard entry created by install that cannot be modified or removed
nameName of this profile
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkmobilesmartclientSmart client application model
mobilityprofileTo store details of Mobility Profile for Least Cost Routing
descriptionLocalizable description of Mobility Profile
dvofserviceaccessnumberparameter specifies an alternative service access number for smart phone users to dial when invoking the Dial-via-Office Forward feature
dvorcalleridMobility will use this as callerid for the callback to mobile in case of DVO-Reverse
fknumplanpoints to the numplan entry that specifies a number for smart phone users to dial when invoking the Dial-via-Office Forward feature.
nameUnique name
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkdialviaofficeReference to the DialViaOffice type setting associated with this MobilityProfile. Indicates how external calls made through the UCM, (by Remote Destinations associated with this profile), should be connected with the originator.
modelfeaturemapAll feature types allowed for a particular model
enumUsed for primary key so can be replicated by SQL
mohaudiosourceinformation on sources for music for Music on Hold
alwaysplayinitialannouncementAlwaysPlayInitialAnnouncement gives the user an option to choose whether to play the initial announcement to hunt pilot callers. when it is set to False, caller will not hear initial announcement when an agent is availble.
fkcustomannouncement_initialInitial custom announcement
fkcustomannouncement_repeatRepeat Custom Announcement
isexternalsourceUsed to indicate a change of meaning for the SourceFile field.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
repeatintervalRepeat interval for custom announcement
sourcefileMOH Fixed Audio Source stream (51) uses empty source file for disabled, /dev/dsp for enabled. Other values are invalid.
tkuserlocale_announcementsReference to TypeUserLocale
mohserverMusic on Hold server information
multicastbaseipaddressMulticast base IP Address and Port must be set in tandem
multicastbaseportMulticast base IP Address and Port must be set in tandem
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
mohservermulticastinfoties multicast MOHAudioSources to MOHServers
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
mraservicedomainMRA service domains
isdefaulttrue indicates the current record is the default MRA service domain.
nameA unique name for Customer
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
mrgmediaaccesspermissionCUBA: To store the permission information between media access (checkbox in UI which take input on access to MOH, MTP, CFB) and MRGL
allowanncheck for annonciater
allowcfbcheck for conference bridge
allowmohcheck for Musich on hold
allowmtpcheck for MTP
fkmediaresourcegroupReference to MRG
pkidUnique identifier for the record
networkaccessprofileStores Network Access details for a Wireless LAN Profile.
descriptionDescription of the Wireless LAN HTTP Proxy.
nameName of the Wireless LAN HTTP Proxy.
namecredentialfornetauthenticationUser identification name for network authentication.
passwordreverseUsed for digest authentication
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
portPort on which it makes the connection.
requireauthenticationIndicates whether it requires authentication to make the connection.
tkhttpproxyType of HTTP Proxy used.
tkstatus_vpnrequiredSpecifies the status on VPN requirement.
nsfinformationelementFor ISDN Network Specific Facilities information elements
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
nsfprotocolservicemapMap NSF services to NSF supported Pri Protocols
enumA number to identify the record
ntpserverServers to get time value from
descriptionDescription of NTP Server
ipv6addressIPV6 address of the phone NTP server.
nameIP Address for NTP Server
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkzzntpmodeNTP Mode
ntpserverdatetimesettingmapMapping between NTP Server and DateTimeSetting
fkdatetimesettingpkid of DateTimeSetting
fkntpserverpkid of NTP Server record
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
selectionorderIdentifies the order in which the NTP Server should be selected
numplanList of all directory numbers and patterns
alertingnameasciiThis is same as Alerting Name if all characters are ASCII.
allowcticontrolflagIf true, this line allows CTI Control.
authorizationcoderequiredAuthorization Code (FAC) cannot be used when Overlap Sending is allowed
authorizationlevelrequiredConfigurable with AuthorizationRequired checked
blockenableBlock CallerID on outbound calls?
calledpartytransformationmaskA transform
callforwardexpansionmaskCallForwardExpansionMask is set only for Route and Translation Patterns
callingpartyprefixdigitsA transform - this is a mask pattern similar to PrefixDigitsOut
callingpartytransformationmaskA transform
calreferenceuser can assign confidential access level value to the line
cfaptdestinationCall Forward Alternate Party Target Destination
cfaptdurationCFAPTDuration is set only for Directory Numbers
cfaptvoicemailenabledCFAPTVoiceMailEnabled is TRUE only for Directory Numbers
cfbdestinationCall Forward Busy (not a pattern)
cfbvoicemailenabledCFBVoiceMailEnabled is TRUE only for Directory Numbers
cfdfvoicemailenabledCFDFVoiceMailEnabled is TRUE only for Directory Numbers.
cfhrdnCall Forward On Hold Reversion Destination (not a pattern)
cfhrdurationtime (in seconds) before held call is forwarded to CFHRDN; -1 defaults to Service Parameter, 0 disables feature; timer starts when HRDuration is reached
cfnadestinationCall Forward No Answer (not a pattern)
cfnadurationCFNADuration is set only for Directory Numbers
cfnavoicemailenabledCFNAVoiceMailEnabled is TRUE only for Directory Numbers
clientcoderequiredClient Matter Code (CMC) cannot be used when Overlap Sending is allowed
cssforcfaCSS pkid string combined device CSS and line CSS when fkCallingSearchSpace_CFA is Null
devicefailurednDevice failure
deviceoverrideUsed to denote if RP associated can be overridden
dialplanwizardgenidThis record created by DialPlanWizard
displayconnectedpartynumberWhen this checkbox is enabled, caller will see the actual DN inside Line group which answered the call as connected party
dnorpatternDepends on PatternUsage
dnorpatternipv6SIP route pattern to include IPv6 address for URL based patterns. This field does not allow domain names.
dontwaitforidtatsubsequenthopsWhen this checkbox is enabled, Inter digit timeout will not occur at any of the subsequent matches.
externalpresentationnameThis field displays the External Presentation Name on the device.
externalpresentationnumberExternal Presentation Number for the user.
fkcallingsearchspace_cfaptCall Forward Alternate Party
fkcallingsearchspace_cfbCall Forward Busy
fkcallingsearchspace_cfhrCall Forward On Hold Reversion
fkcallingsearchspace_cfnaCall Forward No Answer
fkcallingsearchspace_cfurCall Forward Not Registered
fkcallingsearchspace_cfurintCall Forward Not Registered
fkcallingsearchspace_devicefailureDevice failure
fkcallingsearchspace_mwiCallingSearchSpace_MWI is required only for Message Waiting Indicators
fkcallingsearchspace_pkmonfwdnoretCalling Search Space for Park Monitoring Forward No Retreive Destination
fkcallingsearchspace_pkmonfwdnoretintCalling Search Space for Park Monitoring Forward No Retreive Internal Destination
fkcallingsearchspace_rerouteNOT USED TODAY - Called Redirect CallingSearchSpace on admin
fkcallingsearchspace_sharedlineappearCallingSearchSpace_SharedLineAppear is required only for Directory Numbers, Voice Mail Ports, Intercom Lines and line templates
fkcallingsearchspace_translationused only if tkPatternUsage is translation
fkcallmanagerPointer to CallManager assoicated with callparck
fkdevice_intercomdefaultReferences the device associated with intercom line when EM is not used or not logged in
fkdialplanused only for route pattern
fkdigitdiscardinstructionA transform
fkexternalcallcontrolprofileNumPlan_fkExternalCallControlProfile must be null for pattern usage other than directory number, translation pattern, route pattern and line template
fkmatrix_presencePkid for Presence Group Matrix record
fkresourceprioritynamespaceResource Priority Namespace for Route Patterns and Translation Patterns
fkroutefilterused only if pattern contains an @
fkroutepartitionRoute Partition is required for Intercom lines and Intercom Translation patterns.
fkvoicemessagingprofileVoiceMessagingProfile is required only for Directory Numbers
hrdurationtime (in seconds) before notification starts for held call; -1 defaults to Service Parameter, 0 disables feature
hrintervaltime (in seconds) between notifications for held call; -1 defaults to Service Parameter, 0 disables feature
iknumplan_parkcodeDirected Call Park record for which this record specifies the Retrieval Code.
isanonymousif true, External Presentation Name and External Presentation Number will be disabled.
iscallableIf this numplan is mapped in DeviceNumPlanMap, this is true. Otherwise, this is user settable if it tkPatternUsage is device.
isemergencyservicenumberWhether the pattern is a Emergency Service Number
mlpppreemptiondisabledif this is true, the matching patterns will not be preempted
networkholdmohaudiosourceidNetworkHoldMOHAudioSourceID is set only for Directory Numbers
nfkccaprofile_idThe association of the CCAProfile with the DN will act as a flag that suggests the CCA service (DNAlias sycn service) should push the DN into the DNAlias sycn server. If there is no DN with CCAProfile configured, then CCA service would find this as an indication that the Admin doesn't want to push any records into the DNAlias sycn server and will not use up the CPUs.
outsidedialtoneDialtone associated with Gateways etc.
parkmonforwardnoretrievednPark Monitoring Forward No Retreive Destination
parkmonforwardnoretrieveintdnPark Monitoring Forward No Retreive Internal Destination
parkmonforwardnoretrieveintvmenabledPark Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Internal Voice Mail is Enabled
parkmonforwardnoretrievevmenabledPark Monitoring Forward No Retrieve Voice Mail is Enabled
parkmonreversiontimerPark Monitoring Reversion Timer
patternurgencyif true, then autodial when go off hook
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
prefixdigitsoutA transform - this is a mask pattern
rejectanonymouscallWhen RejectAnonymousCall is enabled, all anonymous incoming calls will be rejected
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
revertdestinationRevert destination when direct call park timeout expired
routenexthopbycgpnTRUE if Digit Analysis should use Calling Party Number when attempting to find the next pattern match
routeonuserpartThe field is used for SIP Domain Routing Patterns
supportoverlapsendingSupportOverlapSending is set only for Route Patterns
tkautoanswerauto answer enabled
tkcalmodeuser can assign confidential access level mode to the line
tkcfacssactivationpolicyCFA CSS Activation Policy
tkdevicesecuritymode_minimumallowedLevel of security required for a Conference initiated on a Meet-Me pattern; not used for other pattern types
tkmixerused only if tkPatternUsage is MeetMe. Unicast/Multicast
tknetworklocationOnly Route or Translation Pattern can be off-net
tknumberingplan_calledValues are based on TypeNumberingPlan
tknumberingplan_callingValues based on TypeNumberingPlan
tkpatternprecedenceMLPP Pattern Precedence can be other than Default only for Route Patterns, Translation Patterns, and Hunt Pilots
tkpatternusage{CallPark uses pattern, MeetMe uses DN, Device uses DNOrPattern, Translation uses pattern, PickupGroup uses DN}
tkpresentationbitReferences TypePresentationBit for port access where values 0/1/2 represents DEFAULT/ALLOWED/RESTRICTED
tkpresentationbit_callinglinePresentationBit_CallingLine is Default only for Route and Translation Patterns
tkpresentationbit_callingnamePresentationBit_CallingName is Default only for Route and Translation Patterns
tkpresentationbit_connectedlinePresentationBit_ConnectedLine is Default only for Route and Translation Patterns
tkpresentationbit_connectednamePresentationBit_ConnectedName is Default only for Route and Translation Patterns
tkpriofnumber_calledValues are based on TypePriOfNumber
tkpriofnumber_callingValues based on TypePriOfNumber
tkreleasecausevalueReleaseCauseValue is No Error only for Route and Translation Patterns
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tkroaminguserstatus0-if super user is logged in. 1-if logged out. 2-if logged out through ILS. Default is 1.
tkstatus_partyentrancetoneDetermines whether entrance tone is played for cBarge, Barge, and Conference entrance/exit.
tkstatus_usefullyqualcallingpartynumMust use default for non-route/translation patterns
usecallercssThe field is used for SIP Domain Routing Patterns
useoriginatorcssWhen this checkbox is enabled, the call will be routed using originator's Calling Search Space
userholdmohaudiosourceidUserHoldMOHAudioSourceID is required only for Directory Numbers
withtag// update NSF element table if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pnsfIEListDeletes && (pnsfIEListDeletes->GetRecordCount() >0 )) hr = DeleteNSFInformationElement(connectionInfo, errorInfo, pnsfIEListDeletes); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pnsfIEList && (pnsfIEList->GetRecordCount() > 0)) hr = BlastUpdateNSFInformationElement(connectionInfo, errorInfo, pnsfIEList); //Build and update withTag and withValueClause for numplan if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ((pnsfIEList && (pnsfIEList->GetRecordCount() >0)) || (pnsfIEListDeletes &&(pnsfIEListDeletes->GetRecordCount() >0)))) { _bstr_t clause; _bstr_t tag; trace.tracef(SDI_LEVEL_ARBITRARY, "Start to build Tag and Clause"); pRS->MoveFirst(); _bstr_t numplanID = pRS->GetFields()->GetItem("pkid")->GetValue().bstrVal; trace.tracef(SDI_LEVEL_ARBITRARY, "NumPlan ID is: [%s]", numplanID); hr = CNumPlanRulesWorker::BuildWithTagAndClause(pConnection, numplanID, tag, clause); trace.tracef(SDI_LEVEL_ARBITRARY, "Built Tag is: [%s]---Built Clause is: [%s]", tag, clause); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hr = CNumPlanRulesWorker::UpdateWithTagAndClause(pConnection, numplanID, tag, clause); }
withvalueclause// update NSF element table if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pnsfIEListDeletes && (pnsfIEListDeletes->GetRecordCount() >0 )) hr = DeleteNSFInformationElement(connectionInfo, errorInfo, pnsfIEListDeletes); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pnsfIEList && (pnsfIEList->GetRecordCount() > 0)) hr = BlastUpdateNSFInformationElement(connectionInfo, errorInfo, pnsfIEList); //Build and update withTag and withValueClause for numplan if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ((pnsfIEList && (pnsfIEList->GetRecordCount() >0)) || (pnsfIEListDeletes &&(pnsfIEListDeletes->GetRecordCount() >0)))) { _bstr_t clause; _bstr_t tag; trace.tracef(SDI_LEVEL_ARBITRARY, "Start to build Tag and Clause"); pRS->MoveFirst(); _bstr_t numplanID = pRS->GetFields()->GetItem("pkid")->GetValue().bstrVal; trace.tracef(SDI_LEVEL_ARBITRARY, "NumPlan ID is: [%s]", numplanID); hr = CNumPlanRulesWorker::BuildWithTagAndClause(pConnection, numplanID, tag, clause); trace.tracef(SDI_LEVEL_ARBITRARY, "Built Tag is: [%s]---Built Clause is: [%s]", tag, clause); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hr = CNumPlanRulesWorker::UpdateWithTagAndClause(pConnection, numplanID, tag, clause); }
numplanappservermapWhich App servers service which DN(s)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
numplandcpsynstores the pkid for directed call park patterns in NumPlan table that need to be synchronized
parkcodeidThe pkid of the Directed Call Park code that requires Retrieval code sync. Does not use foreign key to avoid problems when deleting Directed Call Park numbers.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
retrievalcodeidThe pkid of the Retrieval Code that needs sync with the Park Code. Null if Retrieval Code has not been created.
seqTrigger set on insert
numplandynamicSeparate MWI from NumPlan
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tklampblinkrate_messagewaitingThis line has a message waiting (lamp is on). Set only by CallManager.
numplansubpatternusagemapCUBA: Mapping between NumPlan and NumPlan creator
fknumplanReference to NumPlan entry
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tksubpatternusageReference to typesubpatternusage for NumPlan
numplanuriStores URIs associated with a directory number
doroutebyroutestringIndicates whether other clusters may route to this URI or number using route string.
fkendusernumplanmapWhen a URI is a Directory URI this points to the primary extension that it is associated with.
fknumplanThe directory number to which the URI belongs.
fkroutepartitionThe partition to which the URI belongs.
isprimaryIndicates whether the URI is the primary URI for the directory number.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
uriSIP URI or number. If number, may be a mask.
onboardingdetailsTable to store the Cloud On-boarding registration details.
alarmencryptkeyStored alarm encryption key (encrypted)
alarmpushintervalsecsInterval between pushing queued alarms to cloud
alarmpushnowtoggleWhen this is modified it will trigger immediate push of queued alarms
alarmsendencrypteddataTRUE - if we need to send Encrypted Info is selected
allowanalyticscollectionIf set to true, troubleshooting information will be sent to Cisco Cloud.
anonymousanalyticsA number to identify If the Analytic data should be send anonymouse
customeronetimepasswordThe indicate the One time password for create otp
emailEmail address used for delivery of the OTP (One Time Password for Apple Push Notification Registration.)
enablegdscommunicationEnable GDS for activation codes
enablehttpproxyIf set to true, the HTTP Proxy is enabled.
enablepushnotificationIf set to true, the machine is registered for Cloud On-boarding.
enabletroubleshootingIf set to true, cisco will send trouble shooting information to the Cisco Cloud.
enabletrustcacertificateIf set to true, cisco will manage the required CA certificates and copy it to Tomcat trust store.
httpproxyaddressURI for the HTTP Proxy if enabled.
mraactivationdomainMra activation domain for activation codes
orgidThe Organization id is to unqiuely identify the customer Org on Cisco Cloud.
orgnameOrganization name.
partneremailEmail address used for delivery of the OTP (One Time Password for Apple Push Notification Registration.)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
proxypasswordHTTP proxy password. The credentials are stored in an encrypted format.
proxyusernameHTTP proxy username.
serviceaddressCloud On-boarding service address.
tkalarmseverityThe alarm severity.
tkonboardingregistrationstatusIdentifies APNS auth registration status.
outboundappservercnCustom CN for Apps that are not CN clients
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pagetemplateContains template names
pkidUnique ID to identify PageTemplate record
templatenameName of a UI page template
pagetemplatedetailContains details assigned to a template
attributenameName of a UI page attribute
attributevalueValue of a UI page attribute
isdefaultIndicates a default field for this web page attribute
ishiddenIndicates a hidden field for this web page attribute
isreadonlyIndicates a readonly field for this web page attribute
pkidUnique ID to identify PageTemplateDetail record
patternparametermapPattern Parameter Map
fkdialrulespatternmapPkid of DialRulesPatternMap record
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
personaladdressbookUsers keep their contacts here for Personal Address Book/TabSync
fkenduser_contactContact userid that an user would like to add to his PAB
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
personalphonebookUsers keep their DNs here for Personal Address Book/TabSync
fkpersonaladdressbookPhone Number must be associated with Address Book
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
phonebuttonIndividual button specification for a phone button template
paramn1optional parameter is feature dependant
paramn2Cannot change fixed feature button
paramt1Cannot change fixed feature button
paramt2Cannot change fixed feature button
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkfeaturewas Program using TypeButton
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
phonetemplateName and description for button templates downloaded to phone devices and addon modules
nameUnique name to identify the phone button template.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
privatetemplateTemplate private to that particular device
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkmodelPhone model associated with phone template
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
physicallocationUsed for DeviceMobility
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pickupgroupUsed for PickupGroup
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pickupgroupendusermapCUBA: Table to map pickup group to enduser on Cuba platform
fkenduserReference to Enduser
fkpickupgroupReference to pickupgroup
pkidUnique identifier for the record
pickupgrouplinemapUsed for PickupGroup
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pickupgroupmemberUsed for PickupGroup
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
pickupgroupprocessnodemapdynamicFor registering CTI pickup group call alert
alertnotificationenabledUpdated by CTI at run time
datetimestampTime stamp
fkpickupgroupUnique in combination with fkprocessgroup
fkprocessnodeUnique in combination with callpickup group
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
plmvoucherdetailsThe information stored in this table will be used for authentication while sending rest api request to Create OTP.
elmcertificateThis is to store the ELM certificate.
intermediatecertificateThis is to store the Intermediate certificate for satellite deployment model of CSSM. Regular Expression to validate: ^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@_\r\n\s-]{0,8000}$.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
vouchercodeThis is the Voucher code of the ELM certificate
vouchersignatureThis is the Voucher signature.
pluginList of menu items to plug into/show on the Web Admin.
namePlugin name
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
showonuseroptionThis field is not editable.
pnpselectedlanguageSelf Provisioning IVR Plug and Play Selected Language
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
priorityPriority of the selected language.
tkuserlocaleEnum of the typeuserlocale table for the language selected.
preferencesUI Preferences
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
processconfigAll service configuration. Attributes of a process on a node.
paramvalueif tParam is boolean, use "T" or "F"
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
primarydataFlag to show if should be on main part of setup screen (true) or advanced section of screen (false)
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
processconfigdefaultsDefault service configuration parameters for each service type.
enumUsed for primary key so can be replicated by SQL
primarydataFlag to show if should be on main part of setup screen (true) or advanced section of screen (false)
servicewideis this parameter service wide?
typetablelinkName of related type table
processnodeAll machines running Cisco process in the cluster. The "Enterprise Node" is identified by the pkid of '00000000-1111-0000-0000-000000000000'. This is a special record used to record enterprise parameters in ProcessConfig.
descriptionDescription of the server.
fklbmhubgroupUnique ID of the Location Bandwidth Manager Hub Group.LBM Hub Node should not have Hub Group association
ipv6nameAllow IPv6 address or hostname. Should be IPv6 format or name.
isactiveWhen this record is installed by an installation, this is set to true. When it is preconfigured by the admin, it can be set to false so warnings are not sent about failed replication.
macThis is the media access control (MAC) address of the network interface card (NIC) in the Cisco CallManager server. The MAC address specifies the permanent hardware address of the NIC.
namePrimary host name of a machine. If your network uses DNS services, you can enter the host name of the Cisco CallManager server. Otherwise, you must enter the full IP address of the server.
nodeidInteger vaeue for node
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tknodeusageIndicates a node is a Pub or a Sub
tkprocessnoderoleIdentifies the Role of the Server in the cluster (Voice or Presence)
tkssomodeField used in the ProcessNode table to indicate current Single Sign On mode.
processnodeauditDefines the Audit settings for each node
auditfiletraceflagAudit File Trace is Enabled
auditmaxfilesizeMaximum Audit Log File Size
auditnumfilesNumber of Audit Log Files
auditnumlinesNumber of Lines per Audit Log
auditnumminutesNumber of Minutes per Audit Log
audittracelevelAudit Trace Level
enableauditlogAudit Log is Enabled
enabledetailedauditlogEnabling Detailed Audit Logging Level
enableidsauditInformix Dynamic Server (IDS) Audit is Enabled
enablelogrotationAudit Log Rotation is Enabled
enablepurgingAudit Log Purging is Enabled
fkprocessnodeRefer to the Server to which the Audit settings are applied.
idsauditlogrotateenabledIf set to true , enable log rotation of IDS Audit logs, provided IDS logs are enabled
idsdeletenumauditfilesNumber of IDS Audit Log Files To Be Deleted
idsmaxnumauditfilesMaximum Number of IDS Audit Log Files
overflowwarningthresholdOverflow warning threshold value is set
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
remotesyslogservernameThe remote sysLog server name used for sending out Audit Events.
tkalarmseverity_remotesyslogThe audit event severity for remote syslog.
tkidsauditlevelIndicates the Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) Audit Level - Schema, Admin, Updates and Reads
processnoderoleservicemapMaps Services to the different server roles (voice, presence) in a cluster. A Service (from TypeService) may run on one or more types of servers.
enumA number to identify the map record
tkprocessnoderoleReference to the Role of the ProcessNode
tkserviceReference to the Service type
processnodesecsecurity information for processonde
certcertificate of the server.
fkprocessnodeassociated processnode for security
hostnamePrimary host name of a machine. If your network uses DNS services, you can enter the host name of the Cisco CallManager server.
ipIP address of the server.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sftpkeycertificate of the server.
processnodesecacknode acknolegement security information for processonde
fkprocessnodeassociated processnode to receive acknowledgement
fkprocessnodesecassociated processnode with new certificate
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
processnodeserviceUsed to identify which services are installed on a particular node and various trace configurations. Trigger will insert all services when ProcessNode record is inserted.
devicenamemonitorflagTrace configuartion option
devicetypemonitorflagTrace configuartion option
enableTrace configuartion option
filetraceflagTrace configuartion option. This enables sending the output of the trace to a log file. Each Cisco CallManager service includes a default log file.
includenondevicetracesTrace configuartion option
isactiveSet by Serviceability to show if a service is activate or not.
maxfilesizeCreated during installation.
numfilesTrace configuartion option. Total number of trace files for a given service. Cisco CallManager automatically appends a sequence number to the file name to indicate which file it is; for example, ccm299.txt. When the last file in the sequence is full, the trace data begins writing over the first file.
numlinesTrace configuartion option. Maximum number of lines of data stored in each trace file.
numminutesTrace configuartion option
outputdebugstringflagTrace configuartion option
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
priorityif servcie is of restricted type, priority oder of box (primary secandary)
restrictserverWhen set, service can not be de-activated
servernameTrace configuartion option
tracedriveFor Windows only, the drive letter for trace file location.
tracelevelTrace configuartion option. This specifies the level of information to be traced. Levels range from error to detailed.
usercategoriesTrace configuartion option
usexmlTrace configuartion option. This specifies whether to format the output of the trace in XML format. Trace Analysis requires XML format. Cisco CallManager, CTIManager, and Cisco TFTP services support this setting.
productcapabilitiesList of allowed values for various attributes (defined in TypeProductConfig) for a product. This is a subset of allowed values for the attribute.
enumUsed for primary key so can be replicated by SQL
enumvalueA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
productsupportsfeaturethe product/feature, model/feature map
enumA number to identify the record
tkdeviceprotocolPkid of Device Protocol record
providerCUBA: This table will use to store all the information related to Provider, provider is the concept to render the UI pages dynamically
displaynameDisplay Name for provider
ikprovider_basewill store the information about the base provider of the given provider
jsondatastore json data for provider
nameName for the Provider
pkidUnique identifier for provider record
tkconnectioninformation about the type of connection
tkproviderStore the type of provider
versionnumberThis will store the version number of the provider
recordingdynamicFrequently updated settings for the Recording Feature
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
recordingprofileFrequently updated settings for Monitor and Record
nameUnique name to identify a profile
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
recorderdestinationRecorder URL or DN
refreshtokendetailsTable to store the refresh token details when UCM is acting as the Authorization Server for users
clientidClientID of the client used by the user
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
refreshtokenindexSHA256 sum of the refresh token generated for a client by CUCM/IMP.
stateState (Random Number) associated with the client.
tkrefreshtokenType of refresh token, either user or device.
validityThe lifetime in seconds of the refresh token.
regionRegion endpoint for IP network spans
nameA Unique name for the region.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
regionmatrixDirectonal bandwidth available between regions
audiobandwidthValue determined by Region.audioBandwidth
fkcodeclistUnique ID of the Codec List. Identifies the Codec to be a Lossy or Low-Loss Codec.
fkregion_aTrigger inserts records and sets field when Region record instered.
fkregion_bTrigger inserts records and sets field when Region record instered.
immersivebandwidthSpecifies the maximum total bit rate (in kbps) for each immersive video call between a particular region and another region (Interregion). 0 indicates no immersive video call allowed, -1 indicates no immersive video call allowed, -2 indicates use system default, like the Default Intraregion Max Immersive Video Call Bit Rate (Includes Audio), or Default Interregion Max Immersive Video Call Bit Rate (Includes Audio)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
videobandwidthValue determined by Region.videoBandwidth
registrationdynamicTable for tracking last known IP and last known Unified Communications Manager phone registered with.
datetimestampTime value for last change (for replication conflict resolution).
fkdeviceForeign key to Device table.
lastactiveDenotes the last active time of the phone
lastknownconfigversionNew guid is generated every time this gateway is updated
lastknownipaddressLast known ip address of phone
lastknownipv6addressIPV6 address of the Registration dynamic.
lastknownucmLast known Unified Communications Manager this phone registered to.
lastseenDenotes When was the last time the device reported its location, or the device registered.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
portorssidThe port on the Ethernet Switches on which the endpoint is connected to or the SSID a wireless device is using
tkendpointconnectionType of Connection between the endpoint and its upstream neighbor infrastructure device
tkrisstatusDevice Registration Status
remotecatalogkeyNon-RI-Constrained Map between RemoteRoutingPattern and RemoteClusterURICatalog. Delete flag used when RemoteClusterURICatalog with referenced PeerID is removed.
isdeletedWhen true, the associated Pattern Catalog has been deleted but all dependent RemoteRoutingPatterns are not yet scrubbed.
pkidBloated, wasteful surrogate PK as big as the real key which follows.
remotecatalogkey_idFinally, a reasonable sized key. Generated for use from RemoteRoutingPattern to reference associated Pattern Catalog of a Remote Cluster.
remoteclusteruricatalog_peeridThe real PK related 1 to 1 with PeerID column from RemoteClusterURICatalog.
remoteclusterDefine remote clusters under the enterprise
clusteridCluster ID
descriptionDescription of the Time Period, up to 128 characters including Unicode
fullyqualifiednameFQ hostname or IP address of the remote cluster
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remoteclusterilshostinfoRemote cluster hosts discovered by ILS
fkremoteclusterilsstatusForeign key to RemoteClusterILSStatus table.
ipaddressIP address of the host
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remoteclusterilsstatusTracks information about clusters discovered by ILS
fkremoteclusterForeign key to RemoteCluster table.
hubpeeridIdentifier of the hub for this cluster on the ILS network
lastcontacttimeTime of last successful contact to replication peer.
peeridIdentifier of this cluster on the ILS network
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
replicationsetIdentifier for the remote cluster's current replication set
remoteclusterservicemapdynamicremote cluster is added to the Cluster table .
datetimestampTime stamp
enabledControlled by local Admin EMApp must check to allow/deny EMLogin
fkremoteclusterLink to RemoteCluster table
isclustersecureThis field is used to indicate whether offcluster is secure or not
isremoteactivatedIndicates if the service is activated in the remote cluster
overrideserviceaddressThis will determine if the address configuration obtained from the remote cluster can be manually overridden
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remoteipaddr1IP Address for remote cluster service
remoteipaddr2IP Address for remote cluster service
remoteipaddr3IP Address for remote cluster service
remoteportRemote Port number
remotetrunkpkidSIP Trunk PKID in visiting cluster.
tkinterclusterserviceInter Cluster Service Type
remoteclusteruricatalogURI catalogs published by other clusters
catalogsyncsetinstanceensure that the source and destination agree that the set of syncd patterns associated with a catalog are complete and consistent with the current view of the source
fkremoteclusterForeign key to RemoteCluster table.
lastdatareceivedtimeTime of new data received.
nameCatalog name.
peeridUNIQUE Identifier of the corresponding cluster or URI catalog on the ILS network
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
routestringRoute string.
tkilssyncstatusSpecifies the status of the last contact to the replication peer.
remotecommoninfoStores Remote Common Info.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remotekeyRemote Numplan Key
remotepeeridRemote Numplan Key
usnUpdate sequence number for the object referenced by pkid.
remotedestinationMobility settings for Dual-Mode and Single Number Reach devices
fkdevice_ctirdCTI RD device associated with the Remote Destination. This field can only refer to the pkid of a CTI RD type device
fkdevice_dualmodeDevice to which these settings apply (must be a Remote Destination device)
fkdevice_mobilesmartclientMobile Smart Client associated with the Remote Destination or Dual-mode phone
fkdevice_remotedestinationtemplateRemote Destination Template
fkdevice_siplineDevice to which these settings apply (must be a SIP line device that supports send call to mobile)
fkmobilityprofileMobility Profile associated to a remote destination device
fktodaccessReferences the Time of Day Access list settings for this Remote Destination.
nameUser defined description for Remote Destination (e.g., My Cell Phone)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tktimezoneLocal Time Zone of the Remote Destination.
tkvmavoidancepolicyDefines the type of voice mail avoidance policy used by CallManager to determine whether a call extended to remote destination is received by a real mobile user or by a mobile voice mail. Valid policy types include : 0 - Use System Default, 1 - Timer Control, 2 - User Control.
tkvmavoidancepolicy_dvorDefines the type of Dial via Office Reverse (DVOR) voice mail avoidance policy used by CallManager to determine whether a call extended to remote destination is received by a real mobile user or by a mobile voice mail. Valid policy types include : 0 - Use System Default, 1 - Timer Control, 2 - User Control.
remotedestinationdynamicUsed to set Enable Single Number Reach from IVR
answertoolatetimerin milliseconds
answertoosoontimerin milliseconds
datetimestampTime value for last change (for replication conflict resolution)
delaybeforeringingcellin milliseconds
destinationRaw Cellular Number (must be unique)
enablesinglenumberreachIndicates whether or not a Remote Destination is active for Mobility (SNR) feature
ismobilephoneIndicates a remote destination is a mobile phone
ispreferredrdThis field is applicable to only CTI RD. It Indicates a preferred remote destination to be used by the CTI app when no RD is specified. Only one row per associated CTI RD can be true.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
transactionidTransactionID added specifically for CTI applications, to track the notifications for RD. This field will have a value only when an RD is set as active.
remotedestinationhistorydynamicHolds last 5 distinct number selections for the Reach Me Anywhere
datetimestampTime value for last change
destinationRaw Cellular Number
fkenduser_mobilityEnd User that owns Dual-Mode, SNR Device, or deskphone with Mobility button (for Cell Pickup).Cascade delete is omitted intentionally due to CUBA table rules to avoid autogenerated cascade delete rule addition to enterprise end user rules.
pkidunique id to identify record
remotedestinationusagemodelmapAssociation of TypeModel records with a TypeRemoteDestinationUsage
enumUnique identifier
tkmodelForeign key reference to TypeModel for this association.
tkremotedestinationusageForeign key reference to TypeRemoteDestinationUsage for this association.
remotenumplanStores Remote Numplan Info.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remoteobjectblockruleSpecifies attributes of objects replicated into the cluster that should be blocked
clusteridCluster ID to which the rule applies
patternNumeric pattern to which the rule applies
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
prefixPrefix of learned number to which the rule applies
tkglobalnumberType of global number to which the rule applies.
remoteobjectpartitionruleSpecifies criteria used to match to objects replicated into the cluster from remote clusters and action to take when a match is found.
fkroutepartitionThe partition into which the remote object should be placed if this rule matches.
isurgentfixedlenTreat fixed-length patterns matching this rule as urgent.
isurgentvariablelenTreat variable-length patterns matching this rule as urgent.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkglobalnumberType of global number to which the rule applies.
tkpatternusagePattern usage matching tkGlobalNumber and tkRemoteObject
tkremoteobjectType of remote object to which the rule applies.
remoteroutingpatternStores Reported Patterns, (URIs and Numbers), from Remote Clusters to support Local ILS Feature.
patternNumber or URI pattern shared from Remote Cluster Peer.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remotecatalogkey_idInteger fk ref to RemoteCatalogKey record associated with this pattern. The RemoteCatalogKey record contains a PeerID key to the RemoteClusterURICatalog record defining the Catalog and associated Routing Info.
remotekeyGUID provided by Remote Host Cluster for use as pattern, (remote numplan), reference key. (9.x does not use so NULL and Pattern is used as identity.)
tkpatternhandlingflaginfoIndicates how DA / CP / Routing should use the pattern in this record.
tkpatternusageIndicates what kind of pattern / number / uri the record contains. (Default of 28 = ILS Learned URI)
usnSequence Number for use in tracking object version when synchronizing updates.
remotesyslogRemote Syslog Table
enableApply to All Services Per Server when Enabled for Application Messages
fkprocessnodeSpecifies ProcessNode
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkalarmseverityIndicates the AlarmSeverity Level - ALARM_SEVERITY_*; Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Informational and Debug
tksyslogmessageIndicates the Syslog Message Level - SYSLOG_MESSAGE_* ; Security, System and Application
remotesyslogappservermapA mapping table to map AppServer and RemoteSyslog
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
remoteuriStores Remote URI Info.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
replicationdynamicRealtime replication counter
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
replicationsetuptimeTime value indicating last change in replication status
tkreplicationstatusStatus of replication setup (or repair) on the referenced node
resourceprioritydefaultnamespaceThe Default Resource Priority Namespace for the system. One record only and must contain a Namespace if any are defined
fkresourceprioritynamespaceThe Default Namespace for the system. If Namespaces are defined, then the default cannot be null
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resourceprioritynamespaceDefines a Resource Priority Namespace
descriptionDescription for Resource Priority Namespace.
nameUnique (case sensitive) identifier for a namespace
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
resourceprioritynamespacelistDefines a List of Resource Priority Namespaces
nameUnique (case sensitive) identifier for a namespace list
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
resourceprioritynamespacemapMaps Resource Priority Namespaces to Resource Priority Namespace Lists (many-to-many)
indexIndicates relative priority of a namespace in the list. DO NOT use as an index as the values may not be sequential
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
routefilterRoute filter clauses for NumPlan records used by digit analysis
clauseTrigger updated. Colon separated list.
dialplanwizardgenidThis record created by DialPlanWizard
fkdialplanDial plan; for example, North American Numbering Plan.
nameUnique name for Route Filter
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
routefiltercosroutingmapCUBA: Table to store the mapping between routefilter and COSRouting
fkroutefilterReference to the routefilter.
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tkcosroutingreference to cosrouting
routefiltermemberUsed to create RouteFilter for NumPlan records used by digit analysis
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
precedenceThere is no requirement for this index to be sequential nor to begin with a particular value in a Route Filter.
routegroupDial Plan Route Groups
descriptionDescription for Route Group.
dialplanwizardgenidThis record created by DialPlanWizard
islocalroutegroupIf this is a Local Route Group
nameUnique name for Route Group
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkdistributealgorithmDistribution algorithm for a route group. It could be Top Down, Circular (default) or Longest Idle Time.
tkqsigdefault is invalid until updated.
routegroupdevicemapMaps multiple Devices to be in a Route Group.
deviceselectionorderThis ordering within the route group does not have to be sequential. There can be gaps.
dialplanwizardgenidThis record created by DialPlanWizard
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
portPort 0 means all ports of the fkDevice.
routelistDial Plan Route Lists used by Route Groups and Line Groups. A bettern name for this table would be DeviceRouteLineGroupMap, since these records are a many-to-many relationship between device recordes that are of model Route List and Route/Line groups.
calledpartytransformationmaskA transform
callingpartyprefixdigitsA transform - similar to PrefixDigitsOut
callingpartytransformationmaskA transform
dialplanwizardgenidThis record created by DialPlanWizard
fkcallingsearchspaceCallingSearchSpace is required only for Route Group
fkdigitdiscardinstructionA transform
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
prefixdigitsoutA transform
selectionorderThere is no requirment for this index to be sequential nor for this value to start at any particular value per Route List.
tknumberingplan_calledValues are based on TypeNumberingPlan
tknumberingplan_callingValues based on TypeNumberingPlan
tkpriofnumber_calledValues are based on TypePriOfNumber
tkpriofnumber_callingValues based on TypePriOfNumber
tkstatus_usefullyqualcallingpartynumStatus_useFullyQualCallingPartyNum is Default 2 only for Route Group
routepartitionLists partitions for NumPlan
descriptionA partition is a collection of numbers
dialplanwizardgenidThis record created by DialPlanWizard
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkpartitionusageDefines use of partition (Intercom or other)
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
rtmtprofileStores the Real Time Monitoring tools profile
contentSplit content of the profile
indexIndex of the split profiles starting at 1
nameName of the Real Time Monitor Profile
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
rtmtreportingdynamicRTMT Reporting Dynamic
datetimestampTime stamp
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
safccdpurgeblocklearnedroutesSAF CCD Purge Block Learned Routes
callcontrolidentityCall Control Identity
ipaddressIP Address for the SAF Forwarder
learnedpatternLearned Pattern to blok
learnedpatternprefixLearned Pattern Prefix to block
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
safclientcmnodemapMap for SAFClientSettings and ProcessNode
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
safclientsettingsSAF Forwarder Settings
clientlabelProtocol specific Client label
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
fksafsecurityprofilepkid of SAF Security Profile
ipaddressIP Address for the SAF Forwarder
namename of the SAf Client Settings
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
portPort number to connect to the SAF forwarder
safnotificationswindowsizeSAF notifications flow-control window size
safreconnectintervalIn Seconds
safsecurityprofileSAF Security Profile
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
namename of the CCD Security Profile
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
userpasswordUsed for digest authentication
safservicesSAF Services
descriptionDescription of the SAF Service, up to 128 characters including Unicode
isactivatedIndicates as to whether the Service is Activated or not
namename of the CCD Service Profile
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
safservicetrunkmapMap for SAF Service and Trunk device
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
schapplicationContains a single record which consolidates all of the Smart Call Home feature's general application configuration information for the assocoated Cluster.
enableanonymouscallhomeEnable Anonymous call home
enablesmartcallhomeEnableSmartCallHome Application
fkschuserclusterinfoRefers to the Cluster user information for the SCH Application
httphostProxy IP/Hostname
httpportProxy port number to comunicate
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sendtociscotacSendToCiscoTAC Enable
sendtootherrecipientsSendToOtherRecipients Enable
schscriptEach record describes a script used by the Smart Call Home feature.
outputfilebasenameUnique OutputFileName
outputpathPath to SmartCallHome script output.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
scriptfilenameUnique Script Name
scriptpathPath to SmartCallHome script when installed on CUCM.
schscriptexecutionThis table is used to store schedule of the execution of scripts used by Smart Call Home feature.
enableexecutionEnable of Execution of SCH Scripts
fkschscriptRefers to information about SCH Scripts.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
starttimeTime in secs
schuserclusterinfoThis table consolidates into a single record cluster specific information including a globally unique cluster identifier and demographic data such as primary cluster administrative contact info and the company name. The data in this record is primarily used by the Smart Call Home application.
clusteruniqueidUnique Cluster ID
companynameCompany name
contactemailContact Email
contactphoneThis is the telephone number as synchronized from a corporate directory. It typically is the outbound directory number. It is used for reporting purposes and if blank, applications should rely on the directory numbersassigned to phones associated with this user.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
scratchblob used for anything including device specific information, service parameter specification, dependancy results, etc. Some records are temporary, some need to persist.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sdpattributeSDP attribute
attributenamestringSDP Attribute name
fksdpattributelistReference to a specific SDP Attribute List
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tksdpattributehandlingType of SDP attribute handling, 0 - Property, 1 - Any Value, 2 - Any Value From List
sdpattributeallowedvaluesSDP attribute allowed values
allowedvalueSDP Attribute name
fksdpattributeReference to a specific SDP Attribute
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
sdpattributelistSDP attribute list profile
descriptionDescription of SDP Attribute List
isstandardIndicates installed standard SDP transparency profile - cannot be modified or deleted
nameSDP Attribute List name
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
secureconfigRead-only System Level configuration
nameUnique name to identify the configuration property
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
valueThe value for the configuration property, stored as a string
securityprofileDifferent Security profiles in Call Manager
aclallowreplaceWhether SIP header replacement allowed
acloobsubscriptionWhether OOB Subscription Allowed (Obsolete)
acloodreferWhether out of dialog refer allowed
aclpresencesubscriptionWhether presence subsription allowed
aclunsolicitednotificationWhether unsolicitated subscription allowed
allowchargingheaderAllow transmissions of P-Charging header in SIP Messages
descriptionDescription of the Security Profile
digestauthallWhether to authenicate ALL messages
excludedigestcredflagExclude Digest Credentials Flag
incomingportUsed for receiving UDP/TCP messages
isstandardWhether it is a standard security policy
nameName of the Security Profile
noncepolicytimeTime in secs
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
serveriphostnameSpecifies ServerIPHostName in either IP address or HostName format
sipoauthflagSIP OAuth Flag
tftpencryptedflagTFTP Encrypted Flag
tkeckeysizeEC Key Size(bits) for SecurityProfile
tkkeyorderkey Order for SecurityProfile
tkmodelRedundant. Use tkProduct to look up tkModel in TypeProduct table.
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tktransport_outCUMA security profile outgoing transport type can not be set.
tkv150sdpfilterSDP Outbound Offer Filter selection for V.150 capability handling.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
x509subjectnameX509 Subject Name List
sipdeviceContains data for SIP Trunk implementation
acceptinboundrdnisRedirecting number delivery (inbound) flag.
acceptoutboundrdnisSame as NumberIE field in H323Device.
calleriddnOverride callers phone number and displays PresentationNumber on the device.
callernameThis field displays the PresentationName on the device using this SIP Trunk.
fkcallingsearchspace_cntdpntransformCalling Search Space for Connected Party Name Transformation Pattern
fksipnormalizationscriptReference to a specific SIP Normalization script
isanonymousThis field is used to enable or disable the Anonymous Presentation details on SIP Trunk.
isscripttraceenabledSIP Device script trace
originatingparametervalueFor ISC Trunk: Specifies the route header parameter value that is specified to indicate that the call is originating
outbounduriroutinginstructionsFor ISC Trunk: URI for routing outbound IMS call...
parameterlabelFor ISC Trunk: Specifies the route header parameter label that is used to identify the originating or termination calls
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
preferrouteheaderdestinationSIP Trunk will use the destination specified in route header of an outgoing request when one is present, instead of using the destination(s) configured on the trunk itself.
prefixdnUsed for Inbound Call Routing Information.
requesturidomainnameFor an ISC trunk specifies the domain part of the URI for Request URIs
scriptparametersSIP Device script parameters
serviceFor ISC Trunk: Service name that is in the user part of the top route header of the incoming SIP request message. If left blank cucmas is used.
sigdigitsMust be 1 if (NumDigits >= 0) AND (NumDigits <= 32), or 0 if (NumDigits = 99)
terminatingparametervalueFor ISC Trunk: Specifies the route header parameter value that is specified to indicate that the call is terminating
tkpresentationbit_callinglineCalling Party ID Presentation
tkpresentationbit_callingnameCalling Party Name Presentation
tkpresentationbit_connectedlineConnected Party ID Presentation
tkpresentationbit_connectednameConnected Party Name Presentation
tksipcodecPreferred Originating Codec (G711u, G711a, G729a, G729ab, G729b)
tksipidentityblendConfiguration option for what information to include in connected party identity.
tksiptrunkcalllegsecurityDefines whether a call across a SIP Trunk is considered secure with or without TLS. Applies only to SIP Trunks where sRTP is allowed.
tkstatus_routeclasssignalingenabledIndicates whether Route Class Signaling is enabled on a SIP trunk
usecalleridcallernameinurioutgoingrequestSet to true when either CallerID or CallerName has a value for a SIP Device, either CallerId or CallerName or both will be included in the FROM URI of outgoing requests
usedpconnectedpartytransformationcssThe Default for useDPConnectedPartyTransformationCSS is TRUE
useorigcallingpartypresondivertFalse means CLIR/CLIP setting will be picked up from Diverted party whereas True means CLIR/CLIP setting will be picked from original calling party
useviprpublicipandportif IsAnonymous is true, PresentationNumber(CallerIdDN) must be Null and PresentationName(CallerName) must be empty.
sipnormalizationscriptLists all the configured SIP Normalization scripts
descriptionSIP Normalization script description
isstandardIs it a standard SIP Normalization script record?
luascriptsourcefilenameName of the corresponding SIP normalization LUA script file. It should contain the full path to a text file that has the LUA script to load.
maxluainstructionsthresholdThreshold value for Lua script instructions
maxmemorythresholdThreshold value for memory usage
nameUnique script name
pkidUnique ID to identify a SIP Normalization script record.
scriptsignatureHolds the pkid of the last chunk of the sipnormalizationscript and aids in verifying integrity of chunks.
tksipscripterrorhandling_resourceEnum value defined in TypeSIPScriptErrorHandling table. Options can be Disable Script, Reset Script and Reset Trunk
tksipscripterrorhandling_runtimeEnum value defined in TypeSIPScriptErrorHandling table. Options can be Rollback Only, Disable Script, Reset Script and Reset Trunk
sipnormalizationscriptchunkHolds chunks pertaining to all the SIP Normalization scripts
chunkA SIP Normalization script chunk
fksipnormalizationscriptReference to a specific SIP Normalization script
pkidUnique ID to identify a SIP Normalization script chunk record.
sequenceSequence of the chunk in a SIP Normalization script
sipprofileSIP Profile Information
allowixchannelThis configuration allows or rejects iX Channel
allowmultiplecodecsinanswersdpThis configuration allows the endpoint behind trunk to handle multiple codec
allowpresentationsharingusingbfcpThis configuration allow or reject Presentation Sharing using BFCP
allowrrandrsbandwidthmodifierIndicates whether CUCM can signal RR (RTCP bandwidth for Receivers) and RS (RTCP bandwidth for Senders) bandwidth modifiers.
calleriddnThis field displays the ExternalPresentationNumber on the device.
callernameThis field displays the ExternalPresentationName on the device using this SIPProfile
conncallbeforeplayingannTrue, if inbound call should be connected before playing queuing announcement. It is applicable to Trunks only (not Phones).
defaulttelephonyeventpayloadtypeThe Telephony Event Payload Type
delivercnfbridgeidTrue -Enables support of conference bridge identifier for inter-cluster conference; False - Disables it
descriptionDescription of SIP Profile
destroutestringIf true, SIP message flow on the SIP trunk will insert destination route string in SIP messages
earlyofferforgclearenableTo enable early offer for G.clear, with default value of False
enableanatforearlyoffercallsIndicates whether UCM should send out early Offer with MTP with ANAT semantics having both IPv4 and IPv6 address in SDP
enableexternalqosWhen External QoS is enabled at the system level (Service Parameter), this setting applies to all devices using the SIP profile whether trunk or line. If the flag is False then no QoS is information is sent to the SDN controller for flows originating at the device. If the flag is True the SDN controller is instructed to set QoS for flows originating from that device.
enableoutboundoptionspingIf true, SIP profile configuration to have Send OPTIONS ping enabled for default trunk service type
enableurioutdialsupportThis configuration enable or disable the use of FQDN in outgoing call
faxinviteDetermines whether Fax Invite has valid Ip and Send Receive Mode
fkresourceprioritynamespaceForeign key reference to ResourcePriorityNamespace
fkresourceprioritynamespacelistPrioritized List of Resource Priority Namespaces assigned to a SIP Trunk
fksdpattributelistReference to a specific SDP Attribute list
fksipnormalizationscriptReference to a specific SIP Normalization script
inactivesdprequiredRequire Inactive SDP for mid-call media change
isanonymousThis field is used to enable or disable the Anonymous External Presentation details on SIP Profile.
isassuredsipserviceenabledTrue - Enables support of Assured SIP service; False - Disables it.
isscripttraceenabledSIP Line script trace
isstandardIf this is a standard SIP profile
mlppuserauthorizationThis field will be used by SIP Phone to determine whether to challenge the endpoint when an RP header with a non-routine priority is received in an INVITE. The default value is False.
nameSIP Profile name
optionspingintervalwhenstatusnotokRetry interval (in seconds) for SIP trunk out of service
optionspingintervalwhenstatusokRetry interval (in seconds) for SIP trunk in-service or partially-in-service
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
rejectanonymousincomingcallWhen RejectAnonymousIncomingCall is enabled, all anonymous incoming calls will be rejected
rejectanonymousoutgoingcallWhen RejectAnonymousOutgoingCall is enabled, all anonymous outgoing calls will be rejected
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
scriptparametersSIP Profile script parameters for SIP Lines
sendrecvsdpinmidcallinviteIf true, Mid call message flow on the SIP trunk will change allowing SDP packets to be sent or received. It can be enabled if Early Offer support for voice call is also enabled
sipoptionspingretrycountThis parameter specifies the number of times that Cisco CallManager will re-send the OPTIONS message. Default should be 6.
sipoptionspingtimerThis parameter specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, that Cisco CallManager will wait to resend a OPTIONS request. If a response is not received before the time specified in this timer expires, Cisco CallManager resends the request when this timer expires. Default 500 msec
sipretryinviteMax number of times an INVITE request is retransmitted
sipretrynoninviteMax number of times a SIP message other than INVITE is retransmitted
sipstartmediaportStart RTP range for media
sipstartvideoportStart range for Video Port
sipstopvideoportStop range for VideoPort
siptimerinviteexpin secs after which a SIP INVITE expires
siptimerregdeltaTime in secs at which registration will occur. Used in conjuction with SIPTimerRegExpires parameter. Phone will register SIPTimerRegDelta secs before reg period ends as governed by SIPTimerRegExpires.
siptimerregexpiresTime in secs after which reg expires
siptimert1Lowest value, in millisecs, of the retransmission for SIP messages
siptimert2Highest value, in millisecs, of the retransmission for SIP messages
t38inviteDetermines whether to use T.38 Invite over SIP for interoperability with T.38 fax transmission
tkcalheadersUsed to specify the behavior of CAL Header
tkcallinglineidentificationCallingLineIdentification lists available Identification presentations, 0 - Default, 1 - URI Only, 2 - P-Asserted Only
tkcucmversioninsipheaderSet CUCM Version info in UA and server header for SIP trunk
tkdscpvalue_audiocallsReferences TypeDSCPValue, DSCP for Audio Calls
tkdscpvalue_audioportionoftelepresencecallsReferences TypeDSCPValue, DSCP for Audio Calls of TelePresence Calls
tkdscpvalue_audioportionofvideocallsReferences TypeDSCPValue, DSCP for Audio Calls of Video Calls
tkdscpvalue_telepresencecallsReferences TypeDSCPValue, DSCP for TelePresence Calls
tkdscpvalue_videocallsReferences TypeDSCPValue, DSCP for Video Calls
tkeosuppvoicecallSets the Early Offer support for voice calls and video calls
tkgclearIndicates the G.Clear types - Disabled,Clearmode,CCD,G.nX64 and X-CCD
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tksipbandwidthmodifierReference to TypeSIPBandwidthModifier for SIPProfile
tksiprel1xxoptionsSIP Rel1XX Options can not be disabled if RSVP over SIP policy is E2E
tksiprerouteWhere to get information (device id) for rerouting SIP trunk calls
tksipsessionrefreshmethodSets the configuration option for SIP method to be used for session refresh, 0 - INVITE, 1 - UPDATE
tkstatus_handlingofreceivedoffercodecpreferencesControls the CUCM response to the passing of an explicit preferred Codec List in the SDP Offer message. Possible values include - Ignore(0), Honor(1), Use System Default(2)
tkuridisambiguationpolicyConfiguration option for how to disambiguate dial strings that could be interpreted as either DTMF or URI.
tkuseragentserverheaderinfosets the config option for Standard SIP Profile to Send Unified CM Version Information as User-Agent Header and for Standard SIP Conference Bridge Profile to Pass Through Received Information as User-Agent and Server Header
tkvideocalltrafficclassDefines the type of video call traffic class configured for a SIP trunk device. Valid traffic class type includes, 1-Immersive, 2-Desktop and 3-Mixed video.
tkzzdndcontrolDND control
tkzzdtmfdbleveldtmf Db Level
tkzzuserinfouser Info
usecalleridcallernameinurioutgoingrequestSet to true when either CallerID or CallerName has a value for a device using this SIPProfile, either CallerId or CallerName or both will be included in the FROM URI of outgoing requests
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
zzabbreviateddialuricall Pickup URI
zzcallforwarduricall Pickup URI
zzcallpickupgroupuricall Pickup Group URI
zzcallpickuplisturicallPickup List URI
zzcallpickupuricall Pickup URI
zzcallstatsis callStats Enabled
zzcnfjoinenabledis conference Join Enabled
zzenablevadis VAD Enabled
zzmeetmeserviceurimeet Me Service URI
zzredirectbyappis redirecatble by appliction
zzrfc2543holdis rfc2543 Hold Enabled
zzsemiattendedtransferis semiAttended Transfer Enabled
zzstuttermsgwaitingis stutter message Waiting Enabled
zztimersubscribeexpiresif IsAnonymous is true, ExternalPresentationNumber(CallerIdDN) and ExternalPresentationName(CallerName) must be empty.
siprealmSIP Realm (security domain) athentiction information for out going calls
passwordreverseGenerated hash value, should not be empty
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
useridSame as Name in ApplicationUser.
siptrunkdestinationTo store the destination details of a SIP trunk
addressIPV4 address or host name for this Destination instance of the corresponding SIP Device
addressipv6IPV6 address or host name for this Destination instance of the corresponding SIP Device.
fksipdevicePoints to the corresponding SIP Device record to which the Destination Address relates.
pkidUnique ID to identify a SIP Trunk Destination record.
portIP Service Port Number associated with the address for this Destination instance of the corresponding SIP Device. A port id of 0 indicates that the corresponding address is an SRV address and that actual target selection is performed by DNS.
sortorderNumeric value used to control selection logic associated with choosing the next SIPTrunkDestination address for a given logical SIP Trunk Destination. This value should be unique among the set of all destination addresses associated with a given SIP Trunk record.
siteCUBA: To store the information related to every site in an enterprise. The information to be stored includes the site type (Central, Teleworkers or Branch), area code, if the site has access to gateway etc
allowemercosIdentify emergency calls are allowed from this site
allowremotegwconnectionIdentify whether this location is access to gw
areacodesarea code for physical location
centralsiteaudioallocationPercent of Audio allocation for site
emergencyservicenumberscomma delimited list of emergency service numbers
enableintersitevideoBoolean flag to control whether or not video is enabled between this site and others. (Except for Teleworkers, Video is always enabled between phones within the same site.)
fkcallingsearchspacereference to callingsearchspace
fkdevicepoolreference to device pool
localmobileaccesscodesThis is to store local mobile access codes associated with a site
pkidunique id to identify record
spadialplanstringDialplan for SPA8800 GW
tkbandwidth_intersiteReference to Typebandwidth for intersite
tkcosrouting_maxIdentify what kind of routing allowed for location
tkgatewayusagereference to typegatewayusage
tkpipesizeReference to TypePipeSize for site
tksitereference to typesite
siteroutepartitionmemberCUBA: To store the mapping information between a Site, Route Partition and Classes of Service associated with that partition
fkroutepartitionrefference to routepartition
fksiteReference to site
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tkcosroutingreference to typecosrouting
slminfoTable to store response coming from CSSM through Smart agent API calls will be stored here. The APIs are invoked via GUI or CLI
authorizationexpiresDate and time at which the product license authorization will expire. Product license authorization must be renewed before this date.
authorizationfailedreasonReason for authorization attempt failure.
daysleftNumber of days left in evaluation mode.
enableslrtrue indicates specific license reservation [SLR] is enabled.
evaluationexpiredtimeDate and time at which product evaluation period expired.
exportcontrolledallowfalse indicates cannot turn on encryption
fkslmserverAssociation to SLMServer table.
isauthorizationfailedTure if product license authorization attempt has failed.
isregistrationfailedTure if product license registration attempt has failed.
lastauthattemptDate and time of last renewal attempt for the product license authorization.
lastrenewalattemptDate and time of last renewal attempt for the product license registration.
nextauthattemptDate and time of next renewal attempt for the product license authorization.
nextrenewalattemptDate and time of next renewal attempt for the product license registration.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
registrationexpiresDate and time at which the product license registration will expire. Product license registration must be renewed before this date
registrationfailedreasonReason for registration attempt failure.
reservationrequestedDate and time at which the license reservation was requested.
smartaccountnameSmart account name.
tkcssmauthstatusAuthorization status id of CUCM with CSSM or satellite.
tkcssmregstatusRegistration status id of CUCM with CSSM or satellite.
virtualaccountnameVirtual account name.
slmserverTable to store CUCM specific information which is required to be sent to CSSM, these are predefined. Inputs provided to CUCM will also be stored in this table
deploymentmodeDeployment mode of the product.
isprivacyenabledIf false then hostname or ip are sent to CSSM
isprovisionallowedIf true then allow the provision of users and devices, otherwise not
nodeidNode id.
overagedaysOverageDays are the no. of days Customer can use CUCM after Out Of Compliance
overagedaysupdatedtimeTime stamp when overage days column is updated
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
productinstancenameHost name of the node during registration with CSSM
proxyhostnameoripIntermediate HTTP/HTTPS proxy Host name or IP address
proxyportIntermediate HTTP/HTTPS proxy port address
serialnumSerial number to identify the product.
tkbe6000starterbundleStatus id of BE6k Starter Bundle.
tkslmtransportStatus id of SLM Transport Type used to communicate with CSSM or satellite.
transportgatewayurlSmart Software Manager satellite URL
transporturlCisco Smart Software Manager transport URL.
uuidUnique id created during install.
slmstatusTable to store license authorization status coming from CSSM through Smart agent API.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkcssmenforcemodeEnforce mode id for each license type
tkslmfeatureReferences TypeSLMFeature table which has details about license types
softkeysetMap the sofykey to softkey template based on different call states
fksoftkeytemplateThe softkey template associated with the softkey set
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkcallstatewhat call state does the softkey set belong to
tksoftkeythe softkey associated with the softkey set
softkeytemplateSoftkey templates
iksoftkeytemplate_basethe original softkey template on which the current template is based; if this is a standard template the value will be the same its pkid; a standard template cannot be modified
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
softkeyclauseThis clause contains all the softkeys used by the softkey template, and the softkey is separated by ":" and sorted by eventID.
softkeysetclauseThis clause contains the information for softkey sets used by the softkey template
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
versionstampNew guid is generated every time this softkeytemplate is updated
softkeytemplatedefaultUsed to define a Default SoftkeyTemplate as the entry removed from DevicePool table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
softkeytemplateservicemapMany to many relationship between services with softkeys and softkey templates
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
speeddialSpeed dial entries for phone Devices
fkpersonalphonebookAssociates a contact phone number from the personal address book of an end user to a speed dial button
labelThe text that appears for the speed-dial button (allows Unicode).
labelasciiA safe version of the Speed Dial Button Label using only English letters (a to Z) and punctuation.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
speeddialindexThis field identifies the speed-dial button on the phone (for example, 1, 2, 3, or 4).
speeddialnumberThis is the number that the system dials when the user presses the speed-dial button.
spokennameSpoken name data as in CRSApplication
creationdatetimeTimestamp to mark spoken name sequence members
encodeddatafor table spokenname
fkenduserassociated enduser for spokenname
numberofsegmentsNumber of segments in the spoken name sequence
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
seqnospoken name sequence number
versionstampNew guid is generated every time this device is updated
srstSurvival Remote Site Telephony configuration
certificateCannot change system SRST records; update new and legacy records only
certificateproviderportCannot change system SRST records; update new and legacy records only
ipaddr1IP Address for the first device in the SRST config list. Enter the IP address of the gateway for devices in a device pool to use as an SRST reference.
ipaddr2IP Address for the second device in the SRST config list
ipaddr3IP Address for the third device in the SRST config list
issecureCannot change system SRST records; update new and legacy records only
nameUnique name
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
port1port number for the first device in the SRST config list
port2port number for the second device in the SRST config list
port3port number for the third device in the SRST config list
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
sipipaddr1SIP IP Address for the first device in the SRST config list. Enter the IP address of the gateway for devices in a device pool to use as an SRST reference.
sipipaddr2SIP IP Address for the second device in the SRST config list
sipipaddr3SIP IP Address for the third device in the SRST config list
sipipv6addrSIP IPv6 Address in the SRST Config list.
sipport1SIP port number for the first device in the SRST config list
sipport2SIP port number for the second device in the SRST config list
sipport3SIP port number for the third device in the SRST config list
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
tksrstoptionIndicate what kind of SRST configuration is
usermodifiableIndicate whether use can modify this SRST configuration or not
stalelscdetailsTable to store the LSCs that were generated in response to an endpoint CSR but were never installed
certhashSHA256 hash of the LSC
cnThe Common Name of the LSC
issuerThe issuer of the LSC
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
serialnumberThe Serial Number of the LSC
validfromThe date from which the LSC is valid
validtillThe date till which the LSC is valid
starterbundlestatusTable to store license authorization status coming from CSSM through Smart agent API.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkbe6000starterbundleReferences TypeBE6000StarterBundle table which has details about BE6k starter bundle license types
tkcssmenforcemodeEnforce mode id for each BE6k starter bundle license type
supportsfeatureattributemapContains the mapping between the product support feature and the actual field name in the database
emimpactThe indicator for being overwritten during EM log in/out procedure
fieldnameThe name of the field that associated with the support feature. The field name is null implies that whole table is related with the support feature
isbooleanfieldIf true, then the field is a boolean column.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tablenameThe name of the table the associated with supported features
tksupportsfeatureThe reference to product support features
usedefaultThe indicator for using the default model profile configuration during mismatch type login.
useenduserif set to true, then use the setting configured for enduser during EM login
tapssecurenumplanTable containing the list of Secure DNs
fknumplanUnique ID to identify the secure DN
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tapsuserlocaleTable containing the list of supported user locales for TAPS application
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkuserlocalesupported user Locales
telecasterTelecaster information not in Device Table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
telecasterserviceHigh level information about a Cisco IP Phone Service that can be subscribed to.
enabledIf true the service is available for subscription, or displayed as an enterprise subscription; if false it is not shown or available
enterprisesubscriptionIf true the service is shown in the service list for all devices in the cluster; if false service must be subscribed to following normal process
nameName of IP Phone Service (allows Unicode).
nameasciiA safe version of the Label using only English letters (a to Z) and punctuation.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
priorityPriority from low to high defines where in a list a Service should appear: 1 = top of list, 50 (default) = middle, 100 = bottom
tkphoneserviceIdentifies the button (services, directories, messages) for which a service is displayed when subscribed
tkphoneservicecategoryIdentifies the button (services, directories, messages) for which a service is displayed when subscribed
vendorIdentifies the source of the service
versionIdentifies the version of the service
telecasterserviceparameterDetails about parameters on the query string for a Cisco IP Phone Service.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
telecastersubscribedparameterThe user specified value for a query string parameter for a subscribed Telecaster Service.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
telecastersubscribedserviceReleates a device to a TelecasterService
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
priorityPriority from low to high defines where in a list a Service should appear: 1 = top of list, 50 (default) = middle, 100 = bottom
secureserviceurlTrigger updated. Build the complete URL/SecureURL with parameters based on TelecasterSubscribedParameter.
servicenameName of Subscribed IP Phone Service (allows Unicode).
servicenameasciiA safe version of the Subscribed IP Phone Service Name using only English letters (a to Z) and punctuation.
serviceurlTrigger updated. Build the complete URL with parameters based on TelecasterSubscribedParameter.
urlbuttonindexThe index for feature URL. Index 0 is for normal subscribed services. Not-0 index should be unqiue on device based.
urllabelThe display label for URL.
urllabelasciiA safe version of the URL Button Label using only English letters (a to Z) and punctuation.
testnotifyTest change notification
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
timeperiodList of all Time Period
dayofmonthEndUser TimePeriods must have the day of month and month of year to be 0
dayofmonth_endEnd of time period day
descriptionDescription of the Time Period, up to 128 characters including Unicode
fkenduserOwner of the TimePeriod. Empty by default indicating a system owned time period
ispublishedReserved for future use
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkdayofweek_startEndUser TimePeriods must have the endday of the week same as the startday of the week
tkmonthofyear_endEnd of time period month
tktimeofday_startEnd time must be later than start time if either time is specified
timescheduleList of all Time Schedules
descriptionDescription of the Time Schedule, up to 128 characters including Unicode
fkenduserOwner of the TimeSchedule. Empty by default indicating a system owned time schedule
ispublishedReserved for future use
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tktimeschedulecategoryReserved for future use
timescheduletimeperiodmapMapping between time schedules and time
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
todaccessTime Of Day Access
descriptionDescription of the Time of Day Access list, up to 128 characters including Unicode
fkenduserEndUser associated with the Time of Day Access list. Write-once, cannot be changed to a different user
nameUnique name for an EndUser ToDAccess list. (Same name can be used by different EndUsers.)
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
todaccesssettingTime Of Day Access setting (maps time schedules to ToD Access)
fkcallerfilterlistReferences the CallerFilterLlist for this ToDAccess setting. Must have same fkEndUser as the referenced ToDAccess and Time Schedule.
fktimescheduleReferences the Time Schedule for this ToDAccess setting. Must have same fkEndUser as the referenced CallerFilterList and ToDAccess.
fktodaccessReferences the ToDAccess list to which this setting belongs. Must have same fkEndUser as the referenced CallerFilterList and Time Schedule.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
treecontrolgroupnodesContains records to build the CCMAdmin tree control
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
productmaskBitmask of products to which this menu applies (CCM, Unity, etc.)
troubleshootingtraceTrace settings for troubleshooting page
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
typeadminbooleanTri-state boolean values
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeadminfieldinfoOverrides field info entries for validation
enumA number to identify the record
typeadminfieldinfomapMaps Admin fields for validation
enumA number to identify the record
maxlengthMaxlength for Textbox
typealarmseverityUsed for AlarmConfiguration severities
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeannouncementfileLoaded from TypeAnnouncements
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA moniker to identify the record
typeannouncementsIPVMSA apps announcements
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA moniker to identify the record
tkannouncementfile_1A number to identify the typeAnnouncementFile record which is for verbal announcement followed by a repeating tone announcement.
tkannouncementfile_2A number to identify the typeAnnouncementFile record which is for repeating tone announcement
typeapplicationList of applications that support MLA
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeapplicationdialruleVarious Dial Rules
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeappserverVarious types of App servers
administrationurltemplateUsed to create a link to the Administrative application for the AppServer; [IPAddr] replaced by AppServer.IPAddr, [HostName] replaced by AppServer.Name
enduserurltemplateUsed to create a link to the EndUser application for the AppServer; [IPAddr] replaced by AppServer.IPAddr, [HostName] replaced by AppServer.Name
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeappservercontentDifferentiates the contents per App server
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeasn1roseoidencodingFor Qsig Variant
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeassignmentmodeSpecifies the method by which users are dispersed among available nodes for UCM IM & Presence
enumUnique identifer
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameSpecifies the dispersal type for IM & Presence node assignment
typeauthenticationmodeDefines the different authentication means a phone can use while authenticating itself to CAPF (Certificate Authority Proxy Function).
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeautoanswertypes of auto answer
enumA number to identify the record
isintercomcompatibleWhether this enum can be used for Intercom Feature
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebandwidthnetwork bandwidth between regions
bandwidthThis fields is added per CallProcessing request since the enum and the actual bandwidth used may not be the same.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebargeTypes of Barge (and cBarge)
enumA number to identify the record
typebatfileUsed to differentiate the various types of files used by BAT
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebatfilesubclauseUsed to differentiate the various types of functions used by BAT
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebatfrequencyDuration frequency types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebatfunctionDifferent Functions of BAT Jobs
allowsuploadingIs the BAT CSV file uploaded for this function
enumA number to identify the record
filelocationLocation of BAT CSV Files based on location
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebatfunctionfieldinfomapMapping of BAT function with Fields
displaynameDisplay Name of the field in the BAT Pages
enumA number to identify the record
ismandatoryIs the Field Mandatory
tkbatfunctionType of Input Data
tkbatusageType of Input Data
tkfieldinfoHolds the field enum
typebatjobstatusState of BAT Job
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebatresultstatusStatus of BAT job results
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebattargetTarget for which BAT is performed
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebatusageData usage submitted from UI
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebe6000starterbundleTable to store BE6k Starter Bundle details
descriptionLocalized string to define the purpose of the list item
enumA number to identify the list item
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item
tagTag for BE6k Starter Bundle
typebillingserverprotocolbillingserverprotocol (0 - SFTP,1 - FTP)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebitposEnumerates the bit positions
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeblfsdoptionDefines additional behaviors available with Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Speed Dial feature
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebooleanused by Web Admin for text conversion of boolean values. Not actually related to any other table.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typebriprotocolsupported BRI protocols
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecalheadersSpecifies whether the CAL Header is disabled or present in the Supported header or Require header
enumUnique identifer
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameSpecifies the behavior of CAL Header
typecallerfiltermaskType of mask used as filter for Caller Lists
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecalleridANI vs DNIS
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecallinglineidentificationLists different available Identification presentation for SIP trunks. Each presentation represent a pattern in the SIP messages header.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort naming pattern to identify different presentation record
nameA sort name to identify different presentation record
typecallingpartyselectionCalling Party selection
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecallstateList of Call States defined by CallManager
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecalltreatmentonfailureFor CallInterceptProfile
enumUnique identifier for the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecalmodeList of CAL Modes
enumunique identifier for TypeMode
monikerMoniker for mode of Confidentialaccesslevel
nameText display of mode of the Confidentialaccesslevel
typecarrierselectcodeCUBA: Carrier Select Code details
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecertificateDefines the status of the certificate
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecertificatedistributionThe possible certificate types
descriptionDescription of type of certificate.
enumA Unique identity for certificate types
monikerA sort name to identify the certificate
nameSpecifies the certificate type
typecertificateoperationDefines the different operations that are done on a certificate.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecertificateserviceTypes of certificate services
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameA name to identify the record
usestruststoreTo check the usage of Trust Store
typecertificatestatusDefines the different status for certification operation.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecertificateverificationlevelDetermines the type of security certificate accepted for identity verification: Any Certificate, Self-signed or Keystore, Keystore Only
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Certificate Verification Level
typecfacssactivationpolicyTypes of Call Forward All Calling Search Space Activation Policy
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typechangenotifysubscribeType of AXL handlers supported
enumA number to identify the record.
monikerA sort name to identify the change notification subscription type.
nameName of the change notification subscription type.
typeclassgeneric device type labels
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeclockreferenceInternal vs. external clock reference
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecloudserviceType of cloud services
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecodecThis table lists the codecs supported by the system. Each record represents a different Media ID to the system. The value is equal to the Media ID used internally by the system.
defaultorderDetermines the default preference of Codec within a single Codec List. The Codec List will have the default preference order and would need special handling if the order needs to be changed.
enumA number to identify the record
minimumbandwidthThis is the minimum bandwidth in K Bits Per Second at which the associated Codec will operate
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameA sort name to identify different presentation record
tkmediaDetermines the type of Media.
typeconfiginputdataConfiguration Tool Meta-data
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
tkconfiginputdatagroupingValues based on TypeConfigInputData
typeconfiginputdatagroupingGroupings for Configuration Tool Meta-data
enumA number to identify the record
indexA number to identify the order of the groupings
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeconnectedpbxType of PBX models connected to CallManager over QSIG trunk
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeconnectionCUBA: This table will contains the information about the different kind of connection supported by provider/pajaro
enumunique identifier for typeConnection
monikerMoniker for typeConnection
nameName for the typeConnection
tkclassClass type for typeConnection
tkdeviceprotocolDeviceProtocol type for typeConnection
tkproductProduct type for typeConnection
typeconnectiondeviceCUBA: This table will contains the mapping between TypeConnection and TypeCubaDevice
enumunique identifier for typeConnectionDevice
tkconnectionConnection type for typeConnectionDevice
tkcubadeviceCubaDevice type for typeConnectionDevice
typeconnectionusageCUBA: This table contains the information about the usage type of the PSTN connection
enumunique identifier for TypeConnectionUsage
monikerMoniker for TypeConnectionUsage
nameName for the TypeConnectionUsage
typeconnectprotocolDetermines the protocol used for communication between UCM and other Unified Communications (UC) products
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Connection Protocol
typecosroutingCUBA: To store the different types of Classes Of Service.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the type of cosrouting
typecosroutingclassificationCUBA: This table will contains the further classification for the COSRouting
enumunique identifier for typeCOSroutingclassification
monikerMoniker for typeCOSroutingclassification
nameName for the typeCOSroutingclassification
tkcosroutingenum for tupeCOSrouting
typecountryCountries for which CallManager can generate proper network tones
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecredentialType of Password/PIN
enumFrom CUC: 1 = Windows (not used), 2 = Domino (not used), 3 = Password, 4 = PIN
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecredentialuserTypes of users that have Credentials (Password/Pin) stored in database for IMS
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecssmauthstatusTable to store product authorization statuses with CSSM
descriptionLocalized string to define the purpose of the list item
enumA number to identify the list item
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item
tagSmart Agent status codes for Authorization
typecssmenforcemodeTable to store CSSM enforcement modes
descriptionLocalized string to define the purpose of the list item
enumA number to identify the list item
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item
tagSmart Agent enforce mode codes
typecssmregstatusTable to store product registration statuses with CSSM
descriptionLocalized string to define the purpose of the list item
enumA number to identify the list item
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item
typecsuparamCSU parameter for PRI interface
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecubadeviceCUBA: This table will contains the information of the different type of device provides PSTN connection in Pajaro
enumunique identifier for typeCubaDevice
monikerMoniker for typeCubaDevice
nameName for the typeCubaDevice
typecubaproductdisplaygroupCUBA: Table to store display groups for endpoints on Cuba platform
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typecubasupportedcountryCUBA: The TypeCubaSupportedCountry table stores certain country specific information and defaults for CUBA.
accesscodeLong distance prefix that is dialed out
carrierselectcodelengthTo store length of Carrier Select Codes for the country
countrycodeTwo character country code to identify country.
countryexitcodeStandard international dial code of the country using which international calls can exit.
datetemplateTemplate to be used to display default date template for a country. If the last character is 'A' then it is 24 hour time. If the last character is 'a', it is 12 hour time.
defaulttimezoneDefault timezone for country.
enumA number to identify the record
isdcodeTo store ISD codes for the country
ise1r2enabledFlag to show if it should allow E1 CAS R2 (true) or not (false)
supportcarrierselectcodeFlag to show if particular country supports Carrier Select Code or not
tkcountryCountry id from typecountry table.
tklanguage_defaultDefault language for country.
typecucmversioninsipheaderConfiguration type of CUCM version information to be send in SIP User-agent and Server header.
enumUnique identifier for TypeCUCMVersionInSipHeader.
monikerMoniker for TypeCUCMVersionInSipHeader.
nameName of Handling TypeCUCMVersionInSipHeader.
typecustomuserattributeTable to support 5 new attributes in addition to already existing attributes in TypeLdapServerAttr
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameThis field is the place holder for the CustomFieldAttributes in TypeCustomUserAtribute
typedayofmonthUsed for Time Period
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedayofweekUsed for Time Period
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedberrorsDatabase error definitions
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedevicefeatureList of feature for a device.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedeviceprofileDefines types of device records - device profile, real device, etc.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedeviceprotocolprotocol used by device
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedevicesecuritymodeUsed for specifying Device Security Mode
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedevicetrustmodeTypes of Device Trust Modes
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameA name to identify the record
typedialparameterDial Parameter types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedialpatternDial Pattern types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedialviaofficeDial Via Office modes
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedigitsendingDTMF, MF, PULSE
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedistributealgorithmThe types of distribution algorithms used by different types of Groups
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedndoptiontype of call handling while DND is enabled (0=Ringer Off, 1=Call Reject)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typednusageEnumerates the type of extensions for users.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedpdeviceprotocolDiagnostic Portal Protocols Types :Telnet(0) SSH(1) HTTPS(2) and so on .
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typedpjobfeatureDiagnostic Portal Job Feature
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typedpjobstatusDiagnostic Portal Job Status:Scheduled(0),Running(1),Completed(2) and so on.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typedpproductDiagnostic Portal Product Types :Cisco Unified Communications Manager(0) Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal(2) and so on .
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typedptracelevelDiagnostic Portal Generic Trace Levels:Level0 (0) Level1 (1) Level2 (2) and so on .
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typedpverificationstatusDiagnostic Portal Verification Status:NotDone(0),Failed(1),Success(2).
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typedpwebprotocolDiagnostic Portal Web Protocols Types: REST(0) SOAP(1) and NotApplicable(2).
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typedrfregisteredDisater recovery framework status of framewrok
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedrfscriptDisater recovery framework type of script
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typedscpsettingAssociates the DSCP marking service parameter name with the Traffic Class Label (TCL) attribute defined in SIP SDP protocol
dscpsettingxmltagIdentifes the XML Tag of the DSCP marking service parameters
enumUnique identifier
nameAssociates the DSCP marking UCM service parameter name with the Traffic Class Label (TCL) attribute defined in SIP SDP protocol
tclstringTraffic Class Label (TCL) helps to identify/classify various traffic flows in the network
typedscpvalueCommonly used DSCP and Precedence values used in QoS class maps and policy maps.
enumA number to identify the list item
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item
sortorderNumeric value used to control selection logic associated with choosing the next DSCP Value for a given logical DSCP Value. This value should be unique among the set of all DSCP values
typedtmfsignalingDTMF Signaling Types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typee911locationstateLists different states for e911 locations.
enumA number to identify the record.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameName of the location state.
typee911messageThis table stores the different types of messages for e911.
enumA number to identify the record.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameName of the message type.
typeeckeysizeTable Containing EC key Size(bits) of 256, 384 and 521
descriptionDescription of the ECKeySize list containing 256,384 and 512 bits
enumA number to identify the ECKeySize list
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the ECKeySize list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify the ECKeySize list
typeencodea-law vs. u-law
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeendpointconnectionThe table describes possible endpoint connection types like CDP and LLDP (for wired devices) or SSID (for wireless devices).
enumA number to identify the list item.
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item.
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item.
typeeosuppvoicecallOption for SIP early offer
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typefallbackcssselectionUsed for specifying Fallback CSS selection type for IME Enrolled DID group
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typefallbacksensitivitylevelUsed for specifying Fallback QoS Sensitivity Level
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typefdlchannelused for T1 and PRI
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typefeaturedefines every feature that might be assigned on a button template
allowmultipleIf true then multiple instances of the feature can appear on a phone button template. If false, only one instance of the feature is allowed. There is no hard rule to enforce this - applications should observe the setting but are allowed to temporarily have more than one instance of any feature while updating button templates
englishlabelThe English label for a feature key, such as "Privacy".
enumA number to identify the record
isemcompatibleCan the feature be configured on a Device Profile for use with Extension Mobility
monikerA sort name to identify the record
tagThis tag is used for localization application to look up the display text for phone
tksoftkeyCorresponding entry in TypeSoftkey for same function
typefeatureconfigDefine Feature Configuration Types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typefeaturecontrolFeature Control Types
descriptionDescription to be used by program
enumA number to identify the record
isenabledbydefaultDefault policy setting for this feature (true = enabled; false = disabled)
monikerUnique string for programmatic use
nameA name to identify the record
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
typefieldinfoField information (datadictionary in database)
checkconstraintText that will be used to specifiy the rules for multipble columns in a table.(must follow check SQL syntax)
defaultvalueValue that will be inserted for this column if no value is specified.
dntypeIf the FieldType is DN, then this is the type of DN.
enumInteger that enumerates column
fieldnameName of column
fieldtypeType of column
iscascadedeleteTrue if wthe the table pointed to by the column the SQL enginge will attemt to automatically delete the record in this table
isclusteredTrue if this column should be optiminal optiomize for searching (data is found at end of search)
isindexedTrue if this column should be optiomize for searching
isuniqueTrue if the value in this column unique for this table.
lengthMaximum number of charters in a string
migrationsourceTextual description of where this value is created from(table and column) in previous schema.
notmodifiableTrue if can not be modified by user (only modified by install or trigger)
nullallowedTrue if this column can be NULL
tktableinfoID of table associated with column
validationText that describes validation rules
typeforwardall, busy, no answer
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeframingused for T1 and PRI
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typegatewayusageCUBA: Table to store the different types of gateway usage for PSTN access
descriptionDescription of the type of Gateway Usage
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Gateway Usage Mode
typegclearG.Clear Types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerName to be used by program
nameA name to identify the record
typegeolocationdeviceUsed to store Logical Partition device types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerName to be used by program
nameA name to identify the record
typegkoptiontype of H.323 gate keeper
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeglobalnumberClassification applied to global numbers
enumUnique identifier
nameText display
typeglobalsettingA non-modifiable set of definitions for GlobalSetting table records. Each type record here defines a setting record there along with providing a data driven initialization method and other operational and descriptive information.
defaultvalueFree form field for storage of the default value for use in the initialization of the associated GlobalSetting record''s Value field. Used in the event that the InitializationSQL is absent
descriptionASCII description of a TypeGlobalSetting type definition record and its purpose and usage. For use by developers typically in understanding how the setting is maintained and used. Example: This global setting is used by the xxx application. Its value is set by .... It is used to .... It must be ....
enumUnique, numeric, surrogate primary key for unique application reference to the TypeGlobalSetting type definition record
initializationsqlSQL statement used to produce, from the Target DB, a custom initialization value for the associated GlobalSetting record. If specified, it will be used during install or upgrade to initialize the SettingValue of a new GlobalSetting record. This allows initialization values to be based on other data in the DB rather than only hardcoded defaults. The SQL query is assumed to produce a single initialization value result. (Only the first field of the first result row will be used. If no row is present, the initialization will be to NULL.)
monikerUnique, alpha-numeric, application label key for unique reference to the TypeGlobalSetting type definition record and for autogeneration of defined enumerated name value pairs for program inclusion and record access
nameUnique, alpha-numeric, user friendly label key for unique identification of a TypeGlobalSetting type definition record and, if so desired, also for use in reporting output and self documenting query joins
rulesStores a user oriented message describing the rules which will be applied to this setting and perhaps the restrictions related to it. It would aid the programmer in ensuring that implemented rules are correct and the user in understanding why something they did resulted in an error. So for example: You may not remove the Global Mobility Default Enterprise Feature Access DN without clearing its Default marking or choosing a different Default EFA DN. The Global Mobility Default Enterprise Feature Access DN selection may either be unspecified or may designate an existing DN marked for use as a Mobility Enterprise Feature Access DN. (NumPlan.tkPatternUsage==PATTERN_MOBILITY_DTMF)
typegroupversionstampUsed to update groups of devices based on common configuration settings
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
typehaserverstateCUP HA server status
descriptionLocalized string to define the purpose of the list item
enumA number to identify the list item
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item
typehashHash info
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typehostedroutepatternpstnruleRule for deriving PSTN failover number for HostedRoutePattern
enumUnique identifier
nameName of the remote object pattern block
typehotspotauthenticationmethodType of Authentication methods that can be used by Hotspot Profile
displayorderOrder of display sections with in a web page
enumUnique identifer
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameSpecifies the behavior of Authentication Method
typehttpprofileSpecifies the classification of a HTTP Profile
enumUnique identifier for TypeHttpProfile
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the HTTP Profile Type
typehttpprofileuriSpecifies the URI Type for a HTTP Profile Extension
enumUnique identifier for TypeHttpProfileURIType. Obsolete - not used
monikerA sort name to identifier the record. Obsolete - not used
nameName of the HTTP Profile URI Type, used in connection string. Obsolete - not used
typehttpproxyType of HTTP Proxies that can be defined for a Wireless LAN Profile.
enumUnique identifer
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameSpecifies the behavior of HTTP Proxy
typehuntalgorithmDefines type of hunt algorithm supported
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeidsauditlevelInformix Dynamic Server (IDS) Audit Levels
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typeilssyncstatusEnums that display the current status of the sync.
enumunique identifier for TypeILSSyncStatus
monikerMoniker for TypeILSSyncStatus
nameText display of status
typeinputguiwidgetTable to infer type of input GUI widget for sub-resource configuration
descriptionLocalized string to define the purpose of the list item
enumA number to identify the list item
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item
typeinterclusterserviceTypes of Inter Cluster Services
allowoverrideserviceaddressThis will determine if the service itself will allow manually overriding the address configuration
enumA number to identify the record.
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeipaddressingmodeType of IP Addressing Mode
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeipaddressingmodeprefcontrolPrefered IP Addressing Mode Control
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeipmalinemodeDistinguishes between proxy and shared
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeipmatargetMgr/Asst(1) vs. Anyconfigured no.(2)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typekeepalivetimeintervalThis table holds the possible values for the keep alive time interval duration in minutes for DN Alias Sync and Lookup LDAP servers
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName used to identify an ordered list of LDAP keep alive Intervals
typekeyauthorityDefines different key types for Devices
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typekeyorderTable containing Key Orders of types EC, RSA and EC preferred RSA backup
descriptionDescription of the KeyOrder list containing EC, RSA and EC preferred RSA backup options
enumA number to identify the KeyOrder list
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the KeyOrder list
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify the KeyOrder list
typekeysizeDefines the different Key Sizes that are used for private and public generation for a phone.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typelampblinkrateAllowed values for lamp blink rates.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typelanguagelist of languages
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nativenameLocalized name of language (e.g., Deutsch for German)
typelanguagegroupGrouping of languages based on character sets they support.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeldapdirectoryfunctionThis table holds the possible purposed for which the LDAP server is being used where it could be either used for Dirsyn or for DN Alias Sync/Lookup purposes
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName used to identify an ordered list of LDAP Database
typeldapprotocolDefines different LDAP Protocols
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeldapserverUsed for LDAP Directory Plugin Server type
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
standardissuefilterstringThe Cisco Standard Issue Filter string for this LDAP Server Type to be passed by default to the LDAP Host in a sync request used to restrict results to a subset of the possible result records.
typeldapserverattrUsed for LDAP Directory Plugin attribute types
displayorderDisplay order for the ldap server attribute field on the web page
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
tkcustomuserattributeThis field is to map one of the 5 available custom field to the entry in TypeLdapServerAttr table
udstagTo map udstag with ldap attribute
typelicensedresourceContains the different devices tiers
descriptionDescription of the device license tier.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the device tier
typelicensedresourceproductmapMaps phones to device tier
enumA number to identify the record
tklicensedresourceLicensing Device Tier.
tkproductProduct id.
typelicensefeatureType table containing information on features licensed
enumA number to identify the record
iktypelicensefeature_myparentEnum value reference to another related record within TypeLicenseFeature. That other record defines a Next-Level-Up License from which borrowing may occur if no license units of this license are available.
monikerA sort name to identify the record
tklicensingmodeEnum value defined in the TypeLicensingMode table.
typelicenseunitType table containing number of license units required for each subtype of license feature
adjunctunitsThe adjusted license units charged for a phone used as a secondary phone. The default value -1 means a device type cannot be used as a secondary phone.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typelicensingmodeThe TypeLicensingMode table defines a license family and groupings within them enabling license related data (TypeLicenseFeature records) to exist for multiple licensing schemes concurrently.
descriptionDescription of the Licensing Mode and its associated purpose and usage.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Licensing Mode type.
typelicensingstateContains the states of a license
allowprovisioningBoolean flag to control whether or not provisioning is allowed.
descriptionDescription of the State of the License.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of state the license is in
typelogicalpartitionpolicyUsed to store Logical Partition Policy Types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerName to be used by program
nameA name to identify the record
typelossynetworkFor Region Matrix relationships to indicate level of packet loss across link
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typematrixMatrix Type Table
enumA number to identify the record
monikerName to be used by program
nameA name to identify the record
typematrixvalueKeeps allowable values for each of the Matrix types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typemediaType of Media supported - Invalid(0),Audio(1),Video(2),Data App(3),Data App BFCP(4)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify different presentation record
nameA sort name to identify different presentation record
typemediapayloadUsed for H323 FastStart
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typemgcpslotmoduleKnown types of slot modules for MGCP
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typemgcpvicKnown types of Vics for MGCP
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typemixermixer for conferece bridge
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typemobilesmartclientMobility Smart Client Application Models
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typemodelall device types (was typeDevice)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
tkphonecategorySpecifies type of phone for association. Valid values are - Desk Phone(0), Mobile Device(1), Profile(2)
tksubclassThe sub class of the model
typemohcodecused for MOH
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typemonitorUsed for AlarmConfiguration monitors
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typemonthofyearUsed for Time Period
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typemrapolicyThe possible MRA policy types
enumUnique identifer
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameSpecifies the MRA policy service
typemwlpolicyPolicies for Message Waiting Light
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typenamedisplayformatCUBA: Table to store the different types of Name display formats (e.g., First Name Last Name)
descriptionDescription of the Display Format
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Display Format
typenetworklocationOn/Off Network
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typenodeusageIdentifies node as a Publisher (0) or Subscriber (1)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
name0=Publisher, 1=Subscriber
typensfserviceList of configurable network services provided by carrier used with NSFProtocalServiceMap
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typenullrestrictionMatt will fill this in
enumA number to identify the record
typenumberingplanNumbering Plan for PRI
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typenumplanuritypeTypes of URIs
enumUnique identifier for URI type
nameText display
typeonboardingregistrationstatusTable to store different status related to Cloud On-boarding.
enumA number to define the status.
monikerA moniker to identify the record.
nameName of the APNS status.
typeoperatoroperators used by GUI with Route Filter Details
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeoutboundcallrolloverIdentifies behavior for features when MaxCalls is exceeded on a line and other lines are available
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepacketcapturemodeUsed to store the per-device basis setting to capture the signaling messages.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeparamparameter types for service configuration
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepartitionusageIdentifies Intercom vs. other types of partitions and calling search spaces
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepatternPattern Types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepatternhandlingflaginfoDefines allowed setting combinations of bitmapped flags based on integer lookup values.
descriptionFor each record with an enum value resulting from zero or 1 bit-flag set, this describes the flag purpose. Other records have NULL here.
enumUnique numeric surrogate primary key used as record identifer in this table.
monikerUnique, strictly formatted, string key for program / programmer record reference use.
nameUnique User-Facing Name
typepatternprecedenceMLPP Precedence level
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepatternrouteclassRoute Class Setting
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameA name to identify the record
typepatternusagetype of pattern in NumPlan
allowlocaladministrationIndicates that patterns with this marking may be provisioned by the administrator. (As contrasted with LEARNED patterns imported to the dial plan via some mechanism.
enumA number to identify the record
isusedbydigitanalysisIndicates that patterns with this marking are included in those considered by Call Processing Digit Analysis and should be included in route reporting.
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepersonalphonenumbercategorizes as fax, mobile etc.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typephonecategoryList of telephone catagories
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameA short name to identify the record
typephonefeatureCUBA: This table will store the information about the fields for the usage profile phone feature page
cubadefaultvalDefault value for the XML tag
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typephonefeaturecubaproductmapCUBA: This table will store the mapping between default values and productspecific default values for usage profile
enumUnique identifier for the record
fkcubaproductsupportreference to cubaproductsupport
productxmltagKeep the XML tag specific to product
tkphonefeatureReference to phone feature
typephonepersonalizationPhone Personalization Settings
enumA number to identify the record
typephoneserviceIP Phone Service types: Standard IP Phone Service, Directories, Messages
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typephoneservicecategoryType of Service:XML Service=0,Java MIDlet=1
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typephoneservicedisplayDisplay setting for IP Phone Services: Internal, External URL, Both, Default
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typephonetemplateusagedefine what PhoneTemplate is used for - traditional phone or a type of addon module
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepickupnotificationDefines the different Notification options available with Pickup
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepipesizeCUBA: To store the different kind of pipe sizes.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the typePipeSize
valueinkbitsKbits value for the pipesize
typeplaceholdertagList of the place holder for Tags
descriptionDescription of the tag usage for each defined tag
enumA number to identify the TypePlaceHolderTag record
iconfileIcon File Name of the Place Holder Tag.
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameName of the Place Holder Tag
tagTag of the Place Holder Tag. It starts and ends with a #
typeplaceholdertagfieldinfomapList of mapping between a Place Holder Tag and field number of its applicable table.column
enumA number to identify the TypePlaceHolderTagFieldInfoMap record
tkfieldinfo_applicableField number of a table.column whose value can be generated using place holder tags
tkplaceholdertagReference to TypePlaceHolderTag
typepluginusageWhether a plugin record is for the menu or is an application.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeportaluriRelative URI paths to Self-Care Portal.
enumUnique identifier
istoplevelWhen true, the URI is the entry point for the self-care portal
nameName of the self-care portal page.
uriRelative URI for self-care portal.
typepreemptionType of preemption behavior or tone (for MLPP)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepreferredmediasourceList of media sources for recording.
enumA number to identify the record.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameName of the location state.
typepresentationbitPresentaton bit for access ports
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeprichanieDigital Access Pri channel IE values
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typepriprotocolsupported Primary Rate protocols
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeprocessnoderoleTypes of server roles within a cluster: 1 = Voice (default) and 2 = IM and Presence
enumA number to identify the TypeProcessNodeRole record
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameName of the ProcessNode Role
typeproductcomplete list of products for combo boxes
devicenameformatUse regular expression (up to 255 characters) to define format
enumA number to identify the record
isinstalleddefaultIs this product included in a default installation
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeproductconfiglist of configurable attributes used with ProductCapabilities
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeprotocolsideuser/network values
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeproviderCUBA: This table will contains the information about the different type of providers
enumunique identifier for typeprovider
monikerMoniker for typeprovider
nameName for the typeprovider
typeqsigDescribes what type of devices are in a particular route list or route group.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeqsigvariantFor Qsig Variant
enumA number to identify the record.
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typerecordingflagAutomatic Call Recording Enabled, Application Invoked Call Recording Enabled, Call Recording Disabled
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typerefreshtokenTable to store type of token
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typerelatedfieldinfoCharlie will fill this in
enumA number to identify the record
typereleasecausevalueList of allowable cause value for when a pattern is blocked.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeremotedestinationusageThis table holds the possible RemoteDestination usages and the field on the RemoteDestination table which stores the association for that usage type.
enumUnique identifier
nameDisplay name of the Remote Destination Usage type.
tkfieldinfoField used in the Remote Destination table for this usage type.
typeremoteobjectTypes of objects replicated into the cluster from other clusters
enumUnique identifier
nameName for the Remote Object type
typereplicationstatusList of states that replication setup (and repair) goes through
enumA number to identify the TypeReplicationStatus record
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameName of the Replication Status
typeresetHaving soft and hard reset types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeresethandshakeDefines different types of handshake between tftp and ccm for devicereset
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeresourceResource is an entity that have action performed on them.
descriptionDescription of resource types used for access privileges (user groups and permisssions)
enumA number to identify the record
iktyperesource_parentgives the parent's pkid for the subresources
monikerA sort name to identify the record
prefixStrut action prefixes for a resource.
tkinputguiwidgetgives input GUI widget type (applies to subresource only)
typeresourceactionActions and references to resources.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typerevertpriorityUse for the priority for incoming call and hold reversion call
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeringsettingType of different ring setting for normal ringer, flash and consecutive call ringer
enumA number to identify the record
islinecompatibleWhether this enum can be used as line setting for device or not
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typerisclassTable of risc mananaged class of device
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typerisstatusLists Ris Status
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeroaminguserstatustri-status values (Logged In, Logged Out, Logged Out through ILS)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeroutingdatabasecachetimerThis table holds the value for the time duration in hours to retain the information fetched from the DN Alias Lookup server in the cache
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName used to identify an cache timer
typersvpoversipDefine RSVP over SIP policy
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typertmtreportingserviceThe types of RTMT Reporting Services
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeruleTypes of database Rules implemented in triggers (triggering event in paratheses)
enumA number to identify the record
typeruleinfoThe database rules for this database, usually implemented in triggers on one or more tables.
enumA number to identify the record
typesafserviceThe types of SAF services that can be run on the system
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeschciscotacdestinationUsed by Smart Call Home application to choose Cisco TAC Destination by HTTPS or EMAIL.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typescheduleunitUsed to determine a scheduling unit of time
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesdpattributehandlingHandling Type of a SDP attribute
enumUnique identifier for TypeSDPAttributeHandling.
monikerMoniker for TypeSDPAttributeHandling record.
nameName of Handling Type of a SDP attribute.
typesecuritypolicySecurity Policy Types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeserversecuritymodeUsed for specifying Server Security Mode
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeservicetypes of Cisco voice processes
dbuserDatabase user for process.
enumA number to identify the record
maxfilesizeCreated during installation.
monikerA sort name to identify the record
numminutesTrace configuartion option. Maximum minutes of data stored in each trace file.
outputdebugstringflagTrace configuartion option. Cisco engineers use this setting
pathnameService Parameter Rule Path Name.
processnameProcess name that uses Database.
productmaskBitmask of products to which this service applies (CCM, Unity, etc.)
supportsditraceindicator for whether the service support SDI trace
supportsdltraceindicator for whether the service support SDL trace
supportslog4jtraceCreated during installation.
tkservicegroupingcontrols grouping of display
tkservicerestrictioncontrols if number of servers can be activated
tracelevelcategoryif standard set true during installation.
tracenameshort service name used for trace log
typeservicecategorylist of servcie category
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeservicegroupinglist of goups of servcies
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeservicerestrictionIs number of servers servcie can be activated restricted
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesilencesuppressionthresholdallowed silence suppression thresholds in dB
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesipassertedtypeOptions: Default=0, PAI=1, PPI=2
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesipbandwidthmodifierThe TypeSIPBandwidthModifiers table adds support to SIP session level bandwidth modifiers
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Bandwidth MOdifier type.
typesipcodecused for SIP Trunk codecs
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesipidentityblendOptions for what information to include in SIP connected party identity headers.
enumunique identifier for TypeSIPIdentityBlend
monikerMoniker for TypeSIPIdentityBlend
nameName of the SIP identity blend option
typesipprivacyOptions: Default=0, None=1, ID=2, ID Critical=6
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesiprel1xxoptionsDefine Rel1XX Options for SIP profile
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesiprerouteType of rerouting information used for calls over SIP trunks
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesipscripterrorhandlingType values for SIP Normalization script error handling
enumA number to identify the TypeSIPScriptErrorHandling record
isavailableselectionforresourceerrorTo check if this particular TypeSIPScriptErrorHandling entry is available to select for Resource Error Action
isdefaultforresourceerrorTo check if this particular TypeSIPScriptErrorHandling entry is the default for Resource Error Action
isdefaultforruntimeerrorTo check if this particular TypeSIPScriptErrorHandling entry is the default for Run Time Error Action
monikerA moniker to identify the TypeSIPScriptErrorHandling record
nameA name to identify the TypeSIPScriptErrorHandling record
typesipsessionrefreshmethodOptions for SIP method for session refresh
enumUnique identifier for TypeSipSessionRefreshMethod.
monikerMoniker for TypeSipSessionRefreshMethod record.
nameName of SIP method for session refresh.
typesiptrunkcalllegsecurityOptions for Call Leg Security on a SIP Trunk when using sRTP
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameA name to identify the record
typesiteCUBA: Different type of sites like hub,internet,remote
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the type of site
typeslmfeatureTable to store entitlement tags
enumA number to identify the list item
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item
tagEntitlement tag for a license type
tklicensefeatureEntitlement name.
typeslmtransportTable to store transport types of the product instance to communicate with CSSM/satellite
descriptionLocalized string to define the purpose of the list item
enumA number to identify the list item
monikerA globally unique programmatic name to identify the list item
nameLocalized string displayed to users to identify list item
typesnmpauthenticationprotocolType to collect the various SNMP authentication protocols
enumUnique identifer.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameSpecifies the names of SNMPAuthenticationProtocol.
typesnmpprivacyprotocolType to collect the various SNMP privacy protocols
enumUnique identifer.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameSpecifies the names of SNMPPrivacyProtocol.
typesnmpversionType to collect the various version of SNMP
enumUnique identifer.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameSpecifies the names of SNMP version.
typesoftkeySoftkey event for Sculpin
englishlabelThe English label for softkey, such as "Redial".
enumrange of 1-255. This enum is actually a event ID, which is associated with application. 1-64 for Call Processing, 65-255 for other application
helpidhelp id for telecatser help text
mandatorymaskIndicator for whether the softkey is required in certain call state
monikerA sort name to identify the record
tagThis tag is used for localization application to look up the display text for phone
validationmaskIndicator for whether the softkey is valid in certain state
typespa8800portCUBA: This table contains the information about ports in SPA8800 gateway
enumunique identifier for typeSPA8800Port
ispstnconnectionIndicates FXO port (True) or FXS port (False) of the typeSPA8800Port
mgcpportThis will store the MGCP port number of the typeSPA8800Port
monikerMoniker for typeSPA8800Port
nameName for the typeSPA8800Port
tcpportThis will store the TCP port number of the typeSPA8800Port
typesrstoptionList of SRST option supported by Cisco Phone and DB
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typessomodeThe possible single sign-on modes
enumUnique identifer
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameSpecifies the Single Sign On mode
typestartdialprotocolImmediate vs wink, etc.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typestatustri-state values (on, off, default)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typestringformatLocalized string format type.
enumUnique identifier
nameName of the string format type
typestringformatruleLocalized string format rule.
enumUnique identifier
nameName of the string format rule
ruleexpressionString format rule expression with replacement tokens.
tkstringformatString format type with which this rule is associated.
typesubclassCIA-309 to facilitate Servicability
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesubpatternusageCUBA: Creator of pattern in NumPlan
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesupportsfeatureThe various features support by CM
descriptionDescribes the feature and any extra values it might require.
enumA number to identify the record
hasparameterDoes this feature have a parameter that the user might enter?
isgatewayfeatureIs this a gateway feature?
isphonefeatureIs this a phone feature?
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typesyncstatusType to collect the various status of the sync process to WLC or CPI
enumUnique identifer.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameSpecifies the names of WLC Sync Status.
typesyslogmessageSyslog Message Levels
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetableinfoTable information (datadictionary in database)
checkconstraintText that will be used to specifiy the rules for a column.(must follow check SQL syntax)
convertcopytrue is talbe is to be copied during db conversion
descriptionBest development descriptoin of table
enumInteger that enumerates tables
excludechangenotifycheckTrue if change notify is not used with this able
hasdefaultrecordsTrue if recoreds for this table are found in datadictionary
isreplicatedShall this table be incoperated in to replication configuration.
migrationnoteTextual description of where this value is created from(table and column) in previous schema.
notmodifiableTrue if can not be modified by user (only modified by install or trigger)
nouserinsertTrue if can not be inserted by user (only inserted by install or trigger)
schemaownerUCM 1 CDS 2 BOTH 3
tablenameName of table
typetaskstatusTask Status
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetelnetleveltelnet enable level for 7960 and 7940 phones
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeterminalused for gatekeeper
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetimeofdayUsed for Time Period
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetimeschedulecategoryType of Time Schedule Categories, regular or holiday/vacation schedule
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetimezone24 time zones
enumA number to identify the record
legacynamethe old timezone name before Olson
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetracelevelgroupingUsed to map which trace level to trace level groups
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetracelevelgroupsUsed to specify which trace level group will be used by service
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetransportused for SIP Trunk, has 2 values TCP or UDP
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetrunktrunk types for access devices
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetrunkdirectiondirection for access ports
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetrunkleveltrunk application types
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetrunkpadpad values for trunks in dB
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetrunkselectionorderbottom-up, or top-down selection order
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetrunkserviceTypes of Trunk Service
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetrustreceivedidentityOptions: Trust All (Default)=0, Trust PAI Only=1, Trust None=2
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typetrustroleTrust Verification Service Roles
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify record
typetunneledprotocolDefines Tunneled Protocol for Intercluster trunks
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeucproductSpecific Unified Communications (UC) products that interact with UCM (e.g., Unity, Unity Connection, WebEx, MeetingPlace, Exchange)
advancedproductsettingsfilePath to file containing XML used to render additional settings for the UC Service
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Unified Communications Product
showhostnameoripIndicates whether or not a Host Name or IP Address is used to integrate with the UC Product management interface
showportIndicates whether or not a Port number is used to integrate with the UC Product management interface
tkucserviceReference to Unified Communications Service for which this Product is used
typeucproductappservermapMaps the existing UCM Application Server types to the UC Product types. For example, maps existing Unity AppServer type to the Unity UC Product.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Unified Communications Product to Application Server Mapping
tkappserverReference to UCM Application Server type that matches the UC Product
tkucproductReference to Unified Communications Product
typeucproductconnectprotocolmapDefines the allowed connection protocols for communication between UCM and other UC products.
defaultportDefault Port for Unified Communications Product Type
enumA number to identify the record
isdefaultIndicates whether or not a Connection Protocol is the default for a UC Product
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Unified Communications Product to Application Server Mapping
sortorderUsed to order the display of Connection Protocols for a UC Product
tkconnectprotocolReference to a Connection Protocol that is used to manage the UC Product
tkucproductReference to Unified Communications Product
typeucserviceGeneral classifications for Unified Communications services that interact around UCM (e.g., Voicemail, Conferencing, Directory, Presence)
advancedprofilesettingsfilePath to file containing XML used to render additional Service Profile settings for the UC Service
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the Unified Communications Service
requireconsistentproductIndicates whether or not a Service Profile can contain a mix of different products or product versions for this type of UC Service. If true, all products for the UC Service (e.g., for Conferencing) must be identical in the Service Profile.
showcertificateverificationlevelIndicates whether or not Certificate Verification Level is used with this UC Service type. If true, a level must be indicated in the UC Service Profile Detail. If false, no level is specified (null).
tagnameTagName to provide separation between the display name and XML element name for the UCService
typeuridisambiguationpolicyOptions for interpreting an ambiguous called party identifier.
enumunique identifier for TypeURIDisambiguationPolicy
monikerMoniker for TypeURIDisambiguationPolicy
nameName of the URI disambiguation policy
typeusageprofilefeatureCUBA: To store a list of available features for usageprofile
enumA number to identify the record
featurecontrolclauseIndicates a colon separated list of feature control type associated with the usage profile
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the type of usageprofile feature
softkeyclauseIndicates the colon separated list of softkey associated with the usage profile
tkfeaturereference to feature
typeuseentityCUBA: To store different type of entity like enduser,department
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the typeUse
typeuseragentserverheaderinfoThe TypeUserAgentServerHeaderInfo table specifies User-agent and server header pass through config options on SIP Profile
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the User-agent and server header pass through config options type.
typeuserassociationUser association types (CTI Control IN, CTI control out, Digest In, Digest Out, Profile Available)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeuserlocalelist of user locales
enumA number to identify the record
languagelocalecodeISO two character ISO language code and two character ISO country code concatenated with an underscore (mixed case): example fr_FR, en_US, it_IT, zh_HK
localecodeISO three character locale code (uppercase): example FRA, ENU, ITA, PTB, ZHH
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeusernotificationmessageThe TypeNotificationMessage table adds support to store the standard User Notification messages
descriptionDescription of the Notification Message displayed to ensuser
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameName of the notification message
tkusernotificationsectionDetermines the class of user notification message: Info=1 Setup=2 Feature=3
typeusernotificationsectionThis table is used to identify the section of notification message displayed to user:Info,Setup and Feature specific notificaiton messages
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the notification message section
nameName of the notification message section
typeuserprofileTypes of users - Real or Template
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typeusntypeUpdate sequence number payload types.
enumunique identifier for TypeUsnType
monikerMoniker for TypeUsntype
nameText display
tagTag used in replication protocol
typev150sdpfilterSDP Filter setting options for V150 Capabilities. Applicable to SIP Trunks in Security Profiles.
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typevideocalltrafficclassType of Video Call Traffic Class configured on a SIP Profile for a Trunk
enumA number to identify the type of video call traffic
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameA name to identify the record
typeviprfilterelementUsed for specifying filter element type for VIPR filter elements
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typevmavoidancepolicyType of VoiceMail Avoidance Policy to determine whether a real mobile user or mobile voice mail answers a call
enumA number to identify the type of voice mail avoidance policy chosen
monikerA moniker to identify the record
nameA name to identify the record
typevpnclientauthenticationVPN Client Authentication Types:User And Password (0), Password Only (1), Certificate (2).
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA short name to identify the record
typewebpageStores administration web page information. The content of this table is maintained by CMUI team
enumA number to identify the record.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameName of the location state.
typewebpagedisplayStores administration web page display control options
enumA number to identify the record.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameName of the location state.
typewebpageinfoList of web pages in CCMAdmin
enumA number to identify the record
typewebpagesectionStores administration web page section information. The content of this table is maintained by CMUI team
displayorder_defaultDefault order of display sections with in a web page
enumA number to identify the record.
isrequiredWhen IsRequired is enabled, tkWebPage display cannot be hidden
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameName of the location state.
tkwebpageReference to web page
tkwebpagedisplay_defaultDefault reference to Web page Display
typewifiauthenticationmethodType of Authentication methods that can be used by Wireless LAN Profile
displayorderOrder of display sections with in a web page
enumUnique identifer
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameSpecifies the behavior of Authentication Method
typewififrequencyType of WiFi frequencies that can be used by Wireless LAN Profile.
enumUnique identifer
monikerA sort name to identify the record
nameSpecifies the behavior of WiFi Frequency
typewifiusercertificateType of User Certificate for EAP-TLS AuthenticationMethod
enumUnique identifer.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameSpecifies the names of UserCertificate.
typewincharsetList of Windows character set
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typewlanprofilechangesIndicates what level of changes can be done to Wireless LAN Profile.
enumUnique identifer.
monikerA sort name to identify the record.
nameSpecifies the behavior of Wireless LAN Profile changes.
typeyellowalarmused for T1 and PRI
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typezerosuppressionused for T1 and PRI
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typezzconfbridgeuse local or phone conference bridge (0 - Local,1 - CCM Conf)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typezzdndcontrolTypes of Do Not Disturb (DND) control for SIP Phones
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typezzdtmfdbleveldtmf transmit level (1 - 6 dB below nominal, 2 - 3 dB below nominal, 3-nominal, 4-3 dB above nominal, 5-6 dB above nominal)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typezznetworkmediatypenetwork Media (0 - Auto, 1 - Full100, 2 - Half100, 3 - Full10, 3 - Half10)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typezzntpmodeTypes of NTP for SIP Phones
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typezzpreffUsed to differentiate phone control levels for SIP phones
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
typezzuserinfotype of user (0 - none,1 - phone,2- ip)
enumA number to identify the record
monikerA sort name to identify the record
ucserviceStores the provisioning data needed to integrate Unified Communications (UC) products with UCM. A UC Service is a specific instance of a product running on a host
descriptionA localizable administrative description of the UC Service
fkappserverWhen there is an Application Server configured that maps to this UC Service type and Host Name or IP Address, a reference to that AppServer is recorded here (by rule).
hostnameoripWhen required for the UC Service type, the host name or IP address of the server where the UC Service resides
nameUnique name to Identify the Unified Communications Service
pkidUnique identifier for the record
portWhen required for the UC Service type, the port used to communicate with the UC Service (management interface)
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkconnectprotocolReference to a Connection Protocol that is used to interact with the Unified Communications Product
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure. Possible values can be - Hard Reset(1), Soft Reset(2), Apply Configuration(3)
tkucproductReference to Unified Communications Product defined for this service
ucserviceprofileStores data defining a profile that groups together multiple UC Services of various types
descriptionA localizable administrative description of the UC Service Profile
isdefaultIndicates whether or not this is the default UC Service Profile for the cluster
nameA unique name to identify the UC Service Profile (a collection of UC Services of different types)
pkidUnique identifier for the record
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure. Possible values can be - Hard Reset(1), Soft Reset(2), Apply Configuration(3)
versionstampNew guid is generated every time this UCServiceProfile is updated
ucserviceprofiledetailStores the specific hosts and settings to used when provisioning new users. Each detail record may include up to 3 UC Services of the specified type (e.g., 3 Conferencing services). The services must be of the same type but may be different products (e.g., both Unity and Unity Connection for voicemail).
fkucservice_1A reference to a configured UC Service of the specific type for the UC Service Profile Details. This is the Primary instance of this UC Service in the Profile
fkucservice_2A reference to a configured UC Service of the specific type for the UC Service Profile Details. This is the Secondary instance of this UC Service in the Profile
fkucservice_3A reference to a configured UC Service of the specific type for the UC Service Profile Details. This is the Tertiary instance of this UC Service in the Profile
fkucserviceprofileA reference to the UC Service Profile for which this record defines UC Services of a specified type (e.g., the Mail Store services)
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tkcertificateverificationlevelWhen used for a UC Service Type, a reference to the level of verification for security certificates needed for communication between hosts
tkucserviceA reference to the type of UC Service that this record defines in the UC Service Profile
ucserviceprofiledetailxmlStores additional provisioning data in XML format for the referenced UCService in the profile, as specified in the Advanced Profile Settings file for the referenced UC Service
fkucserviceprofiledetailA reference to the UC Service Profile Detail to which this XML applies
pkidUnique identifier for the record
xmlXML as defined in the Advanced Settings file for the UC Service type
ucservicexmlStores additional provisioning data in XML format for the referenced UCService, as specified in the Advanced Product Settings file for the referenced UC Product
fkucserviceA reference to the UC Service to which this XML applies
pkidUnique identifier for the record
xmlXML as defined in the Advanced Settings file for the UC Product type
ucuserprofileNamed Groupings of shared User Characteristics and Settings used to reduce manual input when defining user related information. The admin selects a Profile rather than each individual setting.
allowusertoselfprovisionuptodevlimitUser permission flag to allow Self-Provisiooning.
allowusertosetemmaxtimeAllow user to set Extension Mobility Max Login Time
descriptionPermits admin entry of locale-adjusted descriptive text to aid in UC User Profile selection.
enablemraIndicates whether MRA is enabled.
nameName used to identify and select the UC User Profile
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkmrapolicy_desktopPolicy setting for desktop devices.
tkmrapolicy_mobilePolicy setting for mobile devices.
userdevicelimitwhenselfprovisioningEven Users permitted to self-provision may not do so if it will cause them to have more than this many devices. Used to limit license consumption impact of inadvertent or excess user-initiated device configurations.
ucuserprofiledevicemapAssociates a UC User Profile with Universal Device Template(s) used in Quick Phone Provisioning of different category phones models
fkdeviceReference to Common device template
fkucuserprofileReference to the UC User Profile to which the associated Universal Device Template applies.
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tkphonecategorySpecified type of phone for assoication.
ucuserprofilenumplanmapAssociates a UC User Profile with the Universal Line Template used in Quick Phone Provisioning line setup.
fknumplanReference to numplan records
fkucuserprofileReference to UC User Profile to which the associated Universal Line Template applies.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
usageprofileCUBA: Usage Profile is a collection of different CUCM configurations that can be assigned to a group of users
allowedfeaturelistCSV string of feature numbers
allowemergencycallscheck for Emergency calls
allowemfordevicesExtension Mobility Allowed For Devices
allowemforusersExtension Mobility Allowed For Users
allowsinglenumberreachSingle Number Reach Allowed
allowvoicemailVoice Mail Allowed for the users belongs to this usageProfile
cfbdestinationDestination for Forward Busy in a Usage Profile
cfnadestinationDestination for Forward No Answer in a Usage Profile
descriptionDescription for usageprofile
devicexmlXML To hold phone specific parameters
fkcallingsearchspace_blockingStores a CSS reference for Blocking.
fkcommondeviceconfigCommon device onfig setting for useprofile
fkcommonphoneconfigCommon phone config for useprofile
fkphonetemplateReference to phonetemplate
mohaudiosourceMoh for useprofile
nameUnique name
pkidUnique id for useprofile table
tkcosrouting_maxReferece to CoSRouting
usageprofileendusermemberCUBA: Store the information of the enduser and usageprofile association
fkenduserReference to EndUser
fkusageprofileReference to UsageProfile
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tkuseentityReference to TypeUseEntity
usageprofileproductspecificCUBA: UsageProfileProductSpecific to store Usage Profile phone model specific information.
devicexmlXML for useprofileproductspecific
fkphonetemplateReference to phonetemplate for useprofileproductspecific
fkusageprofilerefernece to useprofile
pkidUnique id for UseProfileProductSpecific
tkdeviceprotocolProtocol type
tkproductproduct type
usageprofiletelecasterservicemapCUBA: To store associate phoneservices with usageprofile
fktelecasterserviceReference to Telecasterservice
fkusageprofileReference to usageprofile
ispushtotalkFlag to show if PTT is enabled
pkidUnique identifier for the record
usergroupDefines User Groups for administrative or organizational purposes.
deletedtimestampDeleted Timestamp for Usergroup
distinguishednameDistinguished Name of Group Object peresent on AD server.
nameName to identify the group
pkidUnique identifier for the record
statusActive or Inactive
uniqueidIt will be ObjectGUID from ActiveDirectory
usergroupmemberStores the association between User Groups and the Users from an external LDAP server.
deletedtimestampDeleted Timestamp for UsergroupMember
fkenduserRefernce for the EndUser record.
fkusergroupRefernce for the UserGroup record.
pkidUnique identifier for the record
statusActive or Inactive
userrankTable to store default and user configured ranks of rank heirarchy.
descriptionDescription of the configured rank.
enumenum is used for defining the position in the rank hierarchy. The lower the enum the higher up in the hierarchy.
nameA unique name for userrank.
usnUpdate sequence numbers and primary keys of objects to which they refer.
datetimestampTime value for last change
isdeletedIndicates whether the object specified by the pkid has been deleted
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkusntypeUSN type
usnUpdate sequence number for the object referenced by pkid.
usnreplsetReplication set and associated attributes.
lastusnHighest USN generated for the replication set
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
replicationsetIdentifier for the current replication set
usnsyncserviceReplication set for Directory Number Alias Sync Server and associated attributes.
lastusnHighest Update Sequence Number generated for the replication set for Directory Number Alias Sync Server
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
replicationsetIdentifier for the current replication set
usntombstoneuriUSNs for rows deleted from NumPlanURI.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
uriURI deleted from the database.
vipre164transformationIME E164 Transformation
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
nameName of the IME E164
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
viprexcludeddidpatterngroupIME Excluded Pattern Groups
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
nameName of the IME excluded DID Pattern Group
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
viprfilterelementIME Filter Elements
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
nameName of the IME Domain
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
viprfiltergroupIME Filter Groups
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
nameName of the IME Domain Group
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
viproffpathserverIME off path Servers
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
ipaddressIP Address for the IME
nameName of the ASA Server
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
portPort number to connect to the IME
viprpublisheddidpatternIME Enrolled Patterns
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
fkviprexcludeddidpatterngroupThe IME Pattern must be in IME Enrolled or Excluded Pattern Group or in both.
patternPublished DID Pattern
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
viprpublisheddidpatterngroupIME Enrolled Pattern Groups
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
ispatternallaliasAll the patterns are alias in this group
nameName of the IME Published DID Pattern Group
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
ipaddressIP Address for IME
nameName of IME
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
portPort number to connect to IME
reconnectintervalReconnect Interval
viprserviceIME Services
descriptionDescription is up to 128 characters including Unicode
nameName of the IME Network
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
viprserviceccmexternalipmapIME Service CallManager External IP Map
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
portPort number to connect to the IME
viprservicedidpatterngroupmapMany to many relationship between VIPR Services and DIDs
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
vipruriUsed for specifying for validated IME URI
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
viprurivalidateddidmapIME URI and Validated DID Map
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
viprvalidateddidIME Validated DIDs
fkdevice_sipSIP Device
pkidUnique ID to identify a record
vohserverContains data for video on hold server
defaultvideostreamidDefault Video Stream Identifier
descriptionDescription of Video On Hold Server
fkdeviceReference to a specific Device for SIP Trunk
nameVideo On Hold Server name
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
descriptionCannot change system VM Pilot record except default setting
directorynumberCannot change system VM Pilot record except default setting
fkcallingsearchspaceCannot change system VM Pilot record except default setting
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
descriptionCannot change system VM Profile record except default setting
fkvoicemessagingpilotCannot change system VM Profile record except default setting
nameCannot change system VM Profile record except default setting
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould this device or group be reset
tkresetSet by DeviceReset stored procedure.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
voicemailboxmaskCannot change system VM Profile record except default setting
vpngatewayVPN Head End (group of nodes sharing a URL for VPN access)
pkidUnique ID to identify VPNGateway record
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
vpngatewaycertificatemapCertificates associated with each VPN Gateway (up to 10 per VPN Gateway)
fkcertificateReferences Certificate Record
fkvpngatewayReferences VPNGateway Record
pkidUnique ID to identify VPNGatewayCertificateMap record
vpngroupOrdered list of VPN Gateways (primary, secondary, etc.)
pkidUnique ID to identify VPNGroup record
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
vpngroupvpngatewaymapMembers of each VPN Group)
fkvpngatewayReferences VPNGateway Record
fkvpngroupReferences VPNGroup Record
pkidUnique ID to identify VPNGroupVPNGatewayMap record
priorityRelative order of group members
vpnprofileVPN Profile
autonetworkdetectThe default is auto-network detection is disabled
enablehostidcheckThe default for EnableHostIDCheck is TRUE
failtoconnectThe FailToConnect time specifies the maximum time to wait for TCP connect, SSL setup, and login/connect request/response. The value range is 0 to 600 seconds (10 minutes). The 0 value disables FailToConnect timeout. The default value is 30 seconds.
mtuMTU value allows the system administrator to set the maximum limit of MTU for the tunnel. The actual MTU used can be less than this value. The supported configurable MTU value range is 256 bytes to 1406 bytes. The default MTU on CNU operating system and the maximum supported MTU is 1290 bytes. If the phone is configured with the value larger than 1290 bytes, the maximum MTU allowed will still be 1290 bytes.
passwordpersistentThe default is password persistent is disabled
pkidUnique ID to identify VPNProfile record
tkvpnclientauthenticationReference to TypeVPNClientAuthentication Table:User And Password (0), Password Only (1), Certificate (2). Non-null.
versionstampNew guid plus seconds past midnight 1970 are concatenated
webpagesectionStores provisioning administration web page section control information. The content of this table is maintained by CMUI team
displayorderOrder of display sections with in a web page
pkidUnique identifier for the record
tkwebpagedisplayReference to Web page Display
tkwebpagesectionReference to web page section
wifihotspotprofileHotspot Profile is used to send Wireless Hotspot configuration to phones that support the feature.
authserverSpecifies Authentication Server in either IP address or HostName format
authserverportPort on which it makes the connection.
descriptionDescription of the Hotspot Profile.
nameName of the Hotspot Profile.
passdescriptionUsed to recall forgotten password.
passwordreverseUsed for digest authentication
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkhotspotauthenticationmethodType of Authentication used by Hotspot.
tkwififrequencyType of WiFi frequency used.
tkwlanprofilechangesType of changes allowed to this Hotspot profile.
versionstampNew guid is generated every time this Hotspot Profile is updated
wirelesslanprofileWireless LAN Profile that can be associated to a wireless device.
descriptionDescription of the Wireless LAN Profile.
fknetworkaccessprofileReference to Network Access profile for Wireless LAN profile.
nameName of the Wireless LAN Profile.
passdescriptionUsed to recall forgotten password.
passwordreverseUsed for digest authentication
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
tkwifiauthenticationmethodType of Authentication used.
tkwififrequencyType of WiFi frequency used.
tkwifiusercertificateType of UserCertificate for EAP-TLS AuthenticationMethod.
tkwlanprofilechangesType of Wireless LAN Profile changes.
useridUser identification name.
wirelesslanprofilegroupStores Wireless LAN Group details which can hold up to 4 Wireless LAN Profiles.
descriptionDescription of the Wireless LAN Profile Group.
nameName of the Wireless LAN Profile Group.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
resettoggleShould the devices associated to this Wireless LAN Profile Group be reset.
versionstampNew guid is generated every time this Wireless LAN Profile Group is updated
wirelesslanprofilegroupmemberSpecifies which Wireless LAN Profiles are members of a particular Wireless LAN Group.
fkwirelesslanprofileReference to Wireless LAN Profile.
fkwirelesslanprofilegroupReference to Wireless LAN Profile Group.
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
wsmdeviceContains data for WSM Trunk implementation
destinationaddressip address or Domain name of WSM device
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
wwwcookieUsed for cookie (and related stats) on browsers
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.
xmldisplayinstancerulemapMaps an XML display instance to an XML rule - both stored in scratch table
pkidUnique ID to identify a record.

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